Status: Hiatus / RIP James Owen Sullivan

Forget The Math

I'm Missing Something

I walked into the school the nexy day giving myself only 10 minutes before the bell. I used to come earlier, but gave up on it because no one that I really hung out with was ever here that early. They all had spares in first slot. So, I slowly put my stuff away in my locker and got what I would need for the morning ahead of me. And slowly the minutes ticked by through band, and then through my double slot of photography. Once it was Fourth slot, in which most people had a spare for lunch, I moseyed my way to the cafeteria armed with my purse that held money for me to buy food with. In line, I decided to be a bit of a fatty today and got myself a poutine instead of a wrap, salad or soup or anything else they were selling. I paid for my food and sat down with my friends at our table.
I was just about to start eating when I caught sight of Syd in my peripheral vision making her way hastily towards me holding a piece of paper and a huge shit eating grin plastered to her face. It was times like this, when I was truly scared to ask. But, I did anyway. "Sydney, do I even want to know?" I questioned aprehensively.
"Yes!" she exclaimed as she took her seat beside me and shoved the aforementioned paper in my face. My eyes went wide and I snatched the paper from her hands and held it at a distance from my eyes at which I'd be able to read it... if there was actually anything on it. Ashley, who was sitting across from me reached over and turned the paper around so that the printing on it was facing me and not her. Brittany just giggled at my dumbness and Syd's rushed actions in which she didn't think it through the put the side of paper that actually held meaning in my face.
I sighed and slowly scanned it knowing that odds are, I'd have to read between the lines to figure out what it meant. What I saw was basically a direct screen shot of her myspace inbox, and the message. I was a little shocked that it was from Zacky V, but then again she did enter in that video so maybe he was just letting her know that he saw it and that he already had a winner or something. I don't know. I read on and passed out once I finished reading the whole thing. Well, I didn't really expect that.

I looked down at my now unconcious friend who was slumped against Andrew. He just kind of looked at her and continued eating while watching her limp form lay against his body. I blinked a few times and then started laughing hysterically and clapping. I mean, I knew her reaction to what Zacky said would be priceless but I really didn't think she would faint. From down the table some of her other friends heard the commontion from our small group and just kinda of stared for a moment. Usually Kitt would be laughing with me but no, she was sleeping.
I surveyed the looks of the rest of our small group and saw that Zac and Ashley were just kind of looking, not sure what to do, and that Tye and Brittany had absolutely mortified looks gracing their faces. One of Kitt's friends, Toni I think, came over and poked her lightly a few times with a perplexed facial expression, then took the paper out of her hands and read it to herself out loud. When she was done she gave the paper a funny look and then diverted her attention to me. "Hmm, uh, what the hell? You're taking her to California?" she asked
I nodded with a wide shit eating grin on my face and started slapping her cheeks. Toni dropped the paper and walked away clearly uninterested. I shrugged and after a few moments Kitt started coming to.

"Okay what the hell just happened?" I asked as I blinked a few times, not daring to touch my eyes because then my face would be a mess of makeup. All I knew at the moment was that people were staring, I was leaning on Andrew and Sydney looked like a Cheshire Cat. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into now...
"My dear, you fainted from happiness." Syd replied.
Okay, I don't remember much happiness, but I don't remember much to begin with. "Explain." I groaned out, still leaning on Andrew because well, he was just comfy.
"Well you see," Sydney began waving around a piece of printer paper that was firmly in her hand as she began to tell the story not only with words, but wild hand gestures also. My eyes focused in on the paper which had to have some sort of importance, and in the process completely tuned out to whatever she was saying. Opps.
"Huh?" I said randomly in confusion.
She took in a deep breath and let it out dramatically looking at my over the rims of her glasses. "You weren't listening to a word I said, were you?"
"Well, I heard the first couple words. But they really had no relevance to anything in the world. So, I guess not. Start over and don't flap a paper haphazardly in front of my face so I can focus?" I suggested comically.
"What she means to say," Andrew interrupted before Syd could say anything else, "is that she's taking you to California--"
A light sparked in Syd's eyes as he said this and she cut him off from whatever he was going to say. It was obvious, but I pretended not to notice. "For your birthday!" she finished for him. "Yeah, that's right. Me and you are going to Cali to stay in the sun for your birthday!" she said grinning maddly.
Okay, is it just me, or am I completely missing something? Something kinda, oh I dunno, huge? Maybe just a little. But only time will tell I suppose.