Status: I think I have the cutest subscribers. Seriously, you gals are amazing and sweet! <3 And also, thank you for reading.

Your Colorful World vs. My Black and White World

The 14th Chapter

It felt strange for Adeline as the reality sunk into her brain. She was no longer living with her parents. Beginning today, she was going to live in the same house as Zacky. She was going to survive with a male that wasn’t her father. Did she know exactly what she got herself into?

“Knock, knock,” Zacky grinned, walking into her bedroom. He frowned as he noticed she was lying in bed with her arms covering her face. She hadn’t noticed his presence either.

“Something bothering you?” Zacky asked, sitting next to her on the bed.

Adeline’s dark brown eyes opened to see Zacky’s concerned face. “I’m okay…just a little overwhelmed, that’s all,” she explained, giving him a tired smile.

Zacky quieted down as he gazed into Adeline’s eyes. He noticed her eyes weren’t dark brown; they were a purplish brown. Her eyes weren’t big nor were they small, they fit to accompany her face. Maybe that was why she looked so kind yet antsy at the same time.

While Zacky was examining Adeline’s eyes, she peered into Zacky’s as well. She could never get over how pretty his irises were. She had never seen anyone with green eyes quite like Zacky. His eyes reminded her of a Peridot gem. The eye color wasn’t emerald; that color was just too dark. Peridot stones were a very light green but also glistened when shimmered under the sun’s light.

She could see her reflection in his irises. She could see that she would be able to stare aimlessly into his eyes without ever noticing anything or anyone else. That was when she accepted that she was falling for him. That was also when the insecurities slinked their way into her thoughts. Although Matt had told her that Zacky had feelings for her, she realized that Matt could be wrong. He may have known his brother very well, but he wasn’t a mind reader. Surely, if Zacky, did indeed have a liking towards Adeline, wouldn’t it make sense for him to inform her of this?

Adeline broke the intense stare with Zacky. She knew he was only looking back at her because she had looked at him first and he saw it as a challenge. These…feelings swarming around in Adeline’s being had to die out very quickly. She surely wouldn’t be able to live in the same house as Zacky if all she could do was stare at the man as though a stalker would.

“So…are you hungry?” Zacky asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He sensed the sudden awkwardness and was looking to avoid it. He still hadn’t thought of how to take that away, but he swore he would, eventually.

“No…” she whispered quietly.

“Oh okay,” he answered, some light of hope in his eyes diminishing. “I’ll leave you alone then.”

Later on that night, Adeline was asleep in her room when Zacky staggered in there with only boxers as his choice of clothing. He crawled into her bed, wrapping a loose arm around her.

Obviously, Adeline woke up immediately and looked cautiously over her shoulder. She peered at Zacky, uneasiness in her eyes. “What are you doing?” she asked in a hushed voice. She felt as though she and Zacky were doing a horrible thing. It felt like he was sneaking in after her parents had gone to bed hours before.

Zacky shushed her, telling her to go back to sleep. He figured this would be a way to help her become more easygoing. She wasn’t used to attention from a boy. This couldn’t cause any harm.

Adeline shut her eyes tightly, trying to drift off to sleep. It would’ve been much easier if Zacky wasn’t laying next to her, breathing down her neck. She should’ve just locked her bedroom door before she shut her eyes earlier before. He was way too close to her and she really didn’t enjoy the feeling.

Sleep would not come easily for Adeline. Zacky might have told her to go to sleep, but that night, she barely did.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I work this out right, there should be another update by tomorrow. Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it (cause I sure don't). =]