Status: Dead. Just keeping it around in case Madeline or I ever feel compelled to read it again.

Fire And Ice


I regained consciousness and tried to wiggle my toes. It was all I could manage, since my arms and legs felt like lead.

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times.

I was in a hospital. Oh god.

I saw Edward leaning over me.

"Vendetta?!" he said after he saw me wake. He looked glad that I had made it through the night.

He informed me that Al and Gerard busted through the shack door and scared the homunculi off. Scar fled as well.

A hermet living in the woods stumbled upon the scene, and accompanied us to Central Hospital.

Ed was treated for a few minor cuts and some bruising, and me.... well, you know I fainted...

Hughes entered the room with a little girl by his side.

"Oh good, Vendetta, you're awake! I want you to meet my daughter Alicia!" He said her name like he was the proudest father in the world. I wonder if my dad was like that with me...

Alicia was young, about four or five, with light brown hair and big green eyes. She looked frightened and confused. I could tell that she didn't enjoy being in the hospital.

"It's 'bring your child to work' day." Edward explained.

Coronal Mustang and his first lieutenant Riza Hawkeye stormed into the room. Well, Mustang stormed, Hawkeye just walked.

"What the hell were you thinking, chasing homunculi?!" Mustang yelled.

"It was Ed's idea." I groaned.

Mustang was about to start screaming at Edward, but before he could speak, Lt. Hawkeye cut him off.

"Sir, don't berate the children for this," She calmly said. "They found Scar, didn't they?"

Mustang sighed, "But he got away, Lieutenant."

She looked at the ground for a second before the Coronal led her out of the room.

Hughes and Alicia were giggling with each other in the corner of the room. It made me miss my dad... even though I had no memory of him.

Ed plopped down on the edge of my bed and sighed.

"I'm sorry I got you into that, Vendetta." He said.

"It's okay," I replied "I'm sorry for fainting."

He smiled.

Gerard and Al strolled into the room.

When Gee saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Vendetta!!!" He yelled. He ran over to me and licked my face.

"I was so worry about you!" He said.

"Actually," I spoke "I was worried about you, Gerard."

He nuzzled my neck, making me smile.

Just then, I heard a "meow" from somewhere in the room.

Gerard started barking at Alphonse.

Al reached into his armor and pulled a orange kitten out of it.

Edward looked at him disapprovingly.

"She was following us outside, brother." Al explained. "Can we keep her??"

Ed shook his head and Al sighed, "Okay. I'll go put her outside."

He left the room with the small orange tabby in his hands.


I was discharged from the hospital four hours later at two-thirty PM.

Edward and Alphonse were told by the Furher to keep and eye on me, so they're letting me stay with them.

They unlocked the door to their hotel room and opened it, revealing a living room, small dining area, a door leading off to a bedroom, and a bathroom.

It was small, but Ed and Al weren't really home a lot, so they didn't need much.

I walked into the living area and plopped on the couch. I let a heavy sigh escape my lips.

"You okay?" Ed sat on the edge of the coffee table facing me.

His beautiful golden eyes locked with mine, ready to listen to what I have to say.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

He sat there for a second and I looked him over. He really wasn't that bad looking...

'Oh god, STOP IT.' I thought. If I were to like Ed, I would be breaking one of Gerard and I's Rules For Survival.

About a year ago, Gee and I made up some rules for surviving everyday life. The first was, by far, the most important.


That's why it's just Gerard and I. We have an internal mission to complete. I have to get my memory back and Gee has to get his body back.

That's how it is, and that's how it'll stay.

I stood up off the couch and wandered into the bathroom on my right.

I stared at the girl in the mirror. She stared back at me.

She had long black hair and dark green eyes. She wore square glasses around them.

She was dressed in a black tanktop and blue skinny jeans. She wore a long gray trench coat over it.

She was tough and bitter.

I wondered if a monster like that could ever love anyone...

Or if anyone could ever love that monster.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long. I had to update my other story and I had a HUGE test to study for... but I failed the test, so yeahh.... :[

Anyways, expect ch 6 soon from Madeline. :]
