Status: Slowly active

Couldn't Wait for the Summer at the Warped Tour

Can't Wait Till Her Parents Go Out Of Town

“Oh my goodness! Amber!” Molly shouted, thundering down the stairs. They were startled apart, just as their lips were about to come together, looking towards Molly. “Guess who's here!!!!”

“Who?” Amber said, just as excited now.

“Come see!”

Amber rushed up the stairs, squealing in delight with Molly and Kyle behind her. “Davy!” She shouted, hugging the tall, chubby man at the door. He looked to be about 28 years old, had glasses, and was clearly balding already. But he was handsome nonetheless.

“Came to check up on my favorite sisters.” He laughed, hugging her back.

“We're your only sisters...” Molly retaliated.

“And what awesome sisters you are.” He smiled, “And I'm your favorite brother, right?” He asked, as if he didn't already known.

“Most definitely.” Amber laughed.

“Who's the weird looking guy?” David pointed to Kyle.

“He's not weird looking!” Amber objected, “And his name is Kyle.”

“Hello, not weird looking guy whose name is Kyle.” David said, sticking out his hand. Kyle took it, shaking it firmly. “Why are you here?” David asked, not coming out rude even though it would've.

“Um...visiting for a few days.” Kyle answered awkwardly. Caleb rushed out of one of the guest rooms, followed by the other four.

“We heard an unfamiliar male voice, is everything okay?” Kent asked, taking a ninja stance.

“This is out brother, David.” Molly introduced. “David, these goofs are Jonathan, Kent, Marc, Austin, and Caleb.” She pointed to each on in turn.

“Nice to meet you all.” David nodded, “Just visiting, huh?” He looked curiously over at Molly and Amber, “So there aren't your hos giving you your money?”

Molly and Amber laughed at their brother's joke, “Oh, yeah...they totally are.” Amber wiped her eyes.

“Where is Veronica and the kids?” Molly finally asked after they stopped laughing.

“She's coming a bit later, had to get the kid's annual shots.”

“Poor things.” Amber shook her head.

“So, what are we doing today?” David asked, clapping his hand together.

“Beach?” Amber shrugged. The other nodded in agreement. Dave called Veronica to tell her to bring suits for the kids. “Meet you at the beach, beautiful, love you.” He ended, shutting his phone.

They got into their beach clothes, Amber and Molly both wore tankinis, Amber's was purple while Molly's was green. “Let's roll out!” Amber pointed.

“Still rocking that guitar?” Dave asked Amber, and the others started their own conversations on the walk to the beach.

“For sure! Learning some Coheed.”

“Nice.” Dave nodded, bumping her fist with his. Dave glanced back at Molly, who was laughing while Caleb played with her fingers. “So, are they dating?”

“Yeah.” Amber nodded, spinning the cap off of her water.

“And that blond dude, Kyle? Your boyfriend?” Dave asked, smiling deviously as she took a sip of her water.

Amber spit it out, and started a coughing fit. “What?!” She yelled.

“So...he's not?” He asked and kept walking with that same smile on his face.


“Are you alright, Amber?” Kyle asked, his hand on her back. She nodded.

“Sure doesn't seem like it.” Dave shrugged, Amber splashed her remaining water on him.

“Does not!” She protested.

“Does not what!” Kyle asked, clueless.

“Nothing.” Both Dave and Amber answered.

Dave slunk back to Molly and Caleb. They immediately started whispering. Amber didn't even want to know what about, but when she looked back again, they were staring at her. They all looked away quickly.

When they reached the beach, Amber looked up at Kyle. “Want to build a sand castle?” She asked Kyle nodded furiously.

“Of course!” He replied. They set off to build a sand castle while the others played in the water.

Molly looked at Amber and Kyle, her chin resting on Caleb's head as he toted her around on his back. “They make a cute couple, huh?” She asked.

“Yup. But they're both too dumb to realize it.” Caleb confirmed.

“Well, we were too stubborn.” Molly glanced down as he tilted his head up to look at her. He smiled, leaping backwards.

Molly had just enough time to take a deep breath before she hit the water. Caleb twisted around underwater as she slapped his back. He moved towards her and captured her in a kiss.

Her arms circled his neck while he pulled her against him, wrapping her in his arms.
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I'm finally going to start up this again...I need to start working on finishing some of these stories...UGH!