Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

After collecting my suitcase at baggage check, I go through the gates to see the one and only Tre Cool standing there with a huge grin smacked across his face.
"Hey baby." He says smoothly.
"You conniving fruit loop." I mutter as I sling my arms around his neck.
"So I'm fruit loop now?" he asks evilly.
"If you like."
"I'd prefer Super-sexy-in-the-pants-in-every-single-way-man."
"That's too long, Fruit Loop is a keeper." I say in mockery.
"Okay." He says shrugging as he takes my suitcase and leads me outside to where a car is waiting. He hands the bag to the driver who puts it in the trunk before scurrying into the driver's seat.
"Where to Mr. Wright?" he asks politely.
"Caldwell Hotel." Tre says quickly before turning his attention back to me. "So are you feeling better?"
"Yes I am Mr. Wright." I taunt.
"Only Jeebs and the IRS can call me Mr. Wright." Tre mumbles.
"The driver."
"I doubt his name is Jeebs." I mutter. "Excuse me, good sir, what's your name?"
"Anthony Hollins."
"You were way off Fruit Loop." I say in full mockery.
"The whole Fruit Loop thing is SO immature." Tre says rolling his eyes adorably.
"Like you're one to talk."
"Shhh." He says as he puts his finger to his mouth.

"Caldwell Hotel." Anthony interrupts as he makes his way around the car to open the door for us.
"Thank you Anthony." I say politely as he hands me my suitcase.

"Tre! What took you so long?" Billie Joe calls out when we get in the hotel lobby.
"Nothing." Tre mutters.
"Are you two coming for drinks with us?" he asks motioning toward himself and his wife Adie.
"I don't know Fruit Loop, are we?" I say for the sole purpose of letting Billie hear Tre's new nick name.
"Yeah, Fruit Loop, are you coming for drinks?" Billie says evilly receiving a playful slap from Adie.
"I hope you're happy." Tre says between his teeth.
"Very." I mumble.
"Yeah, give us a few minutes and we'll come for drinks." Tre says as he places his hand on the small of my back.
"Yeah no problem, we're waiting for Mike and Brit anyway." Billie mutters as we walk away toward the elevator.

"Fruit Loop, Fruit Loop, Fruit Loop." I chant in the elevator.
"You do realize for the rest of this tour I'll be known as Fruit Loop." He mutters.
"Yup, I'm thinking about telling the roadies too."
"Don't worry about that, Billie probably has his cell phone out and is calling everyone I've ever met."
"Awe poor Fruit Loop." I tease as the elevator doors slide open and we step out into the hall. "Fruit Loop, Fruit Loop, Fruit Loop."
"Please stop."
"Make me."
"Fine." He mumbles as he takes my face in his hands and kisses me sloppily.
"Oh I'm going to make you make me more often then." I say as Tre unlocks the hotel room door.

"Fuck me Tre." I say laughing.
"Gladly." He says raising his eyebrows, "Lemme call Billie and tell him we're canceling."
"That would be mean, let's post pone the fucking." I say as I change out of my clothes into a fresh pair of jeans and a tank top.
"You're mean." Tre pouts.
"I know." I say as I link arms with his and pull him out of the hotel room.