Seeing Red

Learning about the Legend Lost

Mr. Danis came over and tried to comfort her. Her tears were falling freely by then, and she made an attempt to stop them.

He said, “I’m not only your grandfather’s right hand, Carmen. I’m the closest thing he had to a best friend, and am just one of the people that owe their life to him. He made me what I am today. If he hadn’t done what he did for me, I’d probably have gone into some illegal career and ended up in jail or dead by now. So, I want him to be happy, wherever he is. And I know he’ll be happy if you succeed and lead our company, wherever he is now.”

Carmen nodded and gave a sad smile.

He continued, “Carmen, what he needs, and what we need right now, is not your mourning. We need you to be strong right now. We need to get things done, which need to be done. First thing, you need to make a speech at the funeral.”

A shocked expression suddenly came over Carmen’s face. Mr. Danis assumed that she afraid of public speaking, and tried to console her, saying it didn’t have to be a long speech.

Carmen shook her head, “No, it’s not that. I’m fine with speaking in public. It’s just that, I have nothing black to wear.”

Mr. Danis smiled, “That’s fine. We can buy something tomorrow. But what I want to do now is show you your future property, at least whatever is near Los Angeles.”

They walked outside, and entered a white convertible. Mr. Danis beckoned for Carmen to take the passenger seat, and they drove to a metal and glass building near the centre of the metropolis. They entered the enormous foyer, and entered the elevator to go to the top floor. It was an enormous penthouse, spanning the entire floor.

“This is where your grandfather conducted most of his business meetings. He could’ve lived here, but your grandfather was an outdoors man, and loved sports. The lower floors are the offices for your grandfather’s pharmaceutical company, and some of the floors contain rooms for other ventures.”

He picked up the phone, and started speaking to someone.

“Hello, is it James?”


“Yeah, it has been a long time.”


“Oh, I knew you were busy. Could you send your daughter?


“Yes, I know she’s not experienced. One of my friends needs clothes for the funeral.”


“Yeah, Madison! My friend needs some dresses. Bring ’em up.”


Mr. Danis put down the phone, and started laughing. He sat down in one of the fuchsia colored couches, and continued to laugh. Carmen forgot the etiquette that was strictly enforced at Helmstead Hall and openly stared at him. He brought himself back into control and started explaining to her.

“Your grandfather owns a clothing store line, Kalore. Most of the clothing we sell used to come from James Morrison, but then two years ago his daughter Madison started her own line, spicy m-n-m. It was huge hit, and she sells only to our store. So, now there’s tough professional competition between them. It’s hilarious.”

Carmen knew the store, and used to shop there. She loved the design line Spicy M-n-M. It was a shock to realize that she was going to employ her favorite designer. She sat down, and tried to make herself look slightly better for the meeting with her favorite designer. She flattened down her wavy hair, which she left loose.

She got herself some orange juice from the fridge and started drinking when a skinny young woman wearing giant sunglasses and an extremely colorful ensemble came through the door, carrying a laptop bag.

She kissed Mr. Danis on the cheek, and sat on the couch, placing her bag on the table. She took out an expensive-looking laptop, and beckoned for Carmen to sit next to her, and opened up a slideshow.

“So, point out the dresses you like, and I’ll have them brought up, so you can see which one you look best in.”

Carmen replied, “Look, I don’t really care about how I look. It’s my grandfather’s funeral. So, I’ll just pick one quickly.”

The dresses were all gorgeous, but Carmen chose a simple one that she liked. Madison seemed slightly disappointed that she had not given importance to fashion. Mr. Danis however seemed satisfied with her choice.

She didn’t bother to try it on, and just had it delivered to her room. Mr. Danis had her luggage delivered there too. She regretted not getting to stay in the Italian mansion, but only until she saw the various amenities of the penthouse. There was a cafeteria downstairs for all the workers, where she had her dinner.

The penthouse had six bedrooms, with attached bathrooms. There was a Jacuzzi in one of the bathrooms. Although it was enormous, the architect had chosen to keep sprawling open spaces instead of creating a larger number of rooms. The living room had a giant plasma TV, and an amazing sound system.

The balcony, which was covered with plants, had a striking view of the entire city. The kitchen was yet another marvel, with a fully-stocked fridge, and a phone that went directly to the kitchens of the cafeteria. Everything was designed with contemporary styles and bright colors.

After she had thoroughly explored the house, she sat down to read. She started reading physics, but realized she was too distracted. She took out her laptop and started to browse the internet. On a whim, she searched her grandfather’s name and opened up a fan site, something she hadn’t expected to see.

Ezekiel Priest (1945-2010) was successful in almost all he did. A giant in the pharmaceutical industry, he also had a string of popular clothing stores (Kalore), and constantly ventured into new fields of business. His fortune is estimated at one hundred fifty billion dollars.

Priest had much worse luck in his personal life. His first son severed ties with the family, not wanting to lead the family businesses. The second son behaved in such a manner that Priest was forced to sever ties with him. As for women, Priest was unfortunate in that aspect. Due to his life in obscurity before he earned his fortune, no one knows the mother or mothers of his two children.

That wasn’t of much use, Carmen thought. But she felt a little bit proud that such a great man had wanted her as his successor.