Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

Today is the day Tre had to leave to go back on tour. He stayed with me the entire time he was here and kept me company in this creepy hospital. This hospital wasn't creepy as in blood overflowing out of the operating room, I find all hospitals creepy. Right now Tre is outside the door talking to someone, probably a nurse telling her about how nasty hospital food is. He found amusement in telling this one elderly nurse how the jell-o tastes like baby spleen.
"You're lucky." I say as Tre re-enters the room.
"No, I'm not. I have to leave you."
"Yes you are, you get to leave, and I'm stuck here for another two days, without you on top of that."
"Quick, I'll sneak you out under my coat." Tre says lifting the side of his leather jacket.
"Nah, I'll pass."
"Then stop complaining."
"Fine, but I won't eat the jell-o." I say crossing my arms.
"Good, because that's not jell-o, it's baby spleen and the chefs know it!" Tre says raising his arm in a sort of victorious pose. "NO! It's four-thirty already." I stand up slowly and make my way over to Tre and wrap my arms around him. As I rest my head against his chest my senses are filled with his more than pleasant scent or his deodorant and the sound of his heart beat is the most soothing sound I could hear at this moment.
"To tell you the truth, I will miss you." I mumble, "I'm such a lame-wad."
"Join the club." He mumbles as he holds me close. I shut my eyes and just take in his essence before I move my head to kiss his gentle lips.
"You have to leave now." I mumble.
"I know." He kisses me one last time sending a tingling sensation down my spine. "Get better."
"No worries." I say as he reluctantly leaves the room.

"Awe he seems sweet." A young intern says entering the room with fresh bed sheets. I stand aside out of her way.
"He is."
"How long have you two been together?"
"Not long, less than a month." I say slightly embarrassed.
"Whoa, he's pretty devoted for such a short time."
"I don't know it's weird."
"Yeah I know what you mean, my sister met this guy and fell in love instantly, they eloped after knowing each other for a little more than two months. Four years later and they're still happily married with a baby on the way." She rambles.
"I don't think I'll marry him after two months though." I laugh.
"My sister is a free spirit."
"I know, I know." The intern says as she finishes up changing the bed sheets.
"Well I hope all the best for you and..."
"For you and Tre, you make a really cute couple, and that's saying a lot since you've been in sweats the whole time."
"Hey." I say more amused then insulted.
"Sorry." She says as she scuttles out of the room.

My two days in the hospital seemed like they'd lasted forever but Tuesday morning came and I got dressed and signed out of the hospital.
"Wait! Wait!" the intern I became friends with says as she chases after me.
"What?" I say stopping in my tracks in the waiting room.
"Tre told me to give you this before you left." She says handing me a large yellow envelope.
"What is it?" I ask as I take the envelope from her.
"I don't know, he just told me to give it to you right before you left and not to even mention it before then."
"Alright, thanks." I say reading the writing on the envelope as I walk out of the hospital. One side had my name and room number the other side was block letters that said "Open at home!"