Last Night On Earth

consequences of drinking

(Tres POV)
Oh god, oh god, oh god. Billie just told me he loved me back. I have never been more happy. I leant in to kiss him again - what i have wanted to do all day, and when i felt his cool lips touch mine, it brought back the painful memory of this morning. I tried to clear it out of my head, but it wouldnt go, so i tried to distract myself with billie. I traced my tongue along the edge of Billie's lips and put my hand under his head, so that i was in control, and i could make all the memories from this morning disappear.

(Billies POV)
Fucking hell, Tre is such a good kisser. If i wasnt in so much pain right now, i would probably enjoy it, but i could feel that my crotch was bruised and tre was lying ontop of me, making the whole experience really unenjoyable. I tried to pull away, but Tre only pulled my head closer.
"Tre, get.." I cant hold back long enough to speak. Oh shit, I am in so much pain. I started to kick my legs, but that only made it worse, so i tried hitting him, but i was weak.
"MIKE HELP" i managed to gasp, and i heard Mike run over and try and pull tre off me.
"Billie whats wrong?" Tre asked me, his eyes big and filling with tears.
"You were hurting me, thats all. Dont worry." i tried to assure him, but he cried, regardless. "Tre, dont." i pleaded, and tried to sit up to give him a hug. Big mistake. My stomach lurched, and my head spun. I got up and ran faster than i have ever run before, and just made it to the toilet. Ugh, I hate sick.

(Mikes POV)
"BILLIE! if you got sick on the carpet, my mums gonna fucking kill us both!" I ran out of my room leaving tre in a heap on the floor, from where billie had thrown him and followed bill to the bathroom. luckily there was no mess.
"serves you right for drinking so much." i said angrily. this was typical billie. taking everyone elses alcohol and throwing it back up, because he cant handle it. "Im thinking you need to get some sleep."
"mm" he muttered before cleaning the vomit from around his mouth. "am i alright to sleep in your bed? i cant be arsed walking home."
"ok whatever. you want me to send tre home?"
"nah, im not sure he will like that. just let him stay for a bit."
"okay then. what you gonna sleep in?"
"my boxers? what else?" he laughed. Ok yes, i still sleep in pijamas. But he doesnt know that. infact i dont think anyone knows that.
"oh yeah, stupid me." - nice save dickwad.
"whatever. night mike" he grinned and walked out throwing his shirt on the floor as he left. stupid mother fucker.
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thanks for the comments. more updates soon. cant stop writing :D