Status: Hiatus / RIP James Owen Sullivan

Forget The Math

I'm Addicted

The next day after Sydney had all but begged me to make a music video for Zacky Vengeance's contest we sat at the computer in her house editing everything. We we did was, she video taped me playing the song, but we had cut the audio from the video and used the balanced recording that we had also done of the music. And from there, we would switch from stills of me playing, to stills of me just being me, but it always all just came back to the video. At the end of the video she had a clip of me laughing hysterically for a few seconds, then it went straight to the colorful screen that is played on the tv when you have no signal or nothing is playing on the station, with the song title and my name and all the credits and everything on it.
I sighed knowing that I would have to admit defeat and let her send this in, but I was still really shy about it. I mean, I'm nothing special, why would Zack pick me over the other thousands of people that are going to enter. "Fine, you can send it. I can't lie to you and tell you that what we just did wasn't pretty awesome." I said gently.
"Good, because I was also planning on putting it on my youtube. Just so you know when you get famous and all that jazz, so you know who you're going to thank and remember to bring VIP with you everywhere." she gushed.
I just giggled lightly.
Later on that night I went home and to sleep. I don't know what, but something in my gut just told em tomorrow would be a very very long day.

I skimmed through the many videos of fans trying to buy my attention, but I was looking for real talent. I wanted someone that I could bring here and show off as a prized possesion almost, someone that I could discover. But mostly I just wanted a friend to be my own. All the guys were with their respective ladies, and I was alone.
I sighed to myself as I went through the last video for today. I had just completed veiwing every single video I had sent to me, and I was tired and feeling kind of hopeless. I was just about to exit the screen, when another video came up. It was just a link to youtube, so I clicked on it, intruiged that someone would post their entry on the internet also. They must really think they're good.
What I say, completely blew my mind apart. The music was so original, the visual was so professional looking and is just over all was amazing. I thought it had ended, when the black screen came on after everything, but it was only for a second.
Then a girl appeared in the box, a different one than the one who had made the music. "Hi, I'm Sydney and my friend Kitrine was the girl who made this video. Please rate it five stars to help show her that she really is a talented musician and is an awesome girl. And also, Zacky V, if you're watching this, I don't know what your contest is for, but I sure as hell think that Kitt is hands down the best you've seen and heard so far. Don't you agree?"
I chuckled to myself confused as to why this amazingly beautiful and talented girl would think so lowly of herself. Really, in this past few days I had seen bad and horrible and shit that makes your ears bleed. This was just amaing, the best stuff I've heard an amateur produce in forever, I don't even think the guys and me could've compared when we were in the garage band stage.
Comepletely sure of what I was about to do, I replied to the message I had on my myspace account telling the girls what I thought.
I loved the video guys, best amateur stuff I've ever seen, for real. And Kitrine, trust me, I've heard bad, worst and just plain ear bleeding worth stuff these past few days, and what you have here is real talent. I want to fly you both out here and I'll tell you why when you get here. When works for you to come?
I sent the message away with a smile, and internally couldn't wait to hear back from them. Kitrine was exactly what I was looking for. You couldn't plave her genre completely, but this was clearly a slower song for her. All the same, it showed off everything that she had to offer, and I was hooked. Her sound was like a drug to me, and I was addicted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I lied. They're not all going to be longer, they're just going to end when I feel like it.
Yes by the way, I do realize how cliche that was, but I don't really care. As I say in my other stories, in my fictional world, I am "god" and I control everything. If you don't like it, then take a hike because I'm not changing it. I am however open to friendly critisism and comments, just don't expect everything to be used.