

He paced around his small room, thinking. He just couldn't seem to get it out of his head. Why would a random witch decide to talk with him? Him, of all people. It just didn't make sense. Was she trying to trick him? Maybe lure him into a false sense of security then have those three big men she was always with, yes Alex had done his research on the girl, ambush and perhaps even kill him?

He wasn't willing to take such a huge risk.

It just wasn't worth it.

Yet, no matter how many times he told himself that, he couldn't stop thinking about Willa. It wasn't that he was attracted to her, or anything. On the contrary, he found her hyper attitude rather annoying and in just the few minutes they had been together she had gotten on his nerves. No, the real reason he was so intrigued with her was because he wanted to know what she wanted from him.

Even at the Academy, where he lived and attended school, much to the annoyance of many full blood Sorcerers and Sorceress, where it was packed and always full of people, no one had ever spoken to him even half so long as he did. It was sort of a nice reminder that he was not invisible.

Was it possible that witches were not really as bad as they were made out to seem? His mother had been one, but he never got to know her before she died. Maybe it was the sorcerers who were bad?

"No," Alex said quietly to himself, "I really shouldn't think such thoughts when I am surrounded by already quite hostile sorcerers." He sighed.

He even regretted lying to the girl, a little bit. Maybe they could have spoken, become friends even? He would have really liked to have a friend to talk to, even if she was an annoying little witch.

Maybe he could find her, and start over? He did know where she worked...

"Snap out of it, Alex!" he growled at himself. "She's a witch, she's bad news, and you need to stay away from her!"

He threw himself down on his bed and buried his face in his pillow.

He was just so confused.

He didn't like the girl from the moment he met her, but he also didn't like not knowing whether they could have been friends or not. His uncertainty was killing him.

He sighed once more, and curled up awkwardly on his bed. He would just have to think this out better in the morning.

Sunrise came, and Alex still hadn't fallen asleep. He did, however, make his decision.

Not matter how stupid it was, or how bad the consequences were, he had to find this Willa Cox again. He was sure that if he didn't, he would go completely insane.

Now, to figure out the safest place to meet her...
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