Status: short story, complete

I Do

i love you.

"Bert!" I hissed, shaking him. "Get up, grease ball!"

"Fuck off." He grumbled, rolling over.

"Seriously? You're gonna be late to your own wedding?" I fumed, adjusting the bags in my arms. "Whatever. I'm going." I kissed his forehead.

"Love you." He called as I left. I cracked a smile.

"Love you, too." I walked out, hopping in my sister's Hummer.

"About fucking time." She said, frowning. "Is his greasy ass up?"

"Sorta." I shrugged, turning and putting the bags in the back. She opened her door, jumping out.

"Be right back." She grinned, skipping inside. A moment later, I heard Bert yelling as Bri came running out, laughing, holding a blow horn in her hand. She discarded it on the lawn, getting back into the driver's seat. "He's up." She giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"He'll get you for that, you know." She started the car, grinning.

"I know."


"Aw, Tori." Michy, walking in, said. "You look beautiful. Great job on the makeup, Bri." Bri beamed.

"Thank ya kindly."

"Now, move it or lose it. I've got a hairstyle to do." Bri stepped away, giving me a thumbs up as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"Does it really look good?" I tried looking over my shoulder at the mirror, but she pushed my face forward.

"You look amazing. Stop fidgeting, you're messing it up." I frowned, staying still. My phone rang after a moment. "I got it." She flipped it open. "Yello?"

"Where's Tori?" A voice said.

"Gettin' her hair done by yours truly." She answered. "Can I take a message?"

"Tell her her fiancee is being a douchebag. He wants to see her."

"Hell no!" She barked. "He can't!"

"CODE BLUE!" Bri yelled, followed by multiple men's voices. "CODE BLUE, HIDE THE BRIDE!" She flung my phone away, pulling me up.

"We're going to the attic, aren't we?"

"Yup." She frowned, lugging her hair styling bag in one hand and dragging me with the other. "Stupid asshole. I knew he'd do this."

"I figured he would." I laughed.

"Wait for me! Wait for me!" Bri yelled. "Off, you animals, off! Back up! Back up!" I turned, watching her fight off about 4 men with a chair, like a lion tamer. "HI-YA!" She chucked it at them, sprinting for us and diving in through the halfway open door. She kicked it closed, scrambling to lock it. "BOOYA!"

"Let me see my woman!" Bert yelled.

"No! It's unlucky!"

"Who cares! Let me in!"


"Stop yelling and do my hair!" I yelled, silencing them. "Bert, get the fuck out!"

"Fine." He huffed. "Totally unfair." I heard him say.

"Life is unfair, honey. Life is unfair."

"It's fair to me. I got you, didn't I?"

"Aww." Bri said. I snorted.

"Cute. You're still not coming in."



We finally made it to the beach. It was decorated perfectly. I had to remind myself to thank the wedding planner. The pianist began to play random songs, and before I knew it, it was time to walk down the aisle. Toward Bert. Toward marriage. Toward my new life. I walked carefully, daddy at my side. Bert watched me, smiling brightly, wearing a classy yet casual tux. Daddy kissed my head, and Bri and Michy both took the flowers from me, smiling.

"We are gathered here today..." The pastor said, but I was too zoned in on Bert to listen. I stared into his eyes, smiling softly. Suddenly, all I heard was, directed to me, "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." He closed his book. "You may kiss the bride." Bert's lips covered mine and the guests, our friends and families, cheered loudly. I heard my parents, and Bri and Mich, crying. Jepha, Quinn and Dan were fake crying too, but I knew they were swelling with pride deep down.

"I love you so much." Bert whispered. I smiled.

"I love you, too."