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Lizzie McGuire, Meet Seto Kaiba!

Monday at School


Lizzie then slipped back into her house, quiet as a spider, and was able to sneak back into her bedroom. She then got into her bed, pulled the covers up to her chin and then fell asleep.

Luckily for Lizzie, Monday at school would be a great day. She just didn't know it yet.


I live my life the way
To keep you comin’ back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can’t see
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time, impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
You better quit playin’ games with my heart

Quit playin’ games with my heart (with my heart)
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playin’ games with my heart
I should’ve known from the start
You know you’ve gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearin’ us apart (my heart, my heart)
Quit playin’ games with my heart

--Backstreet Boys, Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)

Finally, Monday arrived. Now we all know that one is supposed to dislike Mondays. It's probably like a law or something. However, for three certain students, this Monday was an exception. They couldn't wait for this Monday to happen.

"Hey, Kaiba," said Lizzie as she walked up to Kaiba, her yellow locks shining. Today she was wearing a blue turtleneck, a pair of black Levis and blue-and-white striped sneakers. Gordo wore blue jeans, a black T-shirt and a yellow snap-up coat over the T-shirt. Miranda wore a red turtleneck, dark blue jeans and a blue coat with snaps over the turtleneck. They also smiled at Kaiba, who in turn grinned at them in reply. He was wearing a black turtleneck, black slacks and a pair of black shoes. The main piece was his trenchcoat -- white this time.

"Hello, Lizzie," replied Kaiba. "Did you finish the math homework on Friday evening?" he asked as the four of them walked down the hall to their first period math class.

Lizzie nodded. "I did indeed, Kaiba. It was pretty easy, of course." She then grinned. "Of course, I had a little help from you. Thanks."

Kaiba smiled back. "You're welcome, Lizzie. After all, I worked hard to get good grades myself, especially in math."

It was then that Kate and Claire walked up to the quartet. Kate, as usual, was dressed in her "adult" clothes. Today she was wearing a blue fuzzy turtleneck, light blue cutoffs and red plastic sandals. Claire was wearing a red turtleneck, green shorts, blue-and-white striped shoes and a blue jeans jacket over the red turtleneck. Kaiba noticed this and put his arm protectively around Lizzie's shoulders.

"Well, well well," said Kate in her snobbiest tone of voice, "if it isn't the-" She then looked up into Kaiba's glaring face and then said,
"-hottie with the loser squad?"

Kaiba, however, wasn't about to be verbally beaten down by some head cheerleader with a snobby attitude and always looking like she owned the best of everything. He disliked the popular girls because, in his mind, not only were they too obnoxious, flirty, and way too full of themselves, they also could be kind of annoying. And instead of focusing on school or what they could do to better themselves, those girls instead would usually spend time on their looks (with eyeshadow, lip gloss and curling their hair, for one thing), and often go to the mall and pick out clothes they thought were "cool".

He snapped, narrowing his cobalt eyes at Kate and Claire,
"Listen here, Kate and Claire. I've got my own version of popular, and I believe it's Lizzie here." As he said this he looked at Lizzie, and smiled. "And I also know who's the cool cat around here, and Lizzie is that as well.

"Plus," he added, turning back to Claire and Kate, "I dislike your kind. I would never be with someone who makes fun of others who aren't blessed with good looks and school spirit just to make themselves feel better."

He then looked down at Lizzie and smiled again, and also at Miranda and Gordo this time.

Finally, after he turned back to the two cheerleaders, he then said,
"Later, you two losers."

Then, along with Miranda and Gordo, he walked off, Lizzie managing to keep up with him.

Kate and Claire glared daggers at Kaiba's back.

"Hello? Very dramatic much?" snapped Claire. "Where does he get off insulting us like that?"

"I agree," replied Kate. She then tossed her blonde locks over her shoulder. "I think we should teach him a lesson."

Claire nodded in agreement. "What's your idea, Kate?"

Kate pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. "I've got it. We should verbally spar with him. He's really good with that, at least from what I've heard from all those rumors about him flying around."

Claire thought that over. It probably did seem like a good idea... kind of.
Then she and Kate exchanged big, toothy grins.

**********Later, after school at the McGuires’**********

"Kaiba, I got to tell you something," said Gordo. "The way you handled Kate and Claire was really neat. I wish I had pulled out my camera. I mean, I've heard of this kind of stuff happening all the time, or at least some of the time. But I never actually get to see it, until now, of course."

Kaiba nodded. He was listening to every word that flew in a birdlike fashion out of Gordo's mouth. He had heard about Gordo from piecing together the stories about him by the students.

But the one thing Kaiba liked about Gordo was that Gordo, like himself, believed that cheerleading was evil by nature. Plus, Gordo was very comfortable in his own skin, and preferred to be individualistic in his own way as well. He also had very strong opinions about things, and didn't mind if the other students agreed or not.

His moniker was "Gordork" (often given by Kate) just because he was smart. However, "Gordork" had first been given to him by so-called "bad girl" Angel Lieberman in math class after he said, "I love the smell of pop quizzes in the morning" when they were in junior high one day.

Then, after Lizzie admitted that being a bad girl was hard work (as well as making a mental note telling herself to wear comfy shoes the next time she decided to take another walk on the wild side), she met up with Angel for the last time.


As Lizzie walked out of the room, she couldn't help but feel that she had accomplished something big and learned a great lesson in the process, and that was admitting that being a "bad girl" was easier than it looked. Then she looked up as Angel walked into her path.

"Hey, Frizz," said Angel. "Did you get the answers for the test from Gordork?"

Angel had a hint of meanness in her tone when she insulted Gordo, which Lizzie picked up on.

OK, that does it, thought Lizzie. I've had enough with her calling me Frizz and Frizzy, and that nickname she gives Gordo is really not very nice at all.

"OK," she said. "A, My name is "Lizzie", not "Frizz". B, Gordo's no dork. He is one of my best friends. And C, I don't cheat."

******End of Flashback******

Kaiba smiled as Gordo recalled that memory. He thought it was pretty neat that Lizzie defended Gordo's honor against Angel like that.

It was then that Kaiba looked over at Lizzie, who was, at the moment, writing something in her notebook while also listening to the conversation. He remembered that sometimes Lizzie didn't exactly get Gordo's frame of mind. Usually, she was able to other times.

Plus, according to Lizzie, as far as fashion went, Gordo's style was pretty much non-existent.
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I'd like to thank skaterdee, Thames, grelle, and Zacky Baker. for commenting on this story. :) I can't believe it: 13 comments, 50 readers and 7 subscribers. I had no idea this story of mine would become so popular. :)