Dead in the Water

Present Day Two Years Later

I hated being on this plane leaving Seattle for Los Angeles. I hated running but running is all I seem to do anymore. I have to admit that I was able to hide out in Seattle longer then I thought. I was able to spend almost eight months here before Ian broke through my thoughts and invaded my dreams.

I am only able to keep myself in hiding for so long before he gets to me and finds me out through my dreams, thoughts, or word of mouth from vampires who escape me. I try to keep him blocked as best as I can from my thoughts and dreams but it is no easy task. All running does is make me lose the life I start to build and reminisce about the past and how
I was turned. I have lived in many places trying to hide and kill vampires, which has become my life since I was taken away from the world.

I have lost so much. I lost my both my family and my close friends because of what I am. The few friends who have guarded my secret that I have made since I was turned into a vampire, I must keep safe from Ian. I know what he is capable of and I cannot let him hurt them because of me. Therefore, I can never get too close and have to leave them to protect them. These past two years since I was turned, have been rough on me.

I sighed and sat in my seat. The plane took off and once it was safe to walk about the plane, the flight attendants were out getting people drinks, blankets, and peanuts. I drank before I left knowing it would be a long flight to L.A. Blood packets come in handy from the hospitals.

I remembered how I trained so hard to be as strong as I am today. That day that I was turned, I was lucky to have met some friends who would help me learn to deal with my current situation and to help exact revenge on every single vampire I could find. There are exceptions I learned quickly of course.

When I ran through the streets trying to get away from Ian, I ran into Micah and some of his friends. Micah was a vampire slayer as I am now, only there was one exception; he was a vampire like me. Micah’s friends were humans and they all knew and kept his secret. He had known them all, before he was turned, and apparently had saved them at one point in time revealing what he had become. They all agreed to help him, knowing they could not just stand by and let people die from vampires in the world.

You see there are both good vampires and bad ones in this world. Thankfully, I am on the good side. Micah told me that we vampires have abilities and taught me how to use them against the evil vampires. I learned that as a vampire I have super strength, agility, heightened senses such as hearing, smell, and able to see in the dark. I also have a faster healing rate then humans and as a special gift, I learned that I could sense between the good vampires and the bad ones.

When I was with Micah and his friends, I felt normal, and that I was in a place where I fit in. He told me how to find blood without harming anyone and how to control my urges when I was around people. Most of all, I learned from the best in my weapons and fighting training.

I hated leaving Micah behind. He knew that Ian would be looking for me and tried to protect me the best he could. It was a decision I felt was best for the group. They had all helped me and now it was time to spread my wings.

I would bounce from city to city until I finally settled in Seattle, living there the longest so far. After my dream and my realization that Ian was in town again looking for me, L.A. just seemed the logical choice to move to as big as it was with all the sub cities it has. He would never be able to find me there or at least I hope he will not.

When the plane finally landed and I grabbed my bags, I walked over to where taxis waited to pick people up. I greeted the driver of the cab I approached and asked him to take me to the best hotel I could stay at in LA. Money was no option for me.

I was able to withdraw all of my money from the bank before my family noticed I was missing and I had money that Micah insisted I take with me. I did not have to eat or anything so I saved money for weapons and rent somewhere. I was lucky.

As the driver drove me to a hotel he suggested, I took in all of the lights and sounds of the city. L.A. would definitely be an interesting place to explore and best of all hunt vampires in. Welcome to L.A.