

"Johnson! Johnson!"

"Ahh...not right now. Please, not now," I mumbled under my breath, into the hand that I pressed into my face.

"Johnson! Wait a sec! Ah, shit, sorry!" he shouted as he bumped into an aide carrying a couple of cups of coffee, spilling one on the floor.

"What is it?" I asked, turning around in exasperation.

Panting, slightly red in the face, and with a fresh coffee splotch on his jacket, was agent Thompson, an on-the-whole not too bad man, but he did have a tendency to get a little...clingy...

After a second or two of panting and gasping, he pointed back over his shoulder in the general direction of the briefing room, and said, "Another one. We think it could be Prime."

"Shit." I said, rubbing my brow. I sighed, then said, "Alright. I'll head over there now...after all, who needs lunch?"

I walked past the gasping, overweight Thompson, and turned down a hallway towards a briefing room, where I took up residence in one of the chairs.

"Ah, Johnson, hello." said agent Stevens, my superior, gesturing at me. "Now that you've arrived, we can begin."

"Yes sir," I said, pulling my chair forward, and opening the folder in front of me.

"If you'll all open your briefing materials, we can begin," said agent Stevens. "Yesterday, Mrs. Donna Smith was shot in the head whilst sitting at her desk, writing a card for her nephew's birthday."

On the screen behind him, and in of the folio in front of me, there were pictures of the crime scene.

"Clearly this was a distance killing, the window is broken but not shattered enough to permit entrance," said the agent across from me, a woman by the name of Lakely.

"Yes, that's what the first-on-site forensics team said. So far as they can tell, it was a rifle from the tree across the street, due to the angle of the glass break and the bullet wound. Time of death was slightly past midnight," said Stevens, "and nobody else was in the household. Husband was on a business trip, their only son lives with his girlfriend in California."

"Thompson told me that you thought this might have been another one of Prime's?" I said, setting down my folder in front of me.

With a slight exhalation, Stevens replied, "Well, not me in particular, but it's most likely either him or someone new. I don't know which would be worse."

"Wait a second, though," said the agent at the table's end, Roberts, "How can we ascribe a kill to a killer who has no profile? I know I've said this before, but I don't think there is a Prime. We created this un-profilable killer to attribute half a dozen unrelated deaths to, and I have my doubts as to whether they actually were all the same unsub."

"Roberts," said Lakely, "We've got to assume that either they were committed by a person who we haven't yet figured out, or" she cut off Roberts' reply with a finger and a stern look, "Or, we have several lethal killers on the loose. Asagent Stevens said, I don't know which would be worse."

"I suppose you're right," said Roberts.

"Listen people," said Stevens, "Can we please concentrate on the case at hand?"