Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"Hi Jelly." I say walking into the restaurant the next morning.
"Hey, where's Robbie?" She asks as she follows me into the kitchen.
"I don't know isn't he usually attached to your face?" I ask laughing.
"Yeah, but he's gone missing."
"Did you call him on his cell?"
"Yeah, he's not answering."
"I'll call him again." I say picking up the phone at the hostess desk. "No answer."
"Maybe he went to class early." Anjelica suggests.

At that moment Tre and Robbie strut casually through the door.
"Where have you guys been?" I ask annoyed.
"Tre took me drinking last night." Robbie says happily.
"We went for one beer." Tre says in his own defense.
"Then why are you here late?"
"He fell asleep in my car, and I woke up this morning and decided to drive him over here." Tre says shrugging.
"One beer?" I ask evaluating my brother.
"Well I only had one." Tre says casually.
"I had five." Robbie says proudly.
"Robbie go home and shower." I say looking at his disgusting display.
"Right-o. Jelly would you like to come?"
"Anjelica stays here." I say rudely. "Someone has to cover your shift."
"Awe." Robbie whines as he walks out of the restaurant.

"Does Jelly work here too?" Tre asks.
"Yeah, part-time." I say straightening out the menus.
"Go out with me tonight." He says evilly.
"What so I can fall asleep in your car?" I ask laughing.
"No so you can fall asleep in my arms."
"Awe, you're too cheesy." I laugh.
"True, but will you still join me?" He pleads.
"Yeah sure. What time?"
"Eight." He says happily.
"Alright, pick me up here." I say heading into the kitchen.

"You ready, you ready, you ready?" Robbie pesters when eight o'clock nears.
"For what?" I say humoring him.
"Your date."
"Yes! Now don't you have to take Jelly on a date tonight too?" I ask as he turns red.
"I gave to go home and shower!" He says running out of the restaurant.
"What was that all about?" Tre asks walking in. "He looks like a rat on speed."
"He realized he had a date with Jelly tonight and he's gone to shower." I say laughing. "And how do you know what a rat on speed looks like?"
"I had my speed days and I had a pet hamster."
"You said rat."
"Rat, hamster. Same thing." Tre says shrugging.
"So where are we going tonight?" I ask as I grab my purse.
"I was planning on winging it, so do you have any suggestions?"
"Let's go back to the board walk on the beach." I say as we head out the door.
"Again?" He asks smiling. "You really like those fries."
"No, not the fries, there's a pretty cool night club there."
"Oh yeah, I've been there. But people dance there." He whines.
"I'm a shitty dancer."
"Then you must be crap at sex." I say laughing.
"It's a proven study, great sex and great dancing go hand in hand."
"Well I'm under the great sex category."
"Then you should have no problem dancing." I say as we get in his car and drive off.

We get to the beach and park the car and decide to walk the rest of the way.
"So are you a good dancer?" He asks randomly.
"Pretty good." I say shrugging. "But you can be the judge."
"Gladly." He says raising his eyebrows.
"Perv." I yelp.
"Not like you're much better, you brought up the topic." He pouts.
"Don't pout you look like a pug."
"A what now?"
"A pug; it's a dog with a scrunched up face, my grandma had one."
"Isn't that a bull dog?"
"Yeah, but smaller." I say as we near the club. Tre opens the door for me. "Aren't you a gentleman?"
"Yes m'am." He says shyly.
"Don't call me m'am." I say poking his side.
"Sorry m'a." He stops mid-sentence. "M'lady."
"Still annoying but better." I laugh.
"Okay Lindsay baby." He says smirking.
"I accept Tre baby." I laugh as we walk to the bar.

"Shots, beer, a pitcher of margaritas?" Tre asks looking at me.
"Beer, definitely." I say smirking.
"No shots?"
"Maybe later." I say as Tre flags down the bar keeper.
"Two beers, no semen."
"Was the semen comment really necessary?" I ask.
"Well, would you like beer with semen in it? Because I can call him back." He says seemingly serious.
"I take it you've had some bad experiences." I say laughing.
"Yes." He mutters. "No thanks to my band mates."
"Awe." I say touching his cheek.
"Kiss me." He says randomly.
"After what you told me?"
"I've brushed my teeth many times since then." I roll my eyes and cup his cheeks in my hands. I touch my lips to his and hold them there for a long while before letting go.
"Minty." I say laughing.
"Told ya." He says as the bar tender hands us our beers.

"Tre!" We hear someone yell behind us with his arm around some woman. We both turn around.
"Billie." Tre mutters under his breath.
"Tre baby what are you doing here? Oh you have company." The dark haired man gibbers.
"Linds, this is Billie Joe and Adrienne, Bill, Adie this is Lindsay." Tre mutters.
"Hi." I say casually.
"So you're the person Tre's been stalking." Billie says laughing.
"Yup." I say proudly.
"So what are you two doing here?" Tre asks as he takes a sip from his beer.
"Dunno, we were bored, Mike and Brittney are supposed to meet us here too. We called you but there was no answer." Billie says as Adrienne orders them some drinks.
"So Lindsay, tell me why are you going out with Tre." Billie Joe asks in a mocking tone.
"Umm, either that or get a restraining order." I say laughing.
"Yeah, he has a few of those." Adrienne says nodding.
"I do not!" Tre says exasperated.
"Oh there's Mike." Billie says waving someone over.
"Hey you got a hold of Tre." Mike says slapping Tre in the back.
"No actually we just bumped into him." Adie says laughing.
"Oh and he does have a mystery girl." Mike says raising his eyebrows, "I'm Mike and this is Brittney."
"I'm Lindsay." I say shaking his hand.
"So are we going to get a table or just stand around?" Brittney asks looking around.
"To the tables!" Tre says raising his drink. We all follow walk towards a booth in the corner of the club. "I hope this didn't ruin our evening." Tre whispers into my ear.
"As long as you save me a dance, I'm good." I say as he takes my arm and leads me to the table.
"Oh, I still have to dance." He whines. I just nod smiling.

At the table everyone starts drinking and getting rowdy, they're really nice though. I've only known them for an hour and they're treating me like they've known me for at least six months. I look over at Tre who takes a swig of beer; how I wish I could kiss yet again.
"Do you want to dance?" I whisper into Tre's ear seductively.
"Sure." He says grabbing me by the waist and leading me to the dance floor. He starts grinding against me smirking evilly.
"Is grinding the only kind of dancing you know?" I say laughing.
"Yeah." He says as if it's obvious. "Do you have a problem with it?"
"I guess not." I say putting my arms around his neck. "Kiss me."
"Gladly." He says craning his neck forward and giving me a long passionate kiss. A tingling sensation went through my body from my lips to my toes. "Leave with me."
I don't say anything, I just follow Tre out of the club down to his car.
"Where are we going?" I ask as we sit in the car.
"Anywhere you want."
"My place." I suggest.
"Okay." He says as he drives out of the parking lot. "Where is it?"
"Down this next street." I say pointing up ahead.
"What about Robbie?"
"Staying at Anjelica's."
"Alright." He says smirking evilly.

We walk into the building and Tre corners me and starts mauling my neck with his lips.
"Damn kids, can't even keep it private." An old lady we hadn't noticed earlier.
"Whoops." Tre says smirking as I take him by the hand to my apartment.

I toss my bag into the corner and kick off my shoes as Tre does the same with his shoes. I wrap my arms around his neck and start kissing his lips fiercely.
"Don't bite 'em off." Tre manages to say.
"I won't." I say laughing lightly as we collapse onto my bed.