Status: Complete.

Early Start Friendship.

Daisy and Alexander.

It's not like it was intentional.
Not from my side, at least. Maybe it was.
I can't quite figure out who's fault it was that we met. My opinion on it changes each time I think about it enough.
But I'm glad we did meet, he's changed some aspects of my life that needed to be changed and been there to pick me up when I fell. He's become my Guardian Angel in that sense, I suppose.
But again, I'm glad.
Cold crisp Monday morning. The rising sun barely even warmed me as I walked to my bus stop, and the heater in the bus wasn't on. Instead the driver had the air conditioner on what felt like 18 degrees. I shivered and shook in my seat for the hour long trip and was glad to finally reach the bus station and step out of the ice chamber of transport and into the heat. I had a ten minute wait at my second bus stop for the school bus but my time wasn't taken up by thoughts of boredom, instead by conversation with friends. We talked about what had happened the previous night after school had finished, any new music or magazines that seemed interesting, humorous things that had happened at school. In other words, the usual.

The school bus' bus stop was located within the station, so one could clearly see the other waiting bays and luckily, my bay was the one closest to the back. The one in front of mine held other school's students awaiting their own school bus, as did the one in front of that. The majority of adults walking around were going towards the trains or their own cars to get to work or go home after night shift and not many stayed in the waiting bays.

I departed from the station as usual with my friends on the bus, this one much warmer than the previous, and noticed a brown messy head of hair rush down the stairs as we left. I didn't think much of it and continued on in the conversation I was currently in.
Warmer Tuesday morning. I was later to my bus stop that day, but still made it in time for the bus. The sun had only just risen but all ready it was a sweltering, humid day and the bus' windows were all opened whilst the passengers fanned themselves. I silently listened to music on my mp3 player and watched blankly out the window on the left side of the bus. Boredom slowly overtook me and I ended up skipping practically every song that came on.

My attention, however, changed to the bus door now as I watched the passengers exit and step up into the bus. The usual elder lady and her husband, two school students who looked like siblings and a third one. His hair was a shade of dark brown, short, and damp. He had run to the bus stop from further up the road to catch the bus but didn't seem to be out of breath as he stepped in. He was taller than most boys my age, but that was another thing that seemed to make me want to know more about him. I couldn't determine his age just by looking at him, or even put him in an age group. He was just a teenage boy like any other but I was still curious about him. I'm still not sure why I was so curious to know more about him.

Fifteen minutes later, the bus reached the station and I was the last to get off. The boy had held my attention for the last part of the bus ride and I couldn't help watching him. There was just something about him that I couldn't put my finger on. He stepped off and out of the bus and was at his waiting bay within two minutes.

"Getting off, then?" The driver called down to me. I snapped back into focus and nodded faintly before walking quickly off and to my waiting bay.

His bay was across from mine and faced it, as well. He sat down, slouched, legs stretched out and adjusted his hair before a bored look quickly came over his features. His neck bent back and he closed his eyes. I stopped watching and went to find my friends. They were sitting behind a pole with a bus timetable nailed onto it and hugged me good morning. We briefly started to talk before they stopped and looked over to his bus bay. I looked back but nothing about the boy's stance had changed.

"What?" I questioned. They smiled and said nothing as innocently as possible, but I looked back again to notice him now watching me. I slowly turned back around to my friends to question them.

"How long has he been watching?" I asked curiously.

"Since you found us hiding." They smiled and one of them waved at him. I turned around and noticed him now looking away to the opposite side. He looked like a deer caught in headlights and I smiled.

The bus came shortly after and as it left the station, I looked out my window and put my hand up against the window, smiling, before moving my hand to the side. He did the same and I turned around again to start a new topic of conversation.
Neutral weather Wednesday. The sun was up before I was on this day and I was on time to my bus stop.

I got on the bus and flicked my music on, sitting my school bag down next to me and watched the doors longingly. I looked at the time on my mp3 player and figured out it would take at least half an hour before he got on. I focused my view out the window as I had done the previous day, waiting for the half hour to finish so I could see him. Before long, the half hour was up and I was looking at the doors, trying my best to look casual but I knew there would be a sort of joyful desperation to see him hop on.

The bus pulled up to his stop and he was first to get on. As he walked past the first two seats, I calmly pulled my school bag onto the floor and waited for him to pass. He walked up to the seat in front of mine, noticed the empty seat next to me and smiled. I smiled back and he sat down next to me. I stole glances at him the whole bus ride, and I knew he could tell because every now and then he'd smirk, as if to say, I can see you, you know? and I quickly changed my view to a curious one out the window. The bus pulled into the station as usual and he got off first. He got three quarters down the aisle before turning back and mouthing hi. I smiled and mouthed hi back. Butterflies beat ferociously against my stomach as he got off and once he was in his waiting bay I could swear I had become a puddle of fleshy goo. I floated off the bus to my waiting bay and my friends rushed me over to them.

