Dead in the Water

She's Mine

(Nonnie’s POV)
“I wish you hadn’t come out tonight Non.” Frank said with a sigh for the tenth time in the past two minutes. We were walking down the street headed toward the docks. We were close to the diner I worked at when I first met Joe. We had about two blocks left to walk before we thought we were going to run into any trouble.

“Frank I said I would stay in until my head was healed. It has been healed a whole two months now and because I didn’t want you to worry too much I stayed in. Do you know how boring it is in that house?” He smiled at me and I felt my heart skip, then he quickly looked away.

He was mad at me when I told him that Joe and I had broken up. He said he had nothing to offer me and that I should try to work things out with Joe. I lied and said that I would. I loved Joe too much as a friend to make him believe we were going to be something more.

“You are just being stubborn, you know you are.” I rolled my eyes. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You remember when you wouldn’t talk to Mikey for a whole month?”

“He was being mean and talking about my hair.”

“Non everyone has bad hair days.”

“I had just come from the hair dresser with my new pink streaks.”

“I told you pink wasn’t your color…” I turned around so that I was walking backward in front of him.

“I looked fierce…” I bumped into someone and Frank reached out to grab me before I fell. “I’m so sorry,” I said turning and coming face to face with Joe.

“Nonnie and Frank,” he said Frank’s name as if he was the worst person on the planet.

“Hi Bev,” I said. Joe had introduced me to her a long time ago. I was not really that fazed that he was dating someone else. I just kept a close eye on her cause I was not sure she was going to treat Joe right, but she seemed to make him happy and that is all that mattered.

“Nonnie what brings you out tonight?” Joe asked, obviously mad at me. I also promised Joe that I would not go out with Frank alone. Wow, I’m just breaking all my promises.

“We were slaying for a little while. I mean he didn’t want me to go out alone and you were out with Bev so…”

“I think you, Bev and I should go home.” I just rolled my eyes.

“I’ll be home later; I mean you don’t want to ruin your date with Bev.” I did not wait for him to argue more I just grabbed Frank’s arm and pulled him past the happy couple. Okay so maybe I’m not as happy for Joe and Bev as I let on, but it’s only because I can’t get Frank to see me. I mean the way he used to see me. He is afraid of me getting hurt.

“Nonnie are you okay?” Frank asked me. I had not realized how far we had walked until I looked up and saw that we were standing on the docks.

“I’m fine Frank.” before he could say anything a hand grabbed me and I saw that it was a vampire. She held my arm cutting off my circulation.

“Isn’t it a bit late for a stroll?” She asked.

“Actually,” I said reaching into my back pocket and taking out a stake. “Your timing is perfect.” She didn’t even see it coming. I stabbed her in the heart and she turned to dust. Another one came out of nowhere. Then there were too many to count and I could not see Frank anywhere. I felt someone pull me back against his body.

“Fight me,” Frank said into my ear. I turned on him and started punching and hitting him.

His hits were more like love taps until the final one which left me dizzy. He pulled me to him. “I’m sorry,” He said tilting my neck to the side. I screamed out as he sunk his teeth into my neck. I felt myself getting weaker, and then my legs went out from under me. “She’s mine; go find your own dinner.” I heard him announce. I was finding it hard to stay conscious.

“Frank…” he swept me up into his arms.

“Just hold on baby, I’m going to take you home. You just need some rest.” He whispered. My eyes felt heavy and I let myself fall into oblivion.