Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"Lindsay! You're back!" my brother Robbie calls out to me from the other side of the restaurant.
"Hey Robbie," I call out as I put my purse in the staff only closet.
"Whatcha bring me?" he pesters. I dig through my pocket and pull out a statue of liberty lighter.
"I don't smoke." He whines.
"Well, you've also been to New York five times," I say rolling my eyes.
"Yeah well I like presents. So how was your trip?"
"Uh Rachel's pregnant, again. Caroline is engaged and Susan was spending the entire time flaunting pictures of her newborn," I say rolling my eyes.
"Ahh so you're the single and childless outcast," Robbie mocks.
"Shut up and don't you have tables to clear?" I ask slightly annoyed.
"Nope, shift just finished," he says smirking evilly.
"What about classes college boy?"
"Next class is in an hour, 'til then I can pester you."
"I can always send you back to Austin, with Mom and Dad!" I threaten.
"No! You can't send me back to Austin, Nevada!"
"That's what I thought," I say smugly.
"C'mon your trip couldn't have been all bad." He says trying to be friendly again.
"Let's just say the best part of my trip was on the way back I sat next to the weirdest guy."
"What's his name?" Robbie asks in a girly voice.
"Tre Wright," I say shrugging.
"Did you stare into each other's eyes with passion?" he says in an Antonio Banderas voice.
"What?! No, we talked about music and nebula six," I say rolling my eyes.
"Nebula six, is that some sort of night club?" he asks quizzically.
"Nah, it's just a joke," I say shrugging. "So what's been going on here?"
"Nothing much, Maggie's got everything under control, we didn't even miss ya." He says evilly.
"Good," I say as I head into the kitchens and Robbie follows, "Are you just going to follow me all day?"
"Tell me more about this airplane stranger." Robbie teases.
"He's thirty-four and he has a daughter," I mutter.
"Oh you must be crushed he's taken."
"Lucky you! Tell me more."
"Jeez I don't know. He was in a band or two in high school."
"What instrument?"
"Your perfect match!" Robbie teases. "Did you get his number? Did you give him yours?"
"No and no," I mutter as I check one of the ovens.
"Then how are you supposed to stare into his pretty green eyes again?"
"They're not green they're blue, and he was just someone to talk to on the ride over."
"You're contridicting yourself!" Robbie says loudly, "You can't not care and know what colour his eyes were."
"Yes I can. He was sitting twelve inches away from me and they were extremely blue." I say rolling my eyes. "Can you leave me alone now?"
"Sure, I wanted to shower before my next class anyway," he says shoving his armpit into my face.
"Robbie gross," I say shoving him off.
"Later big sis," he says walking out of the kitchen.

"So what did I miss?"
"Just routine crap." Maggie mutters as she stacks up some menus.
"Okay," I say as I look over tonight's reservation list.
"Except Robbie took advantage and spent more time with Anjelica than bussing tables."
"Jeez, he's like all over her all the time." I say rolling my eyes.
"No need to tell me, I had to break it up at least five times this week," Maggie says rolling her eyes.

*next day*

"Robbie, you're late!" I scold as he struts in the door.
"Sorry I was Anjelica," he says putting on a black apron.
"Yeah, yeah," I say shaking my head.
"C'mon, I think she might be the one." He whines.
"You're twenty how the hell are you supposed to know she's the one?!" I ask rolling my eyes.
"Just thought you'd be more lenient if I used that excuse." He says shrugging.
"Austin, Nevada," I blurt.
"I'll just go set the tables." He squeaks as he scuttles off.

None other then Tre Wright walks through the door at that very moment.
"What are you doing here?" I ask laughing.
"What? Can't a guy come to a small restaurant for a cup of coffee?"
"Sure," I say grabbing a menu and leading him to a table near the window.
"Thank you," he says opening the menu.
"What on this menu is booger, spit, urine, and semen free?" he asks casually.
"Everything except the breadsticks," I say laughing.
"Okay, I'll have a mochachino and a bagel, no cream cheese," he says folding the menu and handing it back. "And if it wouldn't be to much trouble a date."
"Sure, Ms. Rison, who lives upstairs just got divorced. She's fifty-two and she may have gained just a bit of weight after two of seventeen cats died," I say smirking.
"Nah, I was thinking about someone not as mature, possibly by the name of Lindsay."
"I don't know," I say walking towards the kitchen.

I get one of the newer waitresses to serve Tre. But around lunch time Tre walks into the restaurant yet again. Maggie leads him to the same table he sat at when he came for breakfast.
"Hey Linds, some guy wants to talk to you," Robbie says poking his head into the kitchen. "He looks kind of familiar; I just don't know where I've seen him before."
"Yeah whatever," I say walking out of the kitchen to where Tre is sitting.

"Would you like to reconsider?" he asks smiling.
"You won't give up until I say yes will you?" I ask laughing.
"Don't think so, you might need to get a restraining order," he says evilly, "Or you can skip the whole court process and join me on a date."
"Fine, I'm off in about fifteen minutes, but I have to be back for the dinner rush." I say heading back to the kitchen.

"Why are you acting like that?" Maggie hisses at me.
"Like what?"
"Like all I don't really like you, he's gorgeous!"
"Well I don't know," I mutter.
"Well if you don't want him I'll take him," she says licking her lips.
"No, it's okay," I say laughing as I grab my jacket.
"So you do like him?" she says poking at me.
"Jeez both you and Robbie," I say rolling my eyes.
"Well, you better go on your date now," she says shoving me out of the kitchen.

"You ready?" Tre asks as he puts on his jacket.
"Yeah," I say as he takes my arm and leads me out the door. "So where's this date going?"
"McDonald's," he says smirking.
"I haven't been taken on a date to McDonald's since I was fourteen," I say laughing.
"Okay, then I won't take you there, since you're being so negative," he says as he unlocks the door to his SUV.
"So where are we going?" I ask as I step into the car.
"The beach," he says as he starts the car and drives down the street.
"I don't have my bathing suit, and it's kind of cold to go swimming isn't it?" I say looking at him quizzically.
"Well I wasn't planning on going swimming, but if you want to strut around in a bathing suit for me, I'm cool with that," he says smirking.
"No, I'm good," I say laughing.
"Darn," he says laughing.

We pull up to the docks and Tre parks the car.
"Here we are," he says shutting off the engine. We get out of the car and make our way down the strip. "Oh oh! Be right back!" he runs off leaving me leaning against the railing of one of the docks. A few minutes later Tre walks back with two paper cones filled with french fries. "Here you are."
"Thanks," I say taking one of the paper cones.
"I hope you're not a dieter," he says popping a fry into his mouth.
"Me? And miss all this greasiness?" I say raising my french fry cone.
"Good," he says as we start to walk along the docks.