Dead in the Water

So Long And Goodnight

(Nonnie’s POV)

I looked around the room. I wasn’t sure how long I was out, but I knew that Gerard wasn’t far from where I was. I could hear his voice. I also knew that he had some of my friends. I think it was Patrick and Jenny that were somewhere in the building too.

This wasn’t the same as before. This room was dirty and cold. There was nothing to indicate that anyone was living here. There were cobwebs all over the place and I could hear the mice in the walls. There was barely any furniture just the old couch I woke up on. No one had come to check on me since I woke up almost a half-hour ago.

I was both happy and sad to see that the room had no windows. This meant that I couldn’t be hurt when the sun came up if it wasn’t already up, but it also meant I couldn’t just jump out the window and either save my friends or go for help.

I knew that wherever he was, Frank was probably worried sick, but something also told me he was in trouble. He wasn’t hurt. Most likely he was out looking for me and ran into some trouble. I wasn’t going to just sit around this time. I had to go help him and there was no telling what Gerard was going to do to Jenny and Patrick. I didn’t want them to end up like Mikey and me.

I walked over to the door and tried the knob. It wouldn’t budge. I tried kicking it, pushing it, and running into it, but nothing worked. As I was about to ram my shoulder into the door again, it flew open and I ran right into Gerard’s arms. He held me tightly as I struggled to get free.

“That’s not happiness to see me,” he whispered in my ear.

“What did you do with my friends?” I asked still trying to get free.

“They’ll be joining you…now,” I heard them both yelling and fighting to get free.

“Let me go,” Jenny said.

“You better not hurt her, you…” Patrick started. I stopped listening as they were thrown into the room. Then Gerard threw me onto the floor then they all left us.

“You guys okay?” I asked looking at them.

“Oh and Non?” I heard Gerard say from the other side of the door. “You might not want to tell your friends you haven’t eaten.” I didn’t say anything. “You know you will have to feed sooner or later.” I took a deep breath. The last time I ate was right before Erelin and Pete bought Mikey to our house. I don’t know how often I’m supposed to feed. I think I’m fine for now though.

“We’re fine are you okay?” Patrick asked helping Jenny up.

“I…” I didn’t know what to tell them. If I should tell them about Gerard’s plan. I knew they hadn’t heard what he said and I didn’t want them to panic, I didn’t want them to be afraid of me, but they needed to know what might happen if we weren’t able to get out of here. I walked over to the couch and started pulling it apart. Inside it was made of wood. I smiled.

Gerard wasn’t really the smartest of the Way brothers. That was always Mikey’s thing. Now that I think about it, Mikey probably came up with the plan to trap me and to get cought so he they could get into the house. It’s not like any of Gerard’s past plans have really worked. I broke it up making a few stakes for Patrick and Jenny. “Look Gerard…He’s going to try and get me to feed off you guys. If I lose control here are some stakes. Don’t think about it before you do it, just stake me got it?”

“Non we are going to get out of here long before it comes to that.” Patrick said taking the stakes all the same. “You think you can bust through the wall? I mean they can’t be too thick.”

“You’re right start looking for a hollow spot okay,” we all started tapping on the wall in. I could hear both theirs and mine, but the walls seemed really thick. Then I heard it a thunk that sounded different from the others. “Hey stop. Patrick hit that same spot again,” he did and it wasn’t his. “Jenny now you,” she did and I rushed over to her and tapped the wall. I smiled this was definitely a weak spot in the wall. “Step back.” she went to go stand next to Patrick across the room.

Once she was a safe distance away I punched the spot in the wall. My hand went right through and I started to peal away at the side of the hole making it bigger. I kept going until it was big enough for us to fit through.

“I’m going out first, then jenny then you okay.” Patrick nodded and I climbed through the wall. The next room was worst than the last. The walls were all moldy and there wasn‘t any furniture. I helped Jenny through the hole. Then Patrick handed us the stakes I’d made and we both helped him through the hole. I walked over to the door took a deep breath and tried the knob. I almost cried when it turned.

I took a peak out. There was a long hallway going in both directions. I stepped back into the room. Then turned to look at them.

“Okay I’m pretty sure that this place is crawling with Gerard’s men. I don’t know how long its going to take us to get out of here, but we have to try and stick together. If we run into Gerard you guys go. I’ll take care of him.” I was finally ready. He’s really starting to get on my nerves. I stepped out into the hall and went to the right. I was guessing that there was a stairway. I guessed right. As we made our way down the steps I started hearing organ music. It was getting louder and louder and was causing goosebumps to prick my skin. Something wasn’t right.

Finally we made it to the bottom floor. I pushed open the door a froze. I stood in front of two large wooden doors that as soon as I stepped in front of them were pulled open. In front of me was my worst nightmare. It was just like my dreams. Pews on each side of me and Gerard stood at the end of the isle smiling at me. In front of him was a table and I knew with out looking what was on it. Frank was probably tied up lying on the table.

“Come’er Sugar. I have a surprise for you.” he said. I heard a struggle behind me and turned to see Patrick and Jenny starting to fight some of Gerard’s men. I turned to help them and started fighting. It didn’t take long before I had killed three of the six vampires that had attacked. Patrick was working on two and Jenny was fighting pretty well against the last one. I started to move toward Patrick to help him but someone grabbed me from behind.

“Now Non don’t be like that.” I threw my head back hitting him in the nose. He dropped me and I landed on my feet. I didn’t take time to rest. I started fighting him with everything I had. I wasn’t going to let Frank or any of my friends get hurt.

I started throwing punch after punch. He just smirked and started blocking them as best he could. Something clicked in my mind. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but a smile came to my face. I started moving faster than him. Hitting him more often. I didn’t’ hear or see anything else that was going on around me. My smile got bigger as his finally faltered. He swung and I sidestepped grabbing his arm and pulling it around behind him. In one swift motion I broke it. He screamed out in pain.

I didn’t let it stop me though. No matter how much that sounded like My Gerard I knew it wasn’t. He quickly turned and started fighting me with his good arm as best he could. That smirk still wasn’t back. I heard something flying through the air and put out my hand to catch it. It turned out to be a stake. The fighting paused and Gerard stared at me in what I’m guessing was fear.

“Non let’s not do something we might regret.” he said taking a few steps toward me. I just laughed.

“I don’t think I’ll regret this at all,” then I attacked him. He wasn’t expecting it so I was able to get really close. Without hesitation I stabbed him with the stake. His hand quickly cupped my face, and then he turned to dust. I would mourn my friend later. Right now I had to get us out of here.