Status: Slow Updates

Creating Perfection

Proper As Always

The sun was shining, the sky was clear, the air was crisp. My window was open and a cool breeze wafted in, floating past the orange tree carrying the citrus smell. The faint sound of birds chirping and children giggling could be heard from outside, it was all so serene and yet meant only one thing. Another dull morning only meant another dull day.

There was no fooling me, those gleeful sounds and delicate noises were that of a fake world. One that I did not idly waste my time in. I had bigger things to do, my sights were not set on the horizon but on the broad future before me, Washington.

And not that dull one where the rain is never ending, no the D.C. one, where real men were made and woman dominated them. That was where I was destined to be, I had plans, not hopes or dreams just goals that would be met. I never spoke in similes, always metaphors because they don’t use like or as but is and are, absolutes.

“596…597…598…599…and 600,” I said, setting the wooden comb back in its case upon my vanity. I took another look at myself, checking and then rechecking to make sure everything was in order. One could not only aspire to be great, but to also look great.

I stood and straightened out my grey pencil skirt, pants were for those were unaware of what ‘proper’ meant. My button down silk top was neatly tucked in and my make up was clean. I looked sharp as always.

I grabbed my bag and hurried down the stairs.

“Darling where are you off to in such a hurry?” asked my father.

I paused by the door and turned to face him, “Dad I have school.” I hated how oblivious he was to all things that didn’t concern him. Mom would have known, she would have been standing right by the door to kiss me goodbye and tell me she loved me. But in the Garber household there is no love, not anymore.

“Oh yes that’s right, well what time do you suppose you’ll be home?”

“I don’t know there is this seminar on global warming that I was thinking of going to, why what’s going on?”

“Nothing big, I was just planning on having a guest over and I wanted you to meet her.”

“A guest, her, yeah I think I’ll skip out on that one,” I said wanting right then to run from the house. As if it wasn’t enough that he hadn’t even been faithful to my mother, but now he planned on bringing one of his ‘ladies’ home.

My father was nothing if practical, he was successful and smart. A people person is what my mom used to call him. But aside from all of that he was also a lying, cheating, ass of a father who could give two cents about me. But like I said, that’s just the way things were around here.

“Darling please don’t be like that,” he said coming to me.

I pulled the door open quickly, “I’m just like you,” I said to him before storming out. I wanted badly to look back and see the hurt, or maybe shock that was plastered on his face at this moment. I said it just like my mother would have, in that same defiant tone.

Most high school kids have their parents drop them off at school, but since my father couldn’t be bothered with me he arranged for a personal driver to do that. I didn’t exactly like it but over the years Jeremy and I had become pretty good of friends. He was nice to chat with when there was no one else, which usually was the case.

I am not entirely sure what it was about me that made people avoid me like the plague. I wasn’t ugly; I looked my mother so that couldn’t be. But whatever it was people didn’t exactly flock to me. Not like I minded I mean people only slow you down.

“So how are you this morning Ms. Liz?” Jeremy asked as he pulled out of the drive way.

“Alright, but father insists on me coming for dinner with him and one of his lady friends.” I made a face when I said lady friends, if they could even be called that.

“Be a good sport my miss, I’m sure she can’t be that bad,” he insisted.

I scoffed, “Oh yes because any woman that you pick up in a strip club is just the cream of the crop.”

He smiled, “You are very much like you’re mother, especially when you make that pouty face,” he pointed out in the review mirror.

My face smoothed and I leaned forward in my seat, “Will you tell me more about her?” I asked. Jeremy had been my mother’s personal driver and he knew her just as well as he knew me. He was always telling me stories about her.

“Not know miss, it looks as if it is time for school, “he said looking ahead at the high school that was approaching. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

“Later,” he assured which made me smile.

“Thank you Jeremy,” I said before climbing out.

“Have a good day miss!” he called before driving off.

I was always on time, early even. It was always best to be prompt because tardiness showed poor character. I walked into history and saw that I was the first one there as usual.

The other students began to file in a few minutes later. They all looked so immature and useless, I hated having to go to public school but there were no private ones near here.

As everyone settled in and the bell rang I became attentive to the teacher, “Alright class today we are going to be splitting up into groups for an important project coming up,” she explained.

I quickly raised my hand, “Yes Elizabeth,” she said warily, I chose to ignore that.

“Would it be alright if I was in a group by myself? I don’t feel like anyone in this class is up to my academic level.” A few kids gave me dirty looks, “What? It’s true.”

She sighed, “Elizabeth can’t you just be a team player for once?”

“No,” I stated flatly.

“Well it doesn’t matter I’m the teacher and you’re working in a group, in fact I’ll make yours right now,” she said smiling ruefully.

She scanned the room quickly until her eyes landed on someone in the back. I turned to follow her gaze.

“Daniel,” she announced proudly. Oh god not him, and then as if it wasn’t bad enough the door opened and in walked the final nail to my coffin.
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Comments would be great. CC is up next.