Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"Hey, it's the envelope." Robbie says evilly as I get in the car.
"Yes, how'd you know about it?" I ask as I pick at the flap of the envelope.
"Hey, hey, hey! You can only open that at home, in private." Robbie says as he slaps my hand, "Especially from Tre, I really don't want to know what else he put in there."
"True, I don't want to scar you for life." I say patting my little brother's shoulder as he steers the car out of the parking lot. "Hurry up and get home then so I can open it. It's driving me nuts!"
"Hey! Do you want to get pulled over for speeding?" He taunts as he drives five miles slower than the speed limit.
"You're driving exceptionally slow on purpose!" I accuse.
"I don't want to end up in the hospital from some car accident."
"Car accident? Jeez, grandpa drives faster than you."
"Don't bring the elderly into this!" Robbie says as he drives down the street right before my home street.
"Hurry, hurry, hurry." I insist.
"Laa lala laaa laa lalaaa laaaaaaaa." Robbie sings as he continues to drive obnoxiously slow. "Ahh here we are."
"Yes! Finally!" I yelp as he pulls over and I practically leap out of the car.

I run up the stairs of the apartment building and unlock the door, letting myself in.
"You're home." Anjelica says looking up from the TV.
"Errr, you're here." I mumble as I run into my room and rip open the envelope. I pick up the brightly coloured letter.

You better be reading this at home and not in your car in the hospital parking lot. Well I talked to Billie and he said by the time you'd be out of the hospital we'd be touring Texas. I'm apposed to finding some cowgirl to be my outlet for my horniness, so I'm shipping you over to me. Don't worry Maggie dearest said she'd cover for you at the restaurant while you came over here to keep me company. So let's see, walk over to your dresser in the top drawer should be your plane ticket. Oh good you found it! Now, on your bed should be a suitcase, I asked your brother to put it on your bed so you wouldn't have to strain yourself by lugging it around the apartment. So if you are indeed reading this when you're supposed to, a car will be there to pick you up in about half an hour. Things for you to pack:
-Bathing suit (something itsy bitsy)
-Lingerie (easy access stuff for my convenience)
-Whip and handcuffs (in case we feel kinky)
-Lotion (I'll gladly massage you)
Now I'll let you go pack because I can't think of anything else to write.
Tre Cool (aka: REALLY SEXY)

I can't help but burst out laughing s I read his letter. I look over at my bed and see an empty suitcase lying open; I scurry over to my dresser to find my ticket.
"I'm going to Texas!" I yell happily. Packing quickly I grab a couple of bathing suits and some undergarments (the only stuff on Tre's list I planned on bringing). Followed by jeans, t-shirts, my little black dress (just in case), black pants, a couple of flashy tops (appropriate for clubbing and parties) and my sexy strappy black heels. I walk quickly out of my room and into the washroom. Jelly follows me happily.

"You excited."
"That's the understatement of the century." I say as I pull my make-up bag out of the cabinet. I start tossing in my other washroom stuff, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant into my make-up bag which already contains my make-up. I come across a bottle of lotion and start laughing.
"What are you laughing at?" Jelly asks amused with my reaction to a simple bottle of moisturizing lotion.
"On Tre's letter he wrote a list of stuff for me to pack, like bathing suit, lingerie, whip and handcuffs and lotion."
"You own a whip?" she asks laughing.
"No!" I yelp.
"Well I say if you bring the lotion you should leave the handcuffs behind. Last thing you want is lotion stuck in the key hole."
"Oh shut-up, I don't own handcuffs." I say as I zip up my make-up bag and hurry over to my room where I pack the bag in my suitcase.

"Oh Lindsay." Anjelica calls from the doorway, "You forgot something." She waves the bottle of lotion around before tossing it to me.
"Jeez." I murmur as I place it in the bag before finally zipping it up.

A knocking is heard from the entrance of my apartment.
"I'll get it!" Robbie calls out as I hear him thud across the floor. "Linds, it's your ride!"
"Well then, see you around Jelly." I say as I roll my suitcase behind me as I make my way to the door.
"Allow me to take your bag Ms. Brooks." The man at the door says politely.
"Uh sure." I say awkwardly as he takes the suitcase as he leads me out to the car.

The drive is awkward; I'm really not used to being escorted around. We arrive at the airport and he hands me my suitcase.