"He keeps looking at you, he doesn't even seem to care that we've noticed! Hell, he's even smirking! What happened?" They questioned in a rush and I sighed happily before sitting down.

"He said hi, sat next to me on the bus," I explained and they all looked at me as if I were insane.

"You're excited over that?" One of my friends questioned and I gave a shrug of my shoulders.

"Better than being ignored, isn't it?" I replied and focused on the brown haired boy. I'd noticed on the bus he had dark brown eyes and probably played some sort of sport due to his figure being a little bit more athletic than average and a bag that resembled a Cricket or Football kit. He wasn't pale, but he wasn't exactly tan either. Up close, he looked to be fifteen possibly going on sixteen.

"Guess so," my friend agreed. I watched as he got up and went up the stairs that lead to his waiting bay. He came racing back down to his waiting bay a few minutes later with a drink of juice and an English muffin. Both were gone within five minutes and the rubbish quickly placed in the nearest bin shortly after.

"I'll be back, I've got an idea," I murmured to my friends before going up the stairs in front of my waiting bay. I waited in the middle of the corridor, between both waiting bays and lent on the railing in front of the glass. I watched as brown haired boy walked casually back up the stairs away from the waiting bay and smiled as he came to stand next to me.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hey," he replied. We stood there, smiling like fools at each other before he spoke again.

"When does your bus come?" He asked.

"I've got more than one option of buses to choose from, I just need to be back within ten minutes to catch the last one," I answered. He nodded before I asked him the same question.

"In five minutes time. I forgot to introduce myself to you, too. I'm Alexander," he said.

"I'm Daisy," I smiled. I looked out over the railing and noticed a yellow bus at his bay.

"Your bus is here," I indicated over to his bay and he nodded. He looked at me before speaking again.

"It was nice meeting you, Daisy," he smiled.

"It was nice to meet you, too, Alexander," I replied, rolling the r slightly as I pronounced his name. He seemed to hesitate before racing down the stairs to catch his bus. I sighed and wiped at my eyes with the palms of my hands. I was insane, nothing would grow from this. His personality just seemed to work well with mine. I looked down at my own bus bay and noticed the bus had just pulled up before I raced down the stairs and hopped on, left with confusing stares from my friends.
One week later:
Ordinary Tuesday, nothing of particular interest happened. Alexander and myself had talked more and were soon saving seats for one another on the bus, as well as acting like best friends. My thoughts were distracted as I'd walk down to the bus stop that morning, too, by Alexander. He had been conversing to me yesterday when he said today was going to be a special day, or something along those lines. I smiled, not remembering the date, and agreed with him. I hadn't realized 'till I got to school that today would be Valentines Day and my thoughts were directed at everything that could happen today.

The bus quickly came and I stepped on, picking a seat at the back and setting my bag down next to me. At the usual time, Alexander hopped on and, noticing me sitting and watching out the window, smiled and waved in my direction. I smiled back and sat my bag down on the floor. As he walked up the isle, my thoughts began to race with the possibilities of what he could have done or gotten.

"Hey Daisy, how are you?" He smiled, sitting down whilst facing me.

"I'm good, and you?" I replied. I tried to sound as calm as possible but my stomach felt like a leaden weight.

"I'm quite well, actually. You know how I was talking about today before? Do you remember what the date is?" He smiled cheekily at me. I gulped before whispering Valentines Day. He nodded knowingly before unzipping his bag and pulling something out. I closed my eyes but he tapped my shoulder and held the object out to me.

"Hey, you okay?" He questioned gingerly and I nodded stiffly before looking at the object.

"I know Valentines Day is supposed to be about Roses and Chocolate, but I thought since your name is Daisy, you deserve something that lives up to your name," he murmured before placing a tied up assortment of different co loured daisies in my lap. I picked them up and observed each leaf, steam and unopened bud before smiling. The leaden weight in my stomach disappeared and I laughed.

"What? Were you expecting a marriage proposal or something?" He asked, laughing with me.

"Something like that," I replied, "I love them, they're beautiful. Thanks Alexander." I smiled, hugging him quickly before I let him go and placed the bunch into my bag. I pulled out a yellow one and a hair pin and stuck it into my hair.

"Beautiful," he smiled, touching at the daisy lightly.

"I feel so bad now, though. I haven't got anything for you," I told him but he grabbed my hand.

"You gave me a new friend to admire, a new friendship, someone to talk to on this trip and at the station. That's plenty enough for me, Daisy." He stated. I smiled and he smiled back before the bus stopped.

"See you upstairs?" I asked and he gave a quick nod.

"Say hello to your friends for me," he said, motioning over to the small group of girls waiting in my bay.

"I will," I smiled and got off the bus shortly after him, looking forward to our new found friendship for many, many years.
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