Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"Holy fuck, I just lived out hundreds of teenage girls' fantasy." I think to myself as I look over at a sleeping Tre the next morning.
"Morning." Tre mutters in a raspy morning voice.
"G'morning." I say back. I look at the clock on my nightstand. "Shit, I have to get to work."
"Maggie will cover for you." Tre says pulling me close to him again.
"She'll be pissed."
"So, you're the owner." Tre mutters.
"Fine." I say as I pick up my phone and dial Maggie's cell number and the answering machine comes on, "Hey Maggie, I'll be coming in late today."
"See, one little phone call fixes everything." Tre says, smirking evilly.
"I realized that hundreds of hormonal teenage girls would kill to be in place right now."
"Don't worry, I'll protect you!" Tre says hugging me close as I burst out laughing. The apartment door is heard slamming shut.

"Who's that?" Tre asks sitting up suddenly.
"Probably Robbie." I mutter as I get up, pull some clothes on and go to get rid of him.

I walk into the living room where Robbie is going through my CD collection.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Uhh, what are you doing here?" he says quickly.
"I took the morning off."
"I uh needed a Ramone's CD." He says waving Rocket to Russia around.
"One of my classes." He says heading out the door.
"Is he gone yet?" Tre calls from the bedroom. Robbie steps back in the apartment.
"Was that Tre?"
"Uh yeah." I mutter, rubbing my eyes.
"What's he doing here?"
"He slept over." I mutter as I try to shove my little brother out the door.
"Ew! I wish I just chanced failing my music project." He says shuddering as he walks out of the apartment, "Did not want to picture that."
"What was that all about?" Tre asks walking out of the room in a pair of acid green boxers.
"Your presence put disturbing images in his head." I say laughing.
"Awe, isn't that sweet." Tre says cheesily. "Let's go for breakfast, all that love-making made me hungry."
"You're a little too honest sometimes." I say laughing.
"It's a gift." He says smiling.

After getting dressed with many interruptions from Tre telling me I look better without clothes we head out the door.
"So where are you taking me for breakfast?" I ask as we go into Tre's car.
"Umm little place I know."
"Mc Donald's?" I ask laughing.
"I'm insulted, you're at least Burger King quality." He says laughing as he drives to a specific destination.

As we drive along the street I finally come to terms with what just happened, I never slept with a guy after only knowing for a week. Why is this guy so irresistible to me? I could just here Maggie's answer "He's a friggin rock star!" but that wasn't true, I wanted to pounce him even before I found out about his career path. The silence between us got a little to awkward.
"So you weren't kidding about the one testicle." I say stupidly as Tre bursts out laughing.
"No, I wasn't." he says nearly crashing into a lamp post in laughter. "You're still thinking about that?"
"Well, it's not everyday that I see only one testicle." I say as I start to laugh. "Were you sad when you lost it?"
"Umm, not really. I was more concentrated on how much it hurt." Tre says shrugging, "It didn't stop me from pursuing normal activities, as you probably found out last night."
"Yeah." I say laughing. "It's cute."
"Thank you." Tre says smugly.

We pull up to a small café with a roof terrace that overlooks the ocean.
"We're here." Tre says proudly as we step out of the car.
"This doesn't look like Burger King." I say disappointed.
"Yeah well Burger King doesn't serve breakfast." Tre says as we head into the restaurant.
"Yeah they do."
"What! Really! Then what are we doing here?!" Tre yelps as he tugs on my arm.
"We here now, we might as well give it a chance." I say pulling him back.
"Oh fine." Tre mutters as he crosses his arms.

The hostess walks up to us and shows us to our table.
"I don't like this place, I can't sense the grease in the air." He complains.
"Oh yeah and they don't even have a playground." I add in.
"No happy meal either." Tre says shaking his head as he looks over the menu.
"All this place has is a view of the ocean and class." I mutter.
"Yeah I know; who the hell wants romance when you can have a ball pit." I burst out laughing. "The ball pit tingles your senses."
"Oh yeah." I say laughing.

"Lindsay, can I have your babies?" Tre asks randomly.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask laughing.
"Umm, not sure yet." He says smirking, "I'll let you know when I do."
"So do you pull this routine with every girl you seduce?"
"No, I like to keep it fresh. It's my method of finding out how weird they can take me."
"Was that supposed to make sense?"
"On what?"
"On if you want to kiss me again."
"Now I'm really lost." Tre cups my cheeks in his hands and kisses me.
"For you it's not supposed to make sense, just go with it."