Sequel: Wonderland
Status: Finished :D

King of Hearts

Where is Love?

My guest had arrived right on time. His name was Patrick. My name was Pete. Simple as that. I wonder why people always have to ask each other what their names are?

Then again, in my world there is no such thing as a stranger. Anyone is welcome as long as they have something worth taking.

Anywho, Patrick stood before me, shivering in fear. I could tell he wasn't used to things being out of line. He was used to order, he was used to straight lines. Well, I was going to change that, in more ways than one.

"Don't look so scared, love. I won't hurt you. It's your heart I'd be worried about." I muttered the last part to myself so he wouldn't hear me. My little games wouldn't be so fun if they knew what to expect of me.

"I'm sure you're tired, Patrick. I don't think you'll have trouble finding your room..." I spoke with a grin. Of course he'd have trouble finding his room. He was sane. He'd only end up falling right into my trap. "Uh, actually, could you show me where it is?" He seemed nervous. Damn, this wouldn't be any fun if he didn't have a sense of adventure!

"I suppose." I pouted, although I'm not sure he could see because he wasn't used to seeing details in the dark. "Follow me." I pulled a key out of my pocket. It had the number 17 on it. "Oh, aren't you a lucky one. This is one of my favorite rooms!" I kept up my grin, and Patrick kept up his wide eyes and bitten lip. I had to admit, he was one of the cutest victims I'd had in a while.

I skipped around the mansion, down random hallways and through random rooms with Patrick following as close behind as he could in his own awkward step, trying to keep up with me. I came to a stop in front of a door, and decided that this would be the one.

I lifted the key to the wood of the door and carved the number 17 into it, then handed it to Patrick and grinned. Again.

"A-are you sure th-that this key works w-with tha-th-that door?" his shaking really wasn't helping that stutter of his. "Of course not, love! If I was sure, how would this be any fun? You need to lighten up!" I pushed the sides of his mouth up to create a smile, then skipped off down the hall again.

"Wait!" Patrick called after me. But I didn't have time to take care of my lovely guest right now. I had planning to do.

Patrick seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't play along as easily. Hmm, I hadn't had a challenge in quite a while! I decided that he would be the kind that once they start to trust you, they won't turn back.

I didn't know if I was right, but when did I ever? Guessing was half the fun of gambling. The other half of the fun came from cheating and winning.

I grinned my ever-present grin and began waltzing around whatever room I was in, in perfect time to the music playing in my head, in perfect unison with my imaginary partner.

It seemed almost to be a metaphor for my life; I dance around, hear music in my head. I keep myself happy with love that isn't really there. But I'm missing something important: someone to dance alongside me. I've waited too long, and love has never found me.

Or, I suppose, maybe it wasn't looking for me. Maybe I had to look for it.

I ran around the room, lifting up the carpet, opening dusty boxes. "I don't think I'm going to find love in here." I told myself with a pout to top it off. "Maybe I should go look somewhere else.." I sighed. Looking for love was harder than I had thought.

I burst through the door of the room I'd searched in dramatically, and into another. "Ah, the garden room, I haven't visited you in a while. I thought I'd lost you!" my favorite room in the mansion. It had a tree growing up through the floor in one corner, and numerous kinds of multi-colored flowers.

A beautiful fountain bubbled up from the center of the floor. "Hello there flowers! Oh, how I've missed you. Do you know where love is? I'm looking for it." the flowers didn't answer me. But the tree seemed wise enough, he'd know where to look for love.

"Oh Mr. Tree? Where should I look for love?" he gave me a look that said that's for me to know, and you to find out.

"Well then, Mr. Tree, I'll just be on my way." I skipped out of the room. How was I supposed to find out? "Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I hope." I fell to the floor and pulled a pillow and blanket out from somewhere.

"Good night, silly world. Don't kill me in my sleep!" it was a constant worry of mine. I didn't really want to get killed in my sleep, and it was always a possibility. You never know when the mice are going to decide to go on strike.

I put my head on the folded up blanket and snuggled the pillow in my arms, drifting off to sleep on the floor in front of that garden room I love so much...
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If it seems like insane nonsense, it's supposed to be xD Comment? Please?