Beyond Imagination

Chapter Nine

Riannon slowly began to focus back into reality as the shimmering light slowly dissipated. It slowly faded back into her book that she was holding and she finally focused on the new world around her. Riannon was no longer in her bedroom. Instead, she found herself surrounded by jungle trees that seemed similar to the tropical Amazon of the south American country of Brazil. The echo of birds could be heard in the background and she sensed many living things all around her. It was a little bit dark, but yet there was sunlight above the treetops. The ground was littered with twigs and leaves that had fallen from above her or around her, but otherwise was made up of dirt with a few patches of grass dotted beneath the natural litter.

Riannon found herself standing on what appeared to be stone ruins of some sort of structure that had collapsed many years ago. There were some stone pillars around a circular foundation. The circular foundation that she stood upon was thick and wide, and aside from the one large crack that extended almost to the center of the foundation, it was mostly intact. Some of the pillars were standing straight-up from the ground while a few others were bent and leaned over. Riannon saw that there were seven around her in the immediate vicinity. She wasn't sure whether there were more pillars outside the ruins, but her common sense told her that whatever purpose these ruins had probably required the pillars to be close-by.

She still held the book in her hands. After what felt like a long time, she finally looked down at the book. It appeared normal once again. There was no trace of any light inside the book or damage to the pages themselves. If she didn't know any better, she would have guessed that even the pages didn't even move as she held the book. Again, she was fascinated by such a magical experience and simply stared at the book with shock and awe for a good minute before finally closing it and letting it rest by her side.

A path leading from the ruins away into the jungle caught her eyes. The path appeared worn and traveled. It was possible that it could be recent and the thought of what could lie outside the small clearing with the ruins began to run through Riannon's mind. Perhaps a civilization filled with Aztecs or Inca's was close-by. Would she be sacrificed?

She quickly shook the thought away and decided that if she was going to look around, she was better off following the path closely, but not traveling on it. She knew the stories of riders, criminals, and organized civilizations that could travel on the path and easily spot her as she was on her way to wherever it led. If she took that chance, it could very well spell instant doom and that was one possibility she wanted to pass. However, she could not contain the feelings of adventure and curiosity that filled her heart and mind. This was a new world. There could be many creatures here and perhaps even humans. The thoughts exhilarated Riannon and provoked her to step down from the circular foundation which she found herself standing on.

Without a person or a piece of information which she could get information from, she had to assume that she was on her own. Without delay, she slowly started towards the path to the newest adventure she faced before her - a new world.