
For The Love Of God, Shut Up.

".. And so Beetlejuice is free, and the guests are trying their hardest to stop him marrying Lydia, but he keeps on comin', holdin' them off. It was actually the giant snake I told you about that defeated him, knocking him straight through the flo-"

"DiNozzo?" McGee interrupted. "Do you ever stop for air?"

Tony DiNozzo was slumped against the silver metal with his knees drawn against his chest, and his arms were waving as if to explain what his words couldn't. His eyes were a mixture of suspense and pure excitement, as he enthusiastically rambled across the confined space. He recoiled in horror at McGee's question, furrowing his brow and letting his arms drop to the floor of the motionless elevator. "But you said you'd never seen it. It's a classic, McGee."

"Then let me borrow it, save yourself the trouble of reciting the entire script." McGee was standing across from DiNozzo, his back was also pressed against the wall, but his eyes were fixed on the strip of white lights on the roof, and his hands jammed tightly in his pockets.

"You should never waste a talent, Proby."

They had exhausted all comfortable positions and topics of conversation after three hours of being stuck in the elevator, and Tony had taken it upon himself to give McGee a brief run through of his favorite films, much to McGee's horror. The situation arose after a large power cut in NCIS caused the elevator they were riding on to stall, and after rest of the power came on, the agents still found themselves confined. McGee had himself convinced that they had only been discovered as missing after Gibbs attempted get to the lower floor for more coffee, but DiNozzo refused to believe his boss would leave him unnoticed for such a long period of time. This was still over three hours ago, and not once had they heard back from him.

McGee slid down the wall, bending his knees until he was sat on his heels. He watched a now silent DiNozzo with a look of confusion spreading over his features. This was the quietest he had been all night, and Tim would bet his life on it. Spending time in the office was bad enough when DiNozzo was in, but after being in the elevator with him for so long he was starting to appreciate the distance between their desks. He took his hands out of his pockets and lowered himself onto the floor.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

DiNozzo broke his gaze with the floor and looked up at Tim. He took a while to answer, but not once took his eyes away from his. "I.. I wish they had made a sequel."

Tim sighed and rolled his eyes, letting his head to fall back and rest against the wall. His eyes reconnected with the lighting above them. He had counted the glass panels over thirty times, and every time he had counted twelve. *Maybe, if I cross my fingers, the elevator will fall and knock me out. Or Tony. Hopefully Tony.*

Silence filled the elevator for what was the biggest part of two minutes, which in McGee's books was a record for Tony, before the silence was broken.

"Written anything recently?"

The question took Tim by surprise. He lowered his eyes to Tony's and squinted at him; half because he was expecting a put down, but also because the lighting had left a large white block in the center of his vision. All he could muster up to reply with was a simple "Huh?"

"I said" DiNozzo started, in a sarcastic manner. "Have you written anything new recently. Y'know, since the last installment of 'NCIS According to McGoo'."

McGee sensed that Tony was attempting to be genuine, but he was never good with being sincere, hence the accusation. "The book wasn't about you guys, Tony. And yes, just a little."

Tony looked back down to the floor and nodded, twiddling his thumbs. A moment or two passed as Tim was examining the older agent. His light brown hair was messy, sticking up in all directions due to Tony's inability to keep still and his need to fiddle with things when he was bored. *Kinda cute*. His shirt was unbuttoned to half way down his chest, revealing little beads of sweat due to the humidity of the space they were trapped in.

*Sexy*, McGee thought to himself, almost unaware of his train of thought de-railing from their current situation to the way Tony's cheeks were slightly red, and his sleeves rolled to his elbows... He was content in his own little world until his mind caught up with him, pulling him back to reality, and a staring DiNozzo.

"Yes?" Tony questioned.

"McGee's mouth fell open as he tried to think of an excuse for practically stripping Tony with his eyes. "Uuuuhh. Daydream, no bother."

Tony raised his eyebrows and crossed his legs. "Ah, you're dreaming about me McSeductive?" He grinned across the elevator to the now blushing Probie.

"No, Tony. I was wondering how long it will take Gibbs to finally get us out of here." *Good save* he thought as he crossed his legs and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Gibbs isn't an electrician, McGee. And you were biting your lip."

"Maybe I really want to get out of here?"

"I'm really that bad? Fact of the matter, McGee, is that both you and Ziva have been counting on this opportunity for a while, haven't you? Get yourself caught in a confined space with a hot, sweaty Anthony DiNozzo.." He looked up into the lights and hissed "Every woman's dream." McGee let his head rest on his hands and then rubbed them through his hair. "In fact, I bet you broke the elevator just for this chance, didn't you?"

"Yeah, sure DiNozzo, I broke it from in here. With you. I know your investigative skills are a little low standard but I think even you would have seen that."

Tony looked back at him in surprise. Tim hadn't even made an effort to take the piss, only sat there with his head in his hands, sounding stressed. "You're a geek, I'm sure you could have summoned your little elves to turn off the power for this thing." Tony threw himself backwards into the wall which made a loud band to cover up his shouted 'damn'. McGee jumped, but stayed in his position.

See, little did McGee know that DiNozzo wasn't having half a bad time in there. He saw it as quality time with his buddy, but was frequently made aware of the fact that he was annoying McGee, but the tension just made him babble more. McGee was rocking gently now and his fingers were laced around the back of his head.

"MCGEE. Stop it man, you're starting to look crazy." Tim looked up at DiNozzo. His lips were red and full, as if he had been chewing them. His eyes were bloodshot and rough, and DiNozzo knew he had crossed the line. "You wanna just get some rest?" DiNozzo asked, receiving a look of wonder and awe from his partner.

"God, yes."

They both spun around to face the doors of the elevator and layed down next to each other, using their jackets that they had earlier removed as pillows. Tony turned his head to face McGee. "Y'know what movie this reminds me of?"

"If you say Brokeback Mountain, I will kill you."