Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

"What's wrong?" Maggie says as she sees me moping about the restaurant in between rushes.
"Tre's leaving today." I murmur.
"Awe poor horny you." she mocks.
"Shut-up, he's irresistible."
"Only to you." she says evilly. "So final date before he leaves?"
"NOOOOOOO!" I whine.
"Oh so that explains why you're so depressed."
"I want Tre!" I yelp laughing.
"Here I am baby." A familiar voice says behind me.
"Tre!" I say whipping around and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Time for a quickie?" he asks evilly.
"You're taking too long, Bill and Mike are waiting in the car." He murmurs.
"Damn." I say letting go of him.
"Yeah, I just came to say goodbye." He says as he pulls my hips against his.
"When are you coming back?"
"In one month we get two weeks off." He mutters into my ear.
"How about this, in two weeks you get one month off." I tease.
"I'll ask Billie, but I don't think that'll happen." Tre whispers in my ear.

"Tre hurry up!" someone yelps from the doorway of my restaurant.
"Shoosh you and get yourself a coffee." Tre mutters as I look up to see Mike.
"Don't mind if I do." Mike says as he walks up to the counter where Maggie is standing amused, "Oh you have muffins!"
"Yes Mikey, it's a café restaurant." Tre says as he wraps his arms around me as Billie Joe walks in.
"Oh jeez now we're never going to leave." Billie mutters, "Mike found coffee and you found an outlet for your horniness."
"Nope it's okay, I'm getting the coffee to go." Mike says happily.
"Can I get my outlet to go?" Tre asks evilly.
"Nope, she's staying here." Maggie says smugly.
"Oh damn." Tre says as he kisses me one last time before heading out the door with his band mates.

"Oh that made you happy." Maggie teases.
"Yes it did." I say as I watch them drive off. The twinge I felt the night before in the hot tub and two other times since then came back again. "Argh!"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, my gut's been hurting me." I mutter. "I'll just take some Pepto Bismol."
"Yeah okay." She says looking at me strangely.
"I'll be fine."
"You sure?"

*one week later*
"Your gut still hurting?" Robbie asks one morning as we open up the restaurant.
"Yeah, but I'll be fine." I mutter as I open the curtains.
"Maybe you should see a doctor."
"Okay Mom." I tease.
"No, I'm serious." Robbie says as he stops smiling.
"Fine I'll make an appointment." I mumble.
"Now." He demands seriously.
"You procrastinate, do it now. I know if I don't force you won't do it." He says grabbing my wrist, "Make the appointment now."
"Fine." I say as I pull away to the phone. "Where's the phone book?"
"Under the counter." He calls out as I see him pull out the cutlery tray. I pull the phone book from the bottom shelf and search for Dr. Anntics number.
"I don't hear you calling!" Robbie yells out.
"I'm dialing now!" I yell back as I pick up the receiver. I punch in the numbers and listen to the ringing.

"Dr. Anntics office, how may I help you?" a perky voice asks.
"Yes, I would like to make an appointment."
"Just a check up or is there something in particular that's troubling you?"
"Well, I've been having pain on my side and I'd like to get it checked out." I say casually as Robbie watches me intently.
"Alright, we can squeeze you in four days from today, Monday at eight in the morning."
"Okay, so Monday at eight." I repeat.
"Now can I have your name and phone number?" I give the perky secretary my information and hang up.

"So when's your appointment?" Robbie pesters.
"Monday morning." I say as I help him set the tables. My cell phone start jingling from the counter. "Pick it up, will you."
"Yeah, yeah." Robbie mutters as he flips open the phone, "Hello . . . . dude it's Robbie . . . yeah she's here hold on . . . . it's for you Linds."
"Hey baby." Tre's voice says smoothly.
"Hey." I say giggling. "Where are you?"
"Umm somewhere. Hold on." I hear muffling, "Mike where the hell are we? . . . . .We just finished up in Buffalo and now we're on the road again."
"Damn three more weeks till you come back." I whine, "I think I miss you."
"You think?"
"Yeah, well it could just be that breakfast burrito I ate."
"Awe, some phone sex will make you feel better."
"Not really, I'm at work, Robbie's in earshot and Mike and probably Billie too are in the same ten foot square as you."
"Billie and Mike won't mind, I even think Mike's having some phone sex as we speak."
"The answers still no, maybe later when we're alone." I say laughing.
"Fine leave me hanging, I even brought Mr. Wanky out."
"Tre put it away, for Billie and Mike's sake."
"They like seeing it."
"No we don't!" I hear Mike yell in the background.
"Oh fuck, costumers." I blurt as a few regulars walk in.
"Maggie and Jelly can handle it." He says seductively.
"No they can't they're not here until afternoon."
"Awe fuck, talk to later then." Tre whines.