Dead in the Water

It'll Only Hurt For A Second Sugar

(Nonnie’s POV)

“So you wanna get something to eat babe?” Frank asked. He had made me sleep last night since I couldn’t on my own. I was so worried about Amanda, and Pete. I mean Elissa did that to her own sister. I was happy that Frank wasn’t her type. “I don’t want her anyway.” He said reading my mind.

“You know you should start asking before you read my mind.” I said. “Besides what’s the matter with Elissa I mean she’s beautiful.” I said.

“I only want you, besides what fun would asking before I read your mind be. All the kinky stuff that goes on in that little head of yours.” I blushed thinking of the night before. “Yup you gave me that idea.” I blushed even more and hit him on the arm.

“Frank I swear, you better stay out of my head.” I looked down at my phone as it started to vibrate. I flipped it open and tried to answer it but as soon I got it to my ear it cut off. The screen flashed low battery and then went blank.

“Who was it?” Frank asked.

“I don’t know. It was probably Joe asking why I wasn’t home yet.” I rolled my eyes. I mean apparently it was okay for him to be out with Bev all late at night, but I wasn’t supposed to stay out late with Frank. Well now it serves him right, besides I wasn’t quite sure where Amanda was and I was a little worried. I was pissed at Sisky and Elissa for what they did to my friends.

“Maybe you should call them, it maybe news about Amanda.” He said, but I barely heard it. I thought I saw Gerard walking ahead of us. “Nonnie? I’m sure there’s a pay phone somewhere around here.”

“Did you see that?” I asked stopping dead in my tracks.

“See what?” I shook my head. Maybe I was still tired.

“Let’s go home,” I said not answering his question. I turned to walk the other way and there I saw him again. He was leaning against the side of a building. He looked up and saw me. It was like I couldn’t breathe. I let go of Frank’s hand and ran toward him. He turned and started walking away from me down an alleyway. “Gerard!” I called out. He didn’t turn.

“Nonnie stop,” Frank said in my head. I looked back and didn’t see him, so I just kept going. I had to know if I had really just seen Gerard alive. Once I was in the alleyway he was nowhere to be found. Just a bunch of random vampires, none of which looked disappointed that I was there in fact they just, looked hungry. I turned to run, but I saw that two vampires had blocked my path.

“Frank I could use a little help.” I said.

“Run!” he said, but I was trapped. There was nowhere for me to run and I knew that if he told me to run it meant he couldn’t get to me. It meant I was on my own. I pulled out a stake and took my fighting stance.

“I’ll do my best to hold them off till you get here, but I know there are too many.” I tuned out his voice as best as I could. He kept trying to tell me to find a place to hide, but there wasn’t anywhere to go. The first vampire attacked me and I was prepared. I dodged his punch and swept his feet from under him. Then threw the stake so it hit him in the heart. He turned to dust and two vampires advanced on me. I did a quick count. There were six left. I hoped they wouldn’t get smart and all attack at once. As I ducked under one of the vampire’s blows the other one swept my feet from under me.

Then I saw the most beautiful thing on this planet. Frank came running into the alley. He staked one of the vampires that had me on the ground and then started fighting the other one. Three other’s joined them and the last one came over and started kicking me as I tried to get up knocking all of the air from my lungs. Then he lifted me by my neck and moved my hair to the side.

“Tasty,” he said, as he was about to sink his teeth into my neck.

“I told you that you weren’t to bite her,” I heard an angry voice say before the vampire that held me turned to dust. I fell to the ground and then was lifted into someone’s arms. A familiar smell wafted past my nose and I looked up into the hazel eyes of Gerard. “Hi Sugar,” he said with a smile. My heart rate sped up as I saw his sharp teeth. He put my feet on the ground but still held onto me.

“Gerard?” I asked.

“Nonnie! Get away from him.” Frank yelled. I turned to see that he was still fighting the other vampires. He was down to three.

“Now Frank that’s no way to greet an old friend.” Gerard said back. “Nonnie look at me.”

“Nonnie don’t look…” Gerard grabbed my chin roughly and turned my face to him. I looked up into his eyes.

“I’ve missed you Non,” Gerard said, I couldn’t move and it was starting to scare me. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. He moved his face closer to mine and bushed his lips across mine. Then he started kissing along my jaw line. I could feel the brick wall behind me.

“Nonnie!” I heard Frank scream in my head. It broke me out of the trance that Gerard had put me in and I started trying to get free from Gerard. He pressed his body against mine pinning me completely against the wall so I couldn’t move.

“It’ll only hurt for a second Sugar.” He tilted my head to the side and sunk his teeth into my neck. I screamed out for frank to help even though I knew he wasn’t going to make it in time to save me. He didn’t drain me though. He removed his teeth from my neck. “We’ll finish this later, for now sleep.” He lifted me into his arms and I passed out.