Status: Dead. Just keeping it around in case Madeline or I ever feel compelled to read it again.

Fire And Ice


I scrammed out of the weird place.

Atleast the girl wasn't dead! That made me feel better...but I knew I would have to kill her someday if I meet her again.

I was also happy because Dante was proud of me : I made somebody faint, it wasn't the right time to kill Edward Elric, and I became a State Alchemist.

The only problem was that since Edward Elric was also a State Alchemist, so if he or that magical tin can or any other thing recognized me, I would be in BIG trouble.

Hmmm... what could I do...

I could say that I have a twin sister...

Or that I was trying to defeat the homunculus.....

Or that I was thinking that THEY were homunculi....

Wait....didn't I morph into an older person or not...God I hope so....

Envy said "No, you stayed your own form which WAS pretty stupid."

No good no good.

"But..." Envy continued "You made your skin a snow-ish color. Better than nothing I suppose. It was still stupid you didn't change your appearance!"

YES!!!! I don't normally have snow skin so that would be easy to change.

Hmmm... now just to put my hair up and wear something different. THEN I can go to wherever I want.


I stared at the mirror.

Hair pulled to pig-tails, and since it was winter I wore a long-sleeved hoodie with a tiny embroidered snowflake on both of the strings and skinny jeans.

I heard a seemed familiar,

"Well out for a walk, aren't we Winter Alchemist?"

It was a voice who seemed familiar but i couldn't tell whose voice it was. It was Pride's (the Fuhrer's) . I looked at Pride. He seemed happy. "Well, another State Alchemist is in the hospital. I think it would be nice if you could visit her." Pride walked away then.

HER!? So not Edward Elric....but who!?

If it made HER feel better, I decided to buy a teddy bear. It had a little creme shirt on that said in bold letters "GET WELL SOON" Only costed $10.

The hospital was a long ways to go to. I was in town square, but more closer to the woods. I could see the hospital, for it was gigantic.

When I got there, I asked a nurse who seemed friendly.

I asked "Ummm...I'm a state alchemist and I was just wondering...I heard that there was another State Alchemist who was hurt and I wanted to see how they were doing. Do you know who and how they are?"

The nurse seemed confused and annoyed "This hospital is for State Alchemists ONLY. Ok...what is their name?"

Hmmm... WAIT! I remember Ed shouting "VENDETTA!!!" So, if the name was Vendetta and she was a state alchemist...then thats who Pride wanted me to meet...

"I don't know the last that okay?"

"Unless somebody has the same first name, its ok"


"OH! The Black Blaze Alchemist!? Ok! Room 13!

I walked to Room 13 in a dull hallway. Dimly lit, some lights were broken. Other than that, the place seemed nice.

'Oh IS her...I saw the girl who I let faint staring at me. This might not go too well...' I thought.
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HELLO! This chapter was by mewmeow953
XD Expect the next chapter by Xx_TheBlackBlaze_xX soon! Bai bai