Status: Hiatus / RIP James Owen Sullivan

Forget The Math

On the Road

Weeks later I was packing my acoustic guitar, and a weeks worth of clothes into my purple leopard print suitcase. Don't ask me how, but Syd actually got my Mom to agree to letting me go to Cali with her for 10 days. But she miraculously did it, and I applaud her for doing so. I sighed and pet my beautiful, and big dog. She was a mut, but her uniqueness only made her more attractive and gorgeous. The whole time I was packing she sat by my feet and whined. I think she, like my old dog, had a natural knack for knowing when things were changing and that I was leaving. It would be super hard to leave my baby behind, because she litterally was my baby, but it had to be done.
Taking a seat on my bed she lay her head in my lap and looked up at my with her big, dark brown eyes that you just had to awe at. As I scratched behind her left ear her tail wagged ever so slightly. I would miss her so much, but I knew in my mind that I'd be back soon. I just hoped that she would be smart enough to know in heart heart that I would be back soon too.
After a few minutes I knew that I had to leave or we'd never make it in time for our flight. So I regretfully patted Kidta on the head once more and wheeled my suitcases out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I heard Syd from down the hall, she was in the living room.
"Damn, Love, you took forever! Now come on we have to make up time on the road, and fast!" she said as she dragged me out of the house and into her car. As she was doing this I was calling our a farewell to my mom and brother and making sure that I didn't forget any of my baggage.
As we loaded it into the backseat beside Sydney's red and white zebra stripped set I counted it off in my head... and also apparently out loud. "Big clothes bag, little clothes bag, laptop and electronics bag, camera bag, guitar case..."
"Hun, why are you talking out loud? I know what's in the bags! I helped you pack them, Silly!" Syd pointed out. We both started laughing and took our respective seats in the car.
"I thought I was only saying that in my head, oops!" I giggled out. As she started the car she reached over and poked my shaking side and I broke out in another fit of hysterics. Yeah, I'm REALLY ticklish. It's actually almost pathetic because I'm the perfect image of a little pixie. I'm short, have the hair that I always do in "pixie-ish" hairstyles and cuts, have the cute little face and bright big blue eyes and I giggle... a lot... usually because I'm being tickled though.
Anyway, enough about my annoying traits of being a "Tinkerbell" as Andrew puts it. Before I knew it, Syd and I were on the road, music cranked and on our way to the airport that would take us to California. You have no idea how excited I was. I think I almost pee'd myself...