The Hiding Hills

All Alone With My Memory

John took Garrett to Sierra's room. They walked slowly and Garrett heart beats faster. He was thinking about what Sierra’s grandfather wants to talk about. He took a deep breath before John opened the door. Two pair of eyes was watching them when John opened the door. One is an old man who was sat next to the bed, he must be Sierra's grandfather and the other one is a boy with a same age like them who was standing beside him. He must be the apprentice that everyone talking about.

"Sir?" said John when he walked in.

Sierra's grandfather nodded and they walked closer to him. Garrett couldn't help himself not to look after Sierra.

"Sierra? Sierra, are you alright?" Garrett stood in the opposite side of Sierra's grandfather and he held Sierra's hand.

"She's dying" said her Grandfather.

"What? No... No! She'll be fine. She will be fine. She will wake up!" Garrett tried not to freak out when he heard his girlfriend's Grandfather said that.

Her Grandfather sighed, "can you both leave us alone", told him to John and the boy.

"Yes sir!" replied the boy and he walked out with John was following him behind and then close the door.

"Okay, so you're Garrett. Am I right?" asked him.

"Yes sir"

"Well I'm Gregory, Sierra's grandfather"

"I know who you are. My friends already told me about you" said Garrett without seeing Gregory’s face.

"I know I was wrong. I should have told you too about everything. I should tell Sierra about the truth too so she will be aware if something likes this happen" said Gregory and his face looked so felt sorry.

"Feel sorry won't change anything. Sierra already hurt and now she lays here in the hospital bed. Dying. I... I can't imagine my life without her" Garrett looked down and he kissed Sierra's upper hand and his tears started to run down his cheek.

"I'm sorry. Only if I can turn time, I don't want my beautiful granddaughter to be like this"

"Why she can be like this? I believe the shapeshifter didn't her hurt" asked Garrett to Gregory but his eyes still stuck in Sierra.

"The shapeshifter took half of her soul"

"What!? I thought shapeshifter just absorb people memories?"

"Not only just that. When they want to completely turned and become someone for a long time, it took the soul too. That goddamn shapeshifter already took half of my granddaughter's soul. That's why she's dying. Even medication can't help her" Gregory started to sobbed and he covered his face with his hands.

"Is there anything I can do to help her? Please Greg, tell me something! I will do anything to help her. I will!" Garrett walked to Gregory and he begged him on his knee.

"There's nothing you can do son. You can't heal or recover a corrupted soul" said Gregory.

"No! No it must be a way to help her! No! I won't let her die! I won't!!!" Garrett got up and he walked back to Sierra's side.

His friends heard his scream and walked to the room immediately. They gathered around in front of the room and looked at him through the glass between the room and the corridor.

"Baby, please wake up. Please don't go. Can you hear me Sierra? Please answer me please" cried Garrett hopelessly.

Hayley couldn't help herself not to cry when she saw Garrett tried to wake Sierra up. She was sobbing and cried on Kennedy's chest.

"Garrett. Garrett calm down" Gregory held Garrett shoulder but no use.

"Don't tell me to calm down. She's dying! I can't calm ok!"

"Son! There is still one thing to help her" said Gregory calmly.

"What? How? I'll do anything"

"You don't have to know how. I am the one who will do it. But... There a consequence if do this"

"What's that?" asked Garrett.

Gregory didn't answer him. He stood still and looking at his granddaughter with shaded eyes. He looked sad but he didn't want anybody knows it. He walked closer to Sierra and then he kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry for let you in danger. I'm such a bad Grandfather" he sighed deeply and it made Garrett confuse.

"Sir?" asked him.

"Can we talk outside, son? Your friends need to know about this too" said Gregory.

Garrett nodded and he followed Gregory walked outside the bedroom hospital. His friends still gathered in front of the room. Some of them squatting on the floor and they got up when they saw Garrett and Gregory came outside.

"Blake, can you accompany my granddaughter until I come back?" asked him to his apprentice, who laid back on the wall in front of Garrett's friends.

