Status: Dead. Just keeping it around in case Madeline or I ever feel compelled to read it again.

Fire And Ice


*Four Days Later*

Edward and Alphonse went to some labratory late at night. I was worried about them, so Gerard and I followed close behind.

Yeah yeah, I felt feelings and whatnot... Screw you. The Coronal told me to keep an eye on them.

This labratory was connected to the prison. It's called Labratory 5.

I hid outside of the building while I heard Al battling someone- something.

I saw a hole in the brick wall lining the outside of the building and I looked through it.

Al was fighting with a large metal man much like himself. Only this one was wearing a skull mask.

"Who are you?!" Al asked him.

"The name the Labratory gave me was Number 66. But before I was this I was known as Barry the Butcher..." Barry the Butcher said "Or my personal favorite BARRY THE CHOPPER!"

He ran at Alphonse and pinned him against the wall.

Barry the Chopper was making Al question his existance by feeding him lies... (As far as I know... I mean, I was just going by what Edward told me, so was Alphonse...)

Gerard started barking behind me.

"Shh, Gee."

"No, Vendetta, turn around!" Gerard said.

I turned around and I was face to face with Scar.

I panicked and hopped through the hole in the brick wall.

Scar groaned and followed me in.

Barry the Chopper gasped.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the building. It left a large gaping hole leading into the dark corridors of Labratory 5.

Barry, seeing the opprotunity at hand, jumped through the hole.

Al yelled, "Wait!"

"If you really want to know the answer, you've gotta come find me!" He sang.

Alphonse was preparing to jump though the hole when Scar said,

"Where do you think you're going, Alphonse Elric?"

"Uhh..." Al began, "Nowhere."

"Good. Come on."

Scar led us through dimly lit hallways.

Scar froze. "I hear something."

I heard it to. It sounded like growling.

"C-chimeras..." I managed to spit out.

They were running towards us down the corridor.

They finally got to us. Me, Alphonse, and Scar started beating up Chimeras while Gerard cowered in a corner. I didn't expect much from him. He can't really do alchemy or fight.

Blood coated the floors as we continued down the hall.

We stopped when we heard another explosion.

We heard footsteps running towards us.

The figure stopped when it got to us. It was Ed. He was holding what looked to be a helmet.

He was out of breath.

"H-homunculi.... Prisoners... Philosopher's Stone..." He panted.

There was another explosion. This one was right by the wall be were standing at.

Four homunculi stepped out. It was Lust, Gluttony, Envy, and the Winter Alchemist.

Ed, Gerard, Al and I started running down the hall while Scar kept the homunculi busy.

We got out of the labratory and ran to our hotel room.

We took a second to catch our breath.

"Edward," I said "What did you see in there?"

"I saw Shou Tucker," He said. Shou Tucker? I thought he was dead! "He was trying to make a Philosopher's Stone,"

Ed had told us about the Philosopher's Stone a few days before. He thinks it might be the key to restoring his missing limbs, Al's body, my memory, and Gerard's body.

"He was using prisoners..." Ed continued.

"But the homunculi set it all up. They tried to get me to transmute the red liquid and the prisoners to make a Philosopher's Stone. But there was an explosion, and the transmutation failed."

"So the prisoners died anyway, brother?" Alphonse asked.

Edward was tearing up.

"Yes... All those innocent lives were... wasted."

I felt like crying too. I was tough, but I couldn't waste innocent lives, even if they were convicts.

I put my arm around him. I was trying to comfort him, because it wasn't his fault.

"It wasn't your fault, Ed." I said to him.

"Yes it was! If I hadn't gone to the stupid labratory in the first place, They could've-"

"Just shut up, Edward."

He did shut up.

I wondered what happened to Scar. I'm sure he got away from the homunculi...

I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard snoring. Ed fell asleep with his head on my shoulder.

I stood up and layed him down on the couch. I put my trench coat over him.

He smiled in his sleep.

I went and layed on the bed, kicking my shoes off in the process.

I thought about everything... Edward... The Philosopher's Stone... Homunuli.... Scar... Gerard...

Then I fell asleep and began to dream.
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