Crazy About You!

Crazzzzzzy about yooooooooooou

I wake up still groggy, I inhale deeply and the smell of a familiar cologne fills my senses. I rub my eyes and realize I'm still in Tre's living room being spooned in his arms. The TV screen is blue with the DVD default image and the empty ice cream pints are sitting on the coffee table.
"Mmm." Tre moans as his eyes flutter open. "Oh, good morning." He smiles with his eyes still squinty.
"Morning." I say as I lean over and peck at his lips.
"Do you want breakfast?"
"I guess." I say as I move to let him get up. I follow him into the kitchen where Frankito is colouring furiously in a colouring book.

"You had ice cream!" he accuses.
"Yes." Tre says as he makes his way to the fridge.
"Can I have ice cream?"
"Not now, it's too early."
"Please!" the little boy pleads.
"Oh fine." Tre fusses as he goes to the freezer and pulls out a box of waffles and another carton of ice cream. He puts a waffle in the toaster then puts a frying pan heating up on the stove. I casually go to sit at the counter near Frankito and watch Tre bustle around the kitchen. He puts the plate with a waffle and a scoop of ice cream in front of his son, who's smiling happily. Minutes later he comes up to me with two plates and hands me one; an egg and toast.
"Thanks." I say as he gets forks and knives from the drawer. I take a bite of toast.
"So am I good cook?"
"I guess." I say smirking because he nudges me as he sits next to me.

A woman with long brown hair walks into the kitchen and kisses the top of Frankito's head.
"Lindsay, this is Claudia." Tre says awkwardly.
"Good morning." I say breaking the short lived silence.
"Good morning." She says in friendly voice, she then looks over her son's plate, "Tre, why'd you give him ice cream this early morning?"
"I didn't give him that much." Tre says rolling his eyes, "Besides he was well behaved all morning." Claudia rolls her eyes then pours herself a glass of orange juice and heads out of the kitchen.

As I finish up my breakfast I catch a glimpse of the kitchen clock.
"Oh shhh-" I stop myself realizing Frankito is still in the room, "I need to get to work." I give Tre a quick kiss, "Thanks for everything." Tre escorts me to the door where I kiss him once more, this time a little longer now that Frankito wasn't in the room.
"See ya tonight." Tre says casually.
"Yeah, I'm taking you out tonight." I stare at him for a second.
"Okay, pick me up at my apartment." I say as I head to my car.

I open up Paper Trail and start setting up the tables when Jelly and Robbie stroll in. Jelly was giggling and they were hand in hand.
"Awe isn't that sweet." I say in mockery. "So I take it things are okay now?"
"Yup, we talked things over." Jelly says proudly. "And-"
"I don't want to know about the and." I say quickly knowing Jelly has loose lips.
"Oh right." She says blushing as Robbie laughs lightly.
"Well mended relationship or not, get to work you two." They head in back to put their stuff before returning to help me set up.

Later in the day, around shift change, Maggie comes up to me.
"Isn't that what you wore yesterday?"
"Uhh yeah, I didn't have time to go back to the apartment this morning." I say quickly as I make sure the orders are being filled properly.
"Wild night with Tre?" she asks smirking evilly.
"Actually no." I say as I crumple up on of the filled ticket orders and throw it in the garbage. "He was watching his son last night, so we just hung around and kept it clean."
"Robbie and Jelly made up yesterday, let's just leave it at that."
"Oh that's great-oh!" she says catching my drift.
"My shifts up." I say looking at my watch, "You're closing up tonight, right?"
"Yup." She says nodding, "Why are you in such a rush?"
"I'm going out with Tre tonight, I at least want to shower." I say as I grab my purse from under the counter and sling it over my shoulder.
"Alright, have fun."

"Robbie, do you want a lift home?" I call out through the kitchen as I'm about to leave.
"Uhh yeah."
"Hurry up then." I say as I glance at my watch again. He nods and within moments him and Jelly appear before me, ready to leave.

We get back to the apartment and I head straight to the bathroom to shower. I dry off and blow dry my hair. Robbie and Jelly are supposed to go out tonight as well. I step out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around me to see Tre sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine.
"Hey you." I say as I slink behind him and put my hands on his shoulders. "How'd you get in?"
"Robbie let me in just as he was leaving." He says as he cranes his neck to look at me. I lean over and kiss his lips.
"Let me get dressed and we'll go." He follows me to my room, where he turns me around and cups my cheeks, getting me in an entrancingly passionate kiss. I back into the bed and my legs give way. Crawling backwards as our lips stay locked, Tre starts to take off his shirt. Before I know it, it's all asses and elbows for lack of a classier term.

I lie next to Tre, who's looking quite satisfied with himself.
"I think we might've missed our dinner reservation." I say jokingly causing him to burst out laughing. He rolls over so he's facing me, and puts his hand through my hair.
"We can still go eat if you want. I know how you are when you're hungry."
"Perv." I say as I kiss his lips gently.
"The perv you're crazy about."
"Shoosh." I silence him by putting my lips against his, "Hmm, I'm kinda hungry." I get out of bed and commence in picking out something to wear.
"You're strange sometimes." He says laughing as he locates his own clothing.
"Wow, coming from you, what an honor." I snicker. He laughs.

We head outside to his car.
"So where would you like to go?"
"Mc Donalds." I say laughing.
"Are you mocking me, because I'll actually take you to Mc Donalds." He threatens.
"Fine, I got the munchies anyway."
"Stoner." He says in mock day dream.
"Am not!" I pause, "Not anymore!" he laughs.
"It's okay sweety, I won't hate you if you are."
"That's probably because you're one too."
"Me no, I've never taken drugs in my life." I burst out laughing. "Marijuana, acid and speed don't count as drugs."
"You keep telling yourself that." I say as we pull into a Mc Donalds parking lot. "So you were serious."
"Guess so." He says parking the car. We step out of the car and head into the fast food joint. I can't help but burst out laughing. We step into the nearly empty restaurant and Tre turns to me.
"Big Mac?"
"Don't think they have those here." He says pretending to look over the menu.
"I'll settle for a Sprite."
"Okay." He says as he steps up to the cash.

"Two Big Mac combos one with Sprite and one with Coke."
"Would you like me to Super-size that?"
"No." Tre says looking at me, I shake my head. The teenager presses a few buttons and Tre pays. The food takes only a few moments to hit our tray.

Tre picks up the tray and we head to a table near the back of the fast food restaurant.
"I found fruitloops in new places." Tre states as we commence on eating our Big Macs.
"Really, where?"
"My underwear, pants pockets and I could swear I got a crushed up one in my toothpaste." He says casually as I burst out laughing.
"Billie and Mikey are so mean to you." I tease.
"Yes they are, I need something to feel better."
"What does your heart desire?"
"Not my heart, my penis."
"Why am I not surprised." I say giggling. "We have to wait an hour after we eat, you don't want to get sick halfway through."
"Awe." Tre mock whines. "But I want it now!"
"If you don't behave you won't get it at all." I say raising my eyebrows.
"That's evil!" he gasps.
"No Tre, you're evil."
"Noooooo." He says shifting his eyes.