

Stephen was seriously freaking out. He had never been so scared or panicked in his entire life. He couldn't lose Trina. That was all he seemed to be able to think. He had to do everything in his power to save and protect her. In this case, that seemed that he had to try and find herbs. He gritted his teeth and he looked through the different herbs.

"What am I doing?" he groaned racking his hands through his hair. "I don't even know WHAT I'm looking for!" he snapped. He spun around, his eyes flickering over the different plants around him. He could feel her wanting to fade even as his own consciousness held her here so that they could have the chance to save her.

He let out a roar feeling water acclimate to him and swirl around him following his sea of emotions. "Wait a second," he muttered as the water paused in it's rotation. He suddenly felt like an idiot. One of the first things that the Guardian Angels had been taught was that they could, and should, use their powers to heal. Some were easier than others, but all could.

Water was one of the simpler ones.

Running back through the trees Stephen fell to his knees and slid forward, pushing the other male aside as he focused on Katrina. "God I hope this works," he muttered as he started to pull all of the water towards him again. He started to pull it particularly from the plants around them. He didn't care if the plants lived or died. As long as he could save Katrina.

Focusing the water into a small area he started to use it to mend her wound, his eyes turning white as all his energy went into the healing magic. As the last of the magic left him, his body started to shake and he pitched forward across Katrina's body exhausted. He needed to sleep. Maybe that was why the instructor had advised that they learn to heal in a closed environment.
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Sorry the chapter was short but Stephen was a little frantic and wouldn't let me have it go on any longer.