Crazy About You!

Crazy about you

.That evening I went into an uneasy sleep, the pain from my appendix had gotten worse over the past few hours. I rolled around and ended up drifting in and out of sleep in the fetal position. I wake up in an increasing amount of pain and let out a loud whine of pain. I look over at my nightstand clock and see that it's half an hour past midnight. I let out another whine and groan and roll around in agony.
"Linds, are you alright?" I hear Robbie ask from outside my bedroom door. "Jelly and I can here you from my room."
"Argh!" I say in so much pain I couldn't even use real words.
"Linds." Robbie says opening the door, "Maybe we should go to the hospital."
"Yeah, maybe you're right." I groan. "Let me get dressed first."
"O-okay." He says shutting the door. I don't change out of my tank top I just pull a pair of sweat pants over my boxer shorts and make my way slowly out of my room.

"Ready to go?" Robbie asks as he walks out of his room dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.
"Yeah." I say as I clutch my waist. I get into the passengers seat of my car and Robbie hurries into the driver's seat. I lean my head against the window as we drive off to the nearest hospital.
"We're here." Robbie says as he opens the car door for me and helps me out. We make out way through the ER entrance. "Sit down." I make my way past a kid with a bloody lip and sit down as Robbie talks to a nurse at the desk. The nurse starts talking quickly to another nurse and next thing I know I'm on a stretcher being wheeled into surgery.

I wake up in a daze looking up at the ceiling tiles, I tilt my head and I see Tre, almost dreamlike.
"Tre." I murmur.
"Hey baby." He says as he picks up my hand and I realize I'm not dreaming.
"What are you doing here? You're on tour." I say weakly.
"It's okay; I have a couple of days to spare, instead of going to Oklahoma on the tour bus I'll take a plane there." He says as he kisses my lips.
"What time is it?"
"7 PM." Tre says as he looks at his watch, "How are you feeling?"
"Hungry." I mutter as we both start to laugh.
"Sorry but I think the supper trolley passed about half an hour ago." Tre says laughing.
"How did you know I was in the hospital?" I ask as I attempt to sit up but give up.
"I called your cell phone, to see if you were up to some late night phone sex and Robbie answered the phone. He told me what happened, so I called the airport and just my luck there was a flight to Oakland in the next hour."
"I still can't get over you're here." I mumble.
"I was worried about you, people die from burst appendixes." Tre says with big eyes.
"What? It burst." I said in disbelief.
"Yeah." Tre says awkwardly, just realizing I only knew it was enflamed. "You're okay now, you're alive aren't you."

"Hey you're awake!" Robbie says as he comes in with two coffees in his hand. He hands one to Tre and offers the other one to me.
"No thanks." I mumble.
"He's devoted to you, you know." Robbie murmurs. "He hasn't left your side since he arrived this morning."
"Oh really." I say as I manage to sit up and kiss Tre.
"Yup, I've been surviving on the hospital coffee and cookies Robbie bring me from the cafeteria downstairs." Tre says smugly.
"Is the cafeteria still open?"
"Yeah, it only closes at nine." Robbie says as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"Right, I'm going." I say as I shift my weight.
"You can't walk around." Robbie says in a squeaky pubescent voice.
"I'll find a wheel chair." Tre says laughing at the pitch of Robbie's voice.

Tre returns a few minutes later with a wheelchair and a nurse in her mid-fifties.
"You take that side and I'll take this one." She says in a raspy voice as she puts my arm over her shoulder and she and Tre lift me onto the wheelchair. "You'll have to bring the IV with you."
"Thanks." I say as she waddles out of my hospital room. Tre pushes my wheel chair as I hold onto the IV stand, which is luckily on wheels.
"So does this mean we can't have sex on this visit?" Tre asks as we take the elevator to the cafeteria.
"I don't think so, considering the fact I can't even sit up without some help." I say laughing.
"I'll do all the work if you want." He teases as the elevator doors open and he wheels me down the corridor.
"We're in a hospital, nurses can just burst in." I say laughing.
"We'll put a please don't disturb sign on the door."
"I think it's against hospital policy." I say laughing as he pushes my wheelchair up to the table.
"Fine." Tre says rolling his eyes, "I'll go get us something eatable."

"I thinks it is spaghetti." Tre says as he nears the table with two trays.
"I thinks?" I say in mockery.
"Yes, I thinks." He places a tray in front of me.
"I thinks it is spaghetti too." I say as I pick up the fork and taste some.