Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"Wake up." Tre whispers into my ear, waking me up.
"Why?" I murmur as I roll over.
"We have to leave."
"Are you going to take me away." I say raising my eyebrows evilly.
"Tempting, but no." he says as he shifts his weight onto his elbow, "The tour bus awaits."
"Gar is not a word Missy."
"Shoosh or I shall call you Fruitloop yet again."
"C'mon get up." He says as he pokes me in the ribs.
"Okay, I'm up." I get up slowly and walk to the washroom.

I splash my face with water and dry my face and I see Tre's reflection in the mirror.
"Yes Tre."
"You don't have to get dressed you know."
"We usually just spend the entire time on the tour bus in sweats or pajamas anyway." He says as he takes my hand and leads me out of the washroom. "Just pack up your stuff." I go over to my suitcase and pack the rest of my stuff. I feel Tre's hands on my hips.
"I'll be right back." He whispers in my ear. He leaves the hotel room and I zip my suitcase, I make my way over to the dresser where Tre's wallet is lying. My curiosity is killing me, I open it to find several pictures of a girl that looks incredibly like him and the most adorable little boy.

"Watcha looking at?" Tre asks as he re-enters the room with a bag of M&Ms in his hand.
"Are these your kids?" I ask as I hold up his wallet.
"Yeah." He says as he nears me and takes the wallet from me. "Frankito and Ramona."
"They're cute."
"Thank you." he closes his wallet and puts in the pocket of his sweats. "M&M?"
"No thanks." I say as I go to put on my shoes.

We head downstairs were there's a tour bus waiting up front.
"That's a huge ass bus." I say in awe.
"Yeah well we have huge ass egos." Tre says we step inside. Mike and Brittney are already sitting on the couch, in 'comfy clothes' as well. Tre pulls me toward him as he sits down on the couch too and places me on his lap.
"For the record, you're the one with the huge ass ego, mine's just fine." Mike pouts.
"Whatever you say honey." Tre says teasingly as he snakes his arms around my waist.

"I'm bored." I say after being on the road for what seemed like forever.
"Me too." Tre says as he pushes me off his lap onto the empty space on the sofa next to us. "Let's have steamy hot sex." He cranes his neck down to kiss me.
"Don't mind us." Adie says as Billie bursts out laughing.
"Do you want us to call in Mike and Britt as well?" Billie asks. I push Tre off me.
"Next tour, we each get out own bus." Tre mutters.
"Whatever you want Fruitloop." Billie says as he puckers up his lips. Britt comes out of the washroom moments later.
"Brittney tell you boyfriend to get out of the sleeping quarters." Tre says obnoxiously.
"What? Why?" she asks confused as she glances between the four of us.
"Tre needs a good fucking and Lindsay likes her privacy." Billie informs her as I turn beet red.
"Oh jeez." Brittney says rolling her eyes as she takes her seat on the sofa. Mike comes out of the sleeping quarters smirking evilly as he takes his seat next to his girlfriend.
"What did you do?" Tre asks staring at him suspiciously. Tre runs into the sleeping quarters. "FRUITLOOPS!"
"What?" I say as Britt, Adie and I squeeze in between the two rows of bunks in the sleeping quarters. Tre's bunk is filled with fruitloops, and not in their box, loose.
"See what you did." Tre accuses me as we all start laughing. Billie and Mike especially, they probably planned this whole thing out together.