Status: Early Stages... Be Patient...

Beautifully Eccentric

Chapter One

“I’m Rosie. Rosie Collins.” A small, pale hand obstructed my vision. I scowled at its source. A short, curvy girl, with piercing green eyes and flaming red hair beamed at me.

“Why are you talking to me?” I wanted to finish my book. I pushed a lock of my ash blonde hair out of my eyes.

“‘Cause no one else was!” She was still smiling.


“Well you looked lonely!” She grinned, “I just moved from Canada! Don’t suppose you know where London, Canada is, do ya?”

“I do.”

“Really?” She laughed, “That’s funny ‘cause no one else does.”

“That’s because they are all stupid.” Why am I engaging in conversation with her? When she finds out who I am, she’ll hate just like the rest of them. I shoved my glasses up my nose.

“Yeah, well I figured they would at least know that London, England has got a namesake, and all.” She grinned at me.

“Oh.” I ignored her, and read the next few lines in my book.

She sat down next to me, “So what are you reading?”

“Why do you care?”

“I dunno, looks interesting. More interesting than me anyway.”

I smiled. Why was I smiling? I don’t smile, “It’s Pride & Prejudice.”

“Ooh! I like that book!” She grabbed it from me, “Ooh, you’re at the part when he first confesses he loves her.” She grinned, “God, Lizzy was such a bitch.”

We talked. It was about the first intellectual conversation I’ve had at this bloody school. Excepting teacher conversations, although those aren’t really intellectual.

I found out her favourite character was Lydia, even though she was kind of a prat. I also found out that her favourite scene in the most recent movie was when Darcy confesses his love to Elizabeth for the first time, even if it wasn’t really faithful to the book. I hadn’t wanted to see that movie because Kiera Knightly was Elizabeth, but Rosie assured me that she did a spectacular job. In fact Rosie had brought that movie with her to England, so she told me that we would have to get together to watch it sometime. I actually agreed and we set the date: this Friday.

The bell rang for class and she got up, “Well I guess I’d better go.” She looked at me, “You know, I still don’t know your name.”

“It’s Kenneth Glynn, but you can call me Kenny.” Only my brother, Reid calls me Kenny.

“Nice to meet you, Kenny.”

“Nice to meet you too Rosie.” And we shook hands. What a strange way to start a friendship.
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I don't know where this is going, but I hope it gets there.

As always comments are loved

~ Elona