Dead in the Water

I Will Not Give Up

I don't know how I managed to sleep last night with all the dreams I had and thoughts about what I had done to my sister and my boyfriend. I got up out of my bed and raided the fridge for some blood. It may help my cravings but it wouldn't help drown my sorrows like alcohol would.

I tried to read and work out but all my thoughts went back to the look on my sister's face and then to Pete's. I screwed up big time and have hurt the two most people I love in my life the most. I don't know what I can do to fix this.

Night fell and I recieved a phone call. It was from Sisky. Why would he be calling me after what happened last night? Is he stupid? I decided not to answer it until he called at least twenty times.

"What do you want?" I asked pissed off at him.

"Hey, look, I know you are mad at me. I just want to let you know that Amanda is in the hospital." Sisky replied.

"What? Why? Is she ok?" I asked.

"I just got here for my shift and my coworker told me about it so I pulled up her file on the computer." He replied.

"Have you seen her, wait scratch that. That is a stupid question." I said knowing that he probably wouldn't be allowed to see her.

"Amanda was brought in for a stabbing. She went into surgery late last night. It says that she is recovering nicely. Elissa this is all my fault." Sisky replied.

"No, it is both of our faults." I sighed.

"No, I went to see her last night instead of letting her cool down a few days. I know how Amanda reacts. She went out slaying alone without her new boyfriend and Erelin because she was pissed at my visit and needed to clear her head. If I had not come over last night, then she wouldn't be here in the hospital right now." He said upset.

"Wait, what do you mean new boyfriend? How could she just move on that fast after seeing us the night before?" I wondered.

"She said his name was Martin and that they knew each other from a long time ago. He rescued her from Ian when she ran out of the warehouse two nights ago." He replied.

"Martin, huh?" I replied.

"You know him?" Sisky asked.

"The name sounds familiar. I am on my way to the hospital." I said.

"I don't think that is a good idea. I am not sure she would want to see you." Sisky asked.

"Well, she is going to. I am worried about her and I know that what we did was wrong and Amanda can be mad at me all she wants. She has the right to be mad after what I did to her but I still need to talk with her. I need to see that she is ok." I replied.

"Good luck getting through all her friends, especially Erelin." Sisky said.

"If I know my sister, she will see me one way or the other." I sighed. "Thanks for calling me Sisky. Now don't ever call me again. We are through." I said hanging up the phone.

I just hope that things won't get ugly and that we can talk. Maybe if I can patch things up with Amanda then I can start to patch things up with Pete. I can't lose him but I also can't lose my sister from my life either. With Ian out there, I worry everyday.