Last Night On Earth

fearing you

(Billies POV)
i woke up covered in sweat and was painfully aware of my throbbing hard on. i moaned angrily and loudly as i started to take off my boxers.
i froze. someone was in my room. "uh, yeah?" i whispered into the dark.
"you need some help with that?" came the response.
"help with what?" i asked innocently
"i know what you're doing." suddenly i was blinded by the light above me in my room. i quickly sheilded my clearly visible boner and allowed my eyes to adjust before looking at the stranger in my room. i sighed with relief when i saw tre stood in the doorway smirking at me. then i began to notice that his eyeliner had smudged and he was pale. he looked wasted.
"what are you doing here?"
"came to have some fun." he laughed menacingly and started to crawl into bed next to me.
"tre i dont think you're meant to be here" i warned, but allowed myself to be dragged into tre's arms. then, he threw me on my back and held my arms to the pillow. my heart started racing.
"you're so hot when you're scared billie." he snarled.
"please dont hurt me tre" i begged. i tried to pull my arms back, but he held me harder. "tre let me go!"
"billie be quiet!" he shouted as he started to take his jeans off.
"no tre. i dont want to do this! im scared"
"im not gonna hurt you billie. i just want to..." he fell asleep then, his body pressed against mine. i could feel his erection brushing against my own. i was scared to make a noise incase he woke up again. i could feel my heart banging against my chest. i had never been more scared in all my life. i couldnt hold back the tears that were filling up my eyes.
"OH MY GOD!" i looked up to see mikes mum stood in the doorway and decided i had never been happier to see her in my life.