Status: Dead. Just keeping it around in case Madeline or I ever feel compelled to read it again.

Fire And Ice


I kept staring at the ground and taking deep breaths, trying to analyze Dante's words. Was she lying or joking?

We returned home. I had no idea who Greed was and they were explaining it to me.

"We thought Greed died... We wanted all seven sins, and then we found you." Dante said.

Her voice shakey, well she was an old woman, after all.

"You were supposed to be Greed," she continued, "When we thought- well no, when we confirmed Greed was dead, we were going to rename you-" her voice broke off.

How could this be happening?!

"Well," I started to ask her "do you even know who created me, made me be brought up in this world?"

I looked around the room at all of them. Everyone was there: Lust, Envy, Gluttony (who had blood dripping from his mouth, left over from earlier), Sloth, Pride (he told everyone that he wasn't going to be at Central)... Everybody except Greed.

Come to think of it, I never really saw Greed...

"No knowledge of that yet. We were going to name you Wrath, but you're calm and we wanted to wait a couple of years to confirm that there wasn't another Wrath." Dante sighed and forced a weak smile. "You just randomly appeared out of nowhere and you had a bracelet that said 'KOTSUYKI' on it, so we named you that."

"It's a shame, really," she continued "I really want to know who created you."

"How can we find out who created me?" I asked her.

Her weak smile vanished into a frown. "We don't know yet, but it would help if we knew."

"Well," I said, trying to change the subject "Can I stay at your house for the night, Dante? It would help me. I hate daily routines and I have to watch over the town tomorrow! Remember, my State Alchemist job?!"

Dante nodded. I personally loved her mansion.

"Okay, just get your outfit ready for tomorrow and wake up early. You know how far away my house is from Central."

"And since you're going to Central," Envy inturrupted- wait, I thought he left... "go find Edward Elric. That's how you can help me." Then he stormed off and slammed Dante's door after that. He was super OMEGA mad. Dante stared the door for a second, speechless.

She shook her head like she was very confused and then walked up her staircase. She didn't speak to me until the next morning.


Dante didn't speak much in the morning.

My alarm clock rang at 5:01 AM and I jumped up to go take a shower.

After drying myself off, I got dressed and stared at myself in the mirror.

Blue hair pulled into a ponytail, skinny jeans, a silver bracelet that read "Kotsuyki" (the one Dante spokee of), and white gloves. Also, a blue hoodie with a cross-snake thing on the back. Dante said it would bring good luck.

I had a tiny breakfast and ran out the door.

I arrived at Central at approximately 6:28AM. "Wow, new record." I thought.

Suddenly, this blond short kid walked by me.

Wait- That's the Elric kid!

"Excuse me, Miss, but have you heard anything about a black-ashy stone? It would help me and a special friend out if you had any information."

Him and the tin can thing introduced themselves.

"Hi I'm Ed this is my younger brother, Alphonse."

The tin can nodded and gave a wave to me.

"Well, um," I said "Let's walk together, then we can talk."

I was scared about what I was about to tell them. It may shatter and expose secrets from the past that I've never told anybody. Only me and the other homunculi know.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yo, Rachel here. Madeline is grounded, so I'm posting for her.