

"I don't blame either of you." Willa said softly. The look in her eyes said otherwise. Alex knew it was his fault. He wasn't entirely sure if he was the one who hit her, but that didn't make it any less his fault. And he felt awful about it.

Stephen was talking now. Alex was sure he should be paying attention, but he just couldn't. His mind was too focused on the girl lying on the ground in front of him. It was too much. He would not let anything hurt her again. Especially not himself. He may not be her guardian, but he sure as hell was gonna act like it. For her and Trina. Sadly though, he knew he would not be able to do it on his own.

"So for now...I would advise a truce." Alex looked up, right as Stephen said that. He could feel Willa's eyes on him, but he remained silent for a moment. Stephen was right, of course, he had just come to the same conclusions moments ago, so why was it so hard to admit?

Because his entire life, he'd had to stay away from people like Stephen. The Angels were even angrier about his life at the academy than the sorcerer's were. It was difficult to trust someone you had grown up hating. But wasn't that exactly what everyone else here was trying to do?

He sighed loudly, cutting off his mental babbling. "I couldn't agree more. Until we can figure out some way for all of us to be safe, we have no choice but to remain together." Slowly, hesitantly, he raised his eyes to search the angel's face--carefully avoiding direct eye contact, it was bad to make direct eye contact with a necro, very bad-- and extended his hand.

Just as slowly, Stephen's own hand reached out and grasped his.

"Great. We have a truce. But what we really need is a plan. I mean, we can't exactly stay out here in the open with Raven on the hunt can we?" Willa's question was calm, but there was a panicked light in her eyes. "Not to mention my uncle and the guys..."

Stephen's face was a mask of pure confusion. "Uncle? Guys? I don't understand."

Willa fidgeted, clearly not wanting to explain her home life scenario, or the state in which she had left it.

"Well, you see," Alex began, looking over at her for approval from her to tell the story.

She nodded once. If he is going to be our ally, he has a right to know what sort of danger we are in... other than Raven."

"Agreed. Stephen, Willa's family was not too happy that she left with me. In fact, they had tried to keep me prisoner, and were very... furious... when they found out Willa helped me escape." Alex quickly launched into the story, feeling odd about talking so much, but enjoying it nonetheless. And that, is how they spent the rest of their evening, listening to Alex's intense voice fill them in on everything that had happened within the last few days.