Taking Chances

Moving In

Boston, MA December 2, 2011

Hi, the name is Joe Jonas. I was a member of the Jonas Brothers until Nick went off to do his solo career and Kevin got married to Danielle. Now a days I just hang out with my boyfriend, Jordan and his friends Joey, Danny, Donnie and his brother Jon. I met them when Danny took his daughters to one of me and my brothers' concerts. That's where me and Jordan kinda of hit it off. But nevermind about that. Im sitting out here on the steps outside Jordan's house. My parents told me that I needed to get out of the house because I was getting older and needed a place of my own. I didn't mind though because I was planning on moving out. But once I got to Jordan's house my brain just kept on telling me to go back home and look for my own house. Which is why Im in the stop right now trying to decide what to do next. I mean me and Jordan have only been dating for 4 months. I was about to stand up and head back to my car when I heard the front door open. "Joe? What are you doing here?" Jordan asked me with a confused look. "My parents told me I needed to get out and find my own place." I told him, he nodded and shut the door. "Why'd you come here? I mean I love that you're here but why didn't you go to Miley's or something?" Jordan asked me still confused. I sighed, "I'd rather stay with you while I'm looking for my own place. Plus the last time I stayed with Miley and her folks I almost burnt down the place. But I was only 16 at the time so I wouldn't do that now." Jordan nodded now finally understanding. "But you were about to leave weren't you?" he asked. "I don't know what I was about to do. My mind is everywhere these days." I explained. Jordan nodded again and walked up to me. The air around me seemed to close in on me and I felt like I couldn't breath. That always happened whenever Jordan got close to me. "You can just move in with me. No need to find a place for yourself." he whispered in my ear. Shivers ran down my spine and I backed up a little. Jordan noticed and stared at me in confusion. "Im just going to go get my....stuff." I turned and walked to my car without saying another word. When I said Jordan was my boyfriend it didn't mean I didn't stop getting nervous whenever he got even a foot away from me. Jordan stared at me still confused. "Did I do something Joe?" he asked. I shook my head no and opened my trunk. I had only managed to pack half my closet but my parents said I could come back to get the rest when I wanted to. I didn't realize that Jordan was now standing next to me until I looked up. I walked past him and into the house putting my stuff down on the living room floor. He walked in and shuts the door, "What's wrong with you? You're acting kinda distant today." Jordan asked. "Nothing is wrong with me. Im not feeling all that great today," I lied. Jordan's facial expression turned from confused to worried after I said that. "What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. I thought, "Nice....now you got him up your ass for not feeling well." I sat down and sighed. "Nothing just a stomache. I'll be fine though so don't worry about me." I said trying to get him to stop worrying. It didn't work as he sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "You sure? I could get you a glass of water or something?" he insisted. I shook my head no and looked away. Jordan sighed and let go of my hand. "Why is it everytime I get near you you always back off or find anyway to shut the door on me?" he asked me in a irritated voice. I looked at him and sighed. "I don't know why but whenever you get near me it sends chills down my spine. You being even a foot away from me makes me nervous. I just not comfortable with this closeness." I tried to explain. Jordan stared at me..yet again. "Why do you get nervous? Joe there is no reason to get nervous whenever I'm around." he said while getting even closer to me. I backed away a little and turned away. Jordan groaned and grabbed my hand. "Would you stop backing away from me Joe. Look you know I love you but if you're going to shut me out like that then maybe we shouldn't be together." Those words felt like a stab to my heart. "I don't....." I started to say but stopped. "You don't what Joe?" I just froze right there and stared at him blankily. Jordan sighed and stood up. "I'm going out for a little bit. Let you think about things." he grabbed his keys and then left. I felt like crying at that moment but I didn't. I just stood there frozen like a block of ice. Jordan's words kept running through my head but the three words that
really shook me...."I love you"......I never though that he'd tell me that. I stood up and went to grab a glass of water. It was about a half an hour later when Jordan came back. I turned off the tv and walked up to him. Jordan stood there and looked at me. "I love you too Jordan. Im sorry for treating you like that." and as I said that I leaned in and kissed him. Jordan wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. I pulled away slowly for breath. Jordan smiled and I rested my head on his shoulder. "You're forgiven." he whispered in my ear and I smiled against his shoulder. I yawned and let go of him. "Getting tired baby?" he asked as I nodded. Seeing as I was already in my pajamas and ready for bed he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bedroom. He got into his pajamas and got into bed next to me. As soon as he hit that pillow I snuggled up against him and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms and around and kissed the top of my head. "Go to sleep now Joe." he said as he turned out the lights and I fell asleep.
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Maria here and I know....not the greatest but I tried. Don't ask where I got this couple from it was the idea of a friend while talking late on AIM one night. I'll try my best to get better at this. Not making any promise though.