All Again For You

punch-drunk love.

We rolled up to Kennedy's house in my Viper, people stopping to turn and stare at the little car. Charlotte suppressed a laugh at a boy who looked to be about eighteen as he checked out the car. His expression went from one of awe to one of shock when he saw two girls get out of it. I locked the doors and linked arms with Charlