Dead in the Water

Welcome Back

“Doctor is she really waking up? I saw her hand move.” I said. “See!” I said pointing to Amanda’s left hand.

I watched as the doctor took his light out and opened her eyelids and flashed it on her pupils. Then he checked her vitals. Amanda’s lips started to move.

“She is definitely waking up from her coma. I shall be back in thirty minutes to check on her.” The doctor said leaving.

“Don’t go.” Amanda said through her oxygen mask.

“Amanda, it’s me, Elissa. I’m not going anywhere.” I said as she moved her head.

“Elissa?” She said opening her eyes.

“Hey there.” I said smiling at Amanda.

“Where is he?” Amanda asked trying to take her mask off and sit up.

“I wouldn’t try to sit up yet.” I said making Amanda lay back down.

“At least let me take this mask off.” She said determined to take it off anyways.

“Ok, but only for a few minutes. You have gone through a big ordeal. We thought we might have lost you at one point. You died on the table in the ER.” I replied sighing as I sat down in the chair beside Amanda’s bed.

“Then my plan worked?” She asked.

“What plan?” I asked confused.

“Where is the boy that was in my room?” She asked looking at me with concern and changing the subject.

“I heard a voice. It was a guy’s voice. I think it was from the boy I met in the hospital years ago. You didn’t see him? I heard your voice shortly thereafter.” She replied.

“Amanda, I left you for twenty minutes to talk to Nonnie, Jenny, and Chrissy. They are here worried about you. When I got back, there was no boy in this room. Maybe you dreamed about that boy.” I said pulling her hair out of her eyes.

“Where’s Erelin?” Amanda asked.

“She is safe. She is with Brendon.” I explained.

“Is she the slayer? Did my plan work?” Amanda asked.

“Amanda, what plan?” I asked and then she told me.

“You are crazy for going up against Beckett like that!” I said disappointed in Amanda.

“I did it to protect her. Maybe her and Brendon can be together or something. Beckett cannot harm her or come after her. She can finally protect herself and I would do it again!” Amanda snapped.

“Speaking of I need to call her. I hadn’t yet because I didn’t want to scare her or worry her more.” I replied.

“She was probably freaking out. If you have not called her then she probably thinks I am dead. She is also scared too from going through the change. It is not pretty.” Amanda said scolding me.

“I am going to go call her. I will be back. Do you want me to send in the girls?” I asked Amanda.

“No, believe it or not I am tired. Just tell them I am ok and need my rest. Tomorrow is another day they can visit. Where are the guys?” She asked.

“They went out, including Sisky who is worried sick about you to find Beckett. I am getting worried however because we only have two hours until the sun rises.” I said.

“I’m getting stronger. I can feel it.” Amanda replied sitting up in bed on her own.

“I will be back. I promise. I love you.” I said.

“I love you too.” Amanda said looking at all the IV’s that were stuck in her.