All Again For You

about a girl

"Mom? I need you to come pick me up." I said into the receiver. I was stuck in a phone booth in the pouring rain, smack dab in the middle of Tempe. And no ride home. "I'm on the corner of East Alpache and South McClintock." She let out a heavy sigh and told me that the shop was too busy for her to leave, and that she would send someone to come pick me up. I didn't question that she would send Garrett. She always sent him, trying to get me to accept him as "more than one of my best friends." As much as she wanted us to become an "item," I couldn't even fathom it, and I was positive Garrett couldn't either.

I never really saw him as more than a friend. A friend that had no shame in making fun of me if I did something wrong, or if I said something that made me look like a complete fool. Sure, we were close, but I'd never even considered the thought of him liking me as more than a friend. I didn't need to worry about that kind of stuff with him or the guys. John and Jared usually teased us, saying we'd make "the most adorable couple in the history of EVER." We'd both just deny it, shake our heads and laugh it off.

As soon as I heard a splash of water and the screech of tires hitting pavement, I stepped out of the phone booth. I was immediately drenched in water, and just my luck, I was wearing a white tank top.

"Get in!" He yelled over the blasting music. Even when it was pouring, he had his windows open, pouring his music out into the streets of Tempe. "Shit, you look terrible." He didn't gape over the fact that he could see through my shirt, and drove.

"Nice to know you have some sympathy in you, Gar." I shot him a look, and he responded with a smirk. That's the way our friendship worked; he'd pretend to have little or no sympathy, while I would reply with a sarcastic remark.

"Always welcome." He turned a corner sharply, skidding. I shielded my face, terrified that we were going to hit something. He laughed, shaking his head. "You're such a baby, Sav."

I didn't respond, not wanting to come up with an excuse as to only be shot back with a rhetorical question of some sort. That was another thing about Garrett; he always knew how to get inside my head. I couldn't hide anything from him, or any of the other guys for that matter.

After a few moments of an awkward silence, I spoke up. "You know, we're going in the wrong direction of my house, right?" He shot me a dumbfounded look, as if I were supposed to know the answer as to where we were going. "Garrett?"

"We're going to my place, then to Charlotte's house for movie night. I'm not letting you stay in wet clothes all night." He sighed, rolling his eyes. My mouth formed an "o" shape, and I remained silent for the rest of the ride.

"You really don't have to lend me your clothes. I can get something from Charlotte, it's fine." I sighed, flopping back onto his bed.

"Savannah, don't get me started." He rolled his eyes, tossing a t-shirt that read "Killer Klowns From Outer Space," on it, as well as a plaid one. "You and I both know that Charlotte is at least two sizes bigger than you. You won't fit into her clothes."

"And what makes you think I'll fit into yours?" I asked, crossing my legs over each other.

"Stop being so difficult, Sav. You've worn my clothes before, and this probably won't be the last time." Before I could reply, he shoved the t-shirt and the spare pair of shorts I kept at his house at me. "Go change, and then let's get going. John's picking the movie tonight, and I wanna make sure he doesn't pick something that sucks." He laughed. I headed into the bathroom attached to his room and changed quickly, throwing my wet hair into a ponytail.

"Okay, let's go." I said quickly, heading down the hall and out towards his yellow car. The rain had let up, and before I could get two words in about it, we were on our way to Charlotte's house.


Movie night at Charlotte's usually meant chaos, food, and a lot of gorey movies. John promised that he wouldn't pick out one that would make me "shit myself," as he put it.

"C'mon, Sav. Saw isn't even that scary, I promise." He wore a grin on his face that I wasn't sure I could trust, but I went along with it, taking my seat on the couch.

Not even twenty minutes into the movie, I wanted to kill John. I was shooting him daggers from across the room, while he on the other hand found it to be hilarious and wore a smirk on his face. I didn't understand how he could watch someone be cut in half by a giant pendulum and not be scared senseless.

I looked up from hiding my head in my knees when I saw it that set me off. Someone's head was trapped inside a glass box and he awoke to it slowly being filled. Without thinking, I reached over and grabbed Garrett's arm. He quickly pulled away, obviously not noticing my shaking fear. I glanced up at him to find him looking back at me, laughing quietly to himself. I slapped his arm and he shook his head, putting an arm around my shoulders. I heard Jared whisper something, and Garrett instantly tense up. I closed my eyes for the rest of the movie, not realizing I'd fallen asleep until someone had said:

"C'mon, Sav. I'm taking you home."
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New story!
I felt like writing about Garrett, so here's the product. I won't be updating as frequently with my other stories, or this one for that matter. I'm hoping to write a few more chapters for each of my others and then ending them, then focus on this one a bit more.

Anyway, comment, rate and subscribe! (: