Dead in the Water

Drama Addicts

(Amanda's POV)
"What did you do to get Frank acting that way?" I asked again.

"He wanted to know how I forced you to do things without being forceful. I also helped him with some other of his abilities like not drinking too much blood when he bites Nonnie for any reason." Martin replied in my thoughts.

"Whoa slow down there. There should not be any biting of any kind." I snapped remembering how Martin had tricked me a day ago.

There was a silence between us as I ate my dinner. Erelin must have picled up on it. She got up from Brendon's lap and walked over to me.

"So Brendon tells me that he is still afraid that Pete is going to kill him and that you can also go home tomorrow. That is great news!" She said hugging me.

"Yeah, I healed up perfect." I said trying to ignore the fact that I should have healed last night.

"Brendon, Pete is not going to kill you." I reiterated to him. "I won't let it." I added.

"That is good because the whole gang is coming up here tonight." Erelin said.

"Erelin!" I said.

"It was Nonnie's fault. She slammed the door on a worried Joe and he came asking me what happened last night and why we were out so late. He in turn told everyone else." She said.

"Hey, if Joe spent more time worrying about Bev his new girlfriend we wouldn't have had this problem." Nonnie argued.

"Enough with the drama. I am beginning to think that we are all drama addicts or something that cannot function without it in our lives." I said sighing and throwing my french fries at Erelin and Nonnie.

"Hey!" They both said eating them as they fell in their laps.

"So I see that you didn't kill Frank." Nonnie chuckled and changing the subject.

"I think we both know how each other think now." I said as he kissed Nonnie.

"I think once it turns dark outside here, I am going out to hunt for Gerard." Frank replied.

"Not without me." Nonnie chimed in.

"No one is going anywhere without me or Erelin. Frank must you forget that Gerard told me he wants you dead. If he succeeds and Nonnie you go out with him, who is going to protect you from Gerard?" I asked concerned.

"I can take care of myself." Nonnie replied.

"Right." Frank said rolling his eyes.

"Ok, drama llama and stubborn mule, do not make me get up out of this bed and beat both of you down until you have sense about yourselves." I said starting to get up.

"Amanda, take it easy. You only have four more hours until Pete gets here and I know you need your strength for that." Martin said making me lie back down.

"Ok but only for you." I said.

Four hours went by and I was nervously waiting for Pete as was Brendon who could not stop looking at his watch or stop pacing the floor. Erelin kept trying to get him to sit down. I started to feel a feeling in the bottom of my stomach however and I knew it was not a good feeling.

"Guys, I need to be alone for a minute." I said.

"Are you ok?" Erelin asked.

"Yeah, I am fine. I just need some air and time alone. I have been here with you guys all day no offense. I want to think to myself." I said.

"Are you sure?" Martin replied.

"Yeah." I said as he kissed me.

"Call if you need me." He said worried.

"I will." I smiled as I saw him and everyone leave my room. They all gave me a worried and confused glance as they left my room.

Fifteen minutes passed and I heard my door creep open. "Why hello, sister dear." I said pissed off.