Status: I think I have the cutest subscribers. Seriously, you gals are amazing and sweet! <3 And also, thank you for reading.

Your Colorful World vs. My Black and White World

Zacky's mom became acquainted with a girl that moved in with her parents about a year ago, exactly two days after Zacky left for tour. His mother loved this girl, Adeline. She was quiet and extremely shy, but when she was able to overcome her bashfulness, she was the most interesting person Mrs. Baker had ever met. Her ways of thinking were unconventional, original, and smart.

All of Zacky's family loves Adeline, now; Zacky was the only one who needed to fall in love with her. That would become an almost impossible task, for although Zacky did want to get to know Adeline, she did not want to know anything about him. She wasn't offended at the fact that he was rude to her that day she brought lemonade for his mother, but she did research him after his little brother, Matt mentioned he was in a band.

She found videos of Zacky performing on stage with his other band members as well as videos of him outside of performing. In all the videos, she found that Zacky was reckless and irresponsible. She did not want to deal with someone like him. That was one reason and the other was the fact that Zacky was able to frighten Adeline for no particular reason. He just did.

*A Zachary Baker (Zacky Vengeance) story