He nodded and walked into Sierra's room. Garrett saw Blake sat on the couch and he kept looking at Sierra.

"Can you all come with me and sit in the waiting room in front of the reception desk? I need to tell you something" said Gregory and they got up in union and followed him to the waiting room.

Gregory sat on the sofa and Garrett sat next to him. Hayley sat on the couch, Cassadee sat next to her in the middle followed by Pat. Kennedy sat on the edge of the sofa beside Hayley. John and Jared stood in front of them because there was no chair left.

"You all know that Sierra can't be recovered with human medication" stated Gregory and they all nodded. "And I said that nothing can help her, but I lied. There's one thing that can help her alive"

"Really? What is that? We will do anything, sir!" said Cassadee.

"No. You all can't do this. I am the only one who can help her. But..." Gregory took a deep breath. "But I have a provision. I want all the memories about this gone from your brain. Including all the memories that you all have about Sierra"

"What do you mean Greg!?" asked Garrett. "What do you mean you want us to forget about her? No I can't!"

"And I won't do it! Sierra needs a brand new life. Don't you get the trauma she has if she wake up and remember about all of them? I don't want my granddaughter live in a nightmare"

"He's right Garr. If I can I want Cass forget about this too" said Pat and Cassadee held his hands.

"Your memories about one another will be gone too. I don't want to take a risk. You all will have a new life. Will start all of it from the beginning" added Gregory.

Pat and Cassadee pretty shock when they heard it. The rest of the group went into silent. They were thinking now. They want Sierra to be ok, but it means they need to remove all the memories about her and their friendship too.

"We agree!" Told Pat and followed by Cassadee's nodded.

"Pat?" Garrett looked surprised when he heard what Pat say.

"As long it's for Sierra, I will do it. Even though we will never be together after this, but at least Sierra is alive" added Cassadee.

"I'm fine with it. I treat Sierra like my sister, I'm not going to let her die" said Jared as he walked closer to Garrett.

"Kennedy and I are ok too" said Hayley. "I'm sure we will meet again one day even though we won't remember each other" added her and followed by the rest of them.

"But guys... You all give your life, I mean your precious memories is your life, and you throw it away!?" Garrett got up from his seat.

"Garrett, we're not throwing it away. We give our lives to Sierra. That's what we do now" explained Kennedy as he came and held Garrett's shoulder.

"So it's a deal?" asked Gregory.

"Yes it's a deal! We agree sir!" said them at the same time.

"Thank you so much guys! I owe you all" Garrett almost cried because of happiness. He couldn't believe his friends will do this for his girlfriend.

"Listen to me carefully, kids", Gregory started. "Well it's easy. Tomorrow, I want you to go to your house at 10pm and go to sleep"

"Sorry?" Asked Hayley confused.

"Your memories will go tomorrow at night" explained him.

"How can you do that? What will you do to take our memories?" Asked Kennedy and the rest of the group looked at Gregory with a same question.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry"

"But maybe we can help you Greg" said Jared.

"No, you can't! I'm the only one who must start and finish this. Don't worry about it. I'll be fine" mentioned Gregory.

"Now, you better go home. Have some time together before you lost your memories about each other" added him.

They silent and didn't say anything. Even there was no doubt to do this but still they were thinking about it. But John melted the icy situation and he asked them to spent time together at the arcade. He said he wants to had a great time before everything is finally over.

"I just wait here" refused Garrett when John asked him to come.

"Why Garr?" asked Hayley.

"I want to spend my time with Sierra. I don't want to be far from her for the last time. I'm sorry guys, I couldn't go out with you all"

"It's okay man, we understand. Take care" said Kennedy and he hugged his best friend.

"Thanks mate!" replied Garrett.

They hugged each other. When they were leaving the hospital they passed Sierra's room. Cassadee waved her hand to Sierra even she couldn't see her.

"We love you Sierra. We will meet again one day. As soon as possible" she said.
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it's not the ending!!! :D
I guess it'll end in the next chapter, I'm too excited to write a lot. Hehe that's why...
Well anyways comment me?
Thanks XO