
Witch Hunter

Willa tipped her head to the side and felt something...strange. It was a pull she recognized and yet didn't. It wasn't quite magic, actually it wasn't magic at all. It was something else entirely. Her eyes flicked to Alex and she had all the confirmation that she needed. There was a witch hunter tracking them. She didn't know how it was possible. After all, witch hunters rarely came so far out. So what had this hunter been banking on as it tracked them? She wished now that she had paid more attention to when her uncle had told her stories about how he and the other hunters had worked. It would have come in handy at a time like now. Back then she had thought that she would never need that knowledge. After all, who attacks a hunter's niece?

"Thalli Thallium," Willa whispered the spell. It rolled off her tongue in a breath and began to form and take the shape of a little bird. It was going to be a hard spell to hold as the little bird flew forward, Willa seeing through its eyes. She saw the hunter and her brow furrowed. She had seen the man before. She just couldn't remember where that was. He looked up and noticed her little bird watching him. Her heart began to sink as she watched him reach down for something. "Thallium Tha-" Before she could undo the spell, a knife pierced the little magic bird, disentigrating it. Willa felt the pain of the small death rush through her chest making it hard to breath.

"Willa?" She could make out Alex's voice and clung to it as she sucked in deep gusts of air trying to calm and still her body.

"I vote...we run," she pleaded between deep breaths of air.

"What just happened?" Stephen asked clearly confused. She was almost certain that Alex glared at the angel for that comment, but she couldn't clearly trust her judgement at the moment.

"It's too late," Alex said instead turning as the foliage began to move again. The man who stepped out was tall and lean. His hair was a light brown, but his eyes were a bright vivid blue.

"I just want the witch, I don't hunt Half-Breeds and you others," the man said his eyes locked on Willa.

Stephen snorted. "Than I say we give-" a smack resounded telling clearly that Katrina had just hit him. "-the bastard nothing," he corrected his sentence quickly.
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Haha, have to give everyone their moments ;)

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