Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"So do you have another date with Tre?" Maggie asks when I finally show up at work.
"Yes I do." I say blushing as I take over the kitchen organization.
"Where? When?" she asks nosily.
"Tonight, dinner."
"What's with the jam-packed dates? I mean isn't there a three day buffer period?"
"Well, he's leaving to go on tour in a couple of days." I mutter as I arrange the menus.
"Awe he's not taking his snugglekins with him." she teases.
"Snugglekins?" I say laughing, "What the fuck is a snugglekin?"
"That would be you lassie." She taunts in a Scottish accent.
"Don't do that voice it's scary."
"What's wrong lassie, d'you have a problem with me voice?" she continues.
"I can fire you." I threaten.
"You wouldn't do that." She says in her normal voice.
"True." I say rolling me eyes, "It's a bit early in the relationship for me to come along on tour with him."
"Yeah, I guess. But you already slept with him." she says a little too casual.
"What?! How do you know that?!" I demand.
"Well first is the fact you went out with him last night and came into work late this morning, second Robbie is very informative."
"Well, it's the truth." She says as she goes to tend on a costumer.

That evening after I finish up at the restaurant, I hurry back to my apartment to get ready for my date with Tre. I jump in the shower and quickly wash my hair. As I step out of the shower I hear a knock at the door.
"It can't be eight already?" I mumble to myself as I pick up my watch, which was lying on the bathroom counter. I wrap a towel around myself and make my way to the door of my apartment. I open the door a crack just so I could poke my head through.
"Hey baby!" Tre says excitedly.
"Tre, you're early." I say awkwardly as I let him in.
"Oh already naked." He says evilly.
"I was about to get dressed when you so nicely interrupted." I say laughing as I make my way to my room.
"Shame, shame, shame." He mutters as I pull a shirt out of my closet. "This should be interesting, pre-date nerves, deciding what to wear."
"Well all that has been proven pointless now that you're watching."

I pull on a pair of black pants and a turquoise of the shoulder top.
"Do you approve?" I ask laughing.
"No, you have clothes on." He pouts.
"Well we are going for dinner."
"We can skip dinner." He offers as he raises his eyebrows suggestively.
"But I'm hungry." I whine.
"Oh fine." He mumbles as we head out of the apartment.

We get into Tre's SUV and he starts to pull out of his parking spot.
"So what's your favorite food?" he asks as we drive along the street.
"I don't know, pizza I guess."
"Funny." He says smirking.
"You don't serve pizza at your restaurant."
"Just figured you'd like to have it on hand." He says shrugging.
"Well, I've official gotten sick of croissants, I've seen too many of them to want to eat them on the regular basis. I really don't want the same thing to happen to my precious pizza."
"So that's where we're headed." He say proudly.
"Pizza place, I'm taking you to my favorite one, well actually second favorite my favorite, favorite is in New York." He pauses and takes a breath, "But if you have the time we can go there."
"No, I'll deal with second best for now, I'm too hungry to take a three hour flight right now."
"Rain check?" Tre asks hopefully.
"Yeah, of course." I say nodding proudly.

We get to this cozy little restaurant with a wood burning oven where they cook the pizzas.
"Whoa, this place is like, oober date-like place." I say laughing as we're shown to our table.
"Yeah, I know." Tre says smirking evilly.
"You're not getting lucky with me under the table." I warn.
"You're no fun."
"I'm oodles of fun, just not at such a nice restaurant." I say in mockery.
"So let's leave."
"No, I told you already, I'm hungry."
"Right." Tre says as he stands up suddenly and flags down a waitress. She walks up to our table and pulls a notepad out of her pocket.
"Can I start you off with drinks?"
"We're ready to order." Tre says proudly, "Two deluxe pizzas and darling would you like a beer?"
"Uh sure, you know what I like." I say cheesily causing him to burst out laughing.
"And two Coronas." He says as the waitress walks away.

"You know what I like?" he asks in mockery.
"Hey, you ordered for me and called me darling." I retort.
"What you don't like deluxe?"
"It's my favorite, but how'd you know that?" I ask suspiciously.
"I'm a good guesser darling."
"Why darling?"
"Would you prefer Snugglekins?" he asks evilly.
"You talked to Maggie!" I accuse a little too loudly.
"Mmm yeah." He says evilly, "I didn't remember if I was supposed to pick you up at the restaurant or at your apartment."
"Darling is fine." I mutter as the waitress brings us our beers. "Cheers."
"Don't you want me to make a toast?" he asks evilly.
"A toast? With beer?"
"Sure, why not." He says as he stands up with the bottle in his hand. "Here's a toast to getting lucky under the table."
"It's not happening." I say as we receive awkward stares from the neighboring tables.
"But I'm irresistible and you know it!" he sneers.
"I know you are! Now stop rubbing it in my face." I mutter.

After some light conversation the waitress comes up to our table with our individual pizzas.
"Here's your pizzas." She says placing the plates in front of us, "And the owner says that if you two try to get lucky under the table he'll have to kick you out."
"We'll keep that in mind." Tre says evilly as I crack up laughing.

"Are you loose yet?" Tre asks after we finishing eating and I take the final swig of my beer.
"After one beer? You've got to be kidding me."
"Let's go for shots then." He says as he stands up and put on his sexy leather coat.
"Shots?" I ask as I too stand up and put on my jean jacket.
"But I'm not hungry any more." I tease, "No need for me to be loose."
"Oh." Tre says evilly as we step out of the restaurant.

Tre grabs my hips and pulls me close to him and locks his lips against mine.
"Hot tub?"
"Sure, where's the hot tub."
"My place." He says as he rubs his hands up and down my waist.
"Take me away." I say as I burst out laughing.

We get into his car and he speeds down the street towards his place. We pull up to a rather large house, but not so big that it screams "I'm a rock star!"
"Home sweet home." He says as we get out of the car, Tre takes my hand and pulls me round back of the house where a hot tub is nestled in the patio.
"Oh nice." I say as he pulls me toward the hot tub.
"Let's go." He says as he grabs the bottom hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head.
"Oh yeah." I say as I pull off his shirt. I slip out of my jeans and step into the tub in only my bra and underwear. Tre leaves nothing to the imagination when he steps into the tub.
"Why'd you leave your clothes on?" he growls as he starts to kiss my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck loosely and kiss him in return. I feel his hand go up my back and attempt to unclip my bra.
"Perv." I mutter as I get annoyed with his annoying un-clipping attempts and unclip my own bra and toss it aside.
"Thanks." He mumbles as he goes back to kissing my neck. I feel an aching twinge on the side of my hip which makes me twitch. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I say as I ignore the twinge and pull Tre close again.