Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"So how was your date with the hot and sexiness yesterday?" Maggie teases.
"It was great." I say laughing.
"Where'd he take you?"
"To the board walk on the beach."
"That's it?"
"Well yeah, it was fun. No stress, we got to talk and eat those greasy fries that come in a cone." I say happily.
"I just discovered love!" Robbie sings annoyingly.
"Don't you have tables to clear?" I mutter.
"Going, going gone!" he says dashing out of the kitchen.
"So are you going out with him again?"
"I'd like to."
"Hey Linds," Robbie calls out, "Lover boy is here!"
"Lucky you." Maggie says as she nudges me.

I walk into the dining area of the restaurant where Tre is sitting.
"Hey Tre." I say happily.
"Wait his name is Tre?" Robbie asks obnoxiously.
"Yeah, I told you that before." I say rolling my eyes.
"No! He's Tre Cool!" He bursts out.
"The Green Day guy? Don't be ridiculous, his name is Tre Wright."
"Well actually you're both right." Tre says quietly.
"What?!" I say loudly.
"I am Tre Cool, the drummer from Green Day."
"I knew it!" Robbie yells.
"What was the whole Wright thing about?" I ask bluntly.
"Well any fan site will tell you my real name is Frank Edwin Wright . . . the third."
"So you lied to me." I say annoyed.
"No, I just failed to inform." He says innocently.
"Fucking figures." I say officially pissed.
"I didn't tell you because I wanted you to like me and not just my fame." He pleads.
"I don't know." I mutter.
"Please, forgive me." I don't say anything, I just walk away.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Robbie calls after me.
"What do you mean?! He lied to me!" I retort.
"Look at him! He feels like shit about all this." Robbie says.
"Not my problem!" I yell.
"Ten minutes ago you had a spring in your step thanks to him, and now you're just going to throw it away." He yells.
"Throw it away? We went on one date!" I say annoyed, "And you just want me to stay with him because he's in Green Day!"
"Not true! Even ask Maggie, I was happy you found someone who made you laugh and put a spring in your step and all that sappy stuff."
"Robbie, just fuck off." I say walking into the woman's washroom.

"10 o'clock. Closing time." I say to Maggie, Robbie and the two other employees putsing around the kitchen. "Robbie, be a nice little brother and make all the annoying customers go away."
"Yeah, yeah." He mutters as he tosses his apron into the corner.
"Maggie, did you place the shipment orders?"
"Yeah, just finished half an hour ago." She says making sure the ovens are off.
"Uh Linds." Robbie says cautiously.
"Tre's still here."
"What? So he's been sitting there for five hours." I say in disbelief as I trudge into the dining area.
"I guess so." Robbie says as I pass him.

"It's closing time, you have to leave." I say to Tre in not the nicest tone of voice.
"Please let me explain myself." He says with pleading eyes, at that moment I could tell he was sorry.
"Fine." I say as I sit across from him.
"I didn't want to hurt you. I just wanted someone to know me no strings attached. I mean I love Green Day. Billie Joe and Mike are like brothers to me, but there's also the aspect of media attention seekers, you don't know how many phonies I've dealt with in the past year."
"I can understand that." I mutter.
"Thank you." he says innocently.
"So is there anything else I should know?"
"Tre Cool, birth name Frank Edwin Wright the third, marital status divorced twice, two children Ramona and Frankito."
"Awe why'd you do that to him?"
"Name him Frankito all the kids will tell him he belongs at Taco Bell." I say laughing.
"No, he'll be the class clown just like I was and he'll get the respect I got." Tre says rolling his eyes, "So let's see. Height five foot six, natural hair colour brown, I think and number of testicals one."
"Only one?" I ask quizzically.
"Lost the other in a tragic unicycle accident." I can't help but burst out laughing, "It's true."
"A unicycle?"
"Yeah, I went to a clown college for a while, I learned how to ride a unicycle. It's not my fault the stage ended short." He mutters. "Thought you should know that before our relationship went any further."
"Who says we have a relationship?" I ask bluntly.
"Why else are you sitting here laughing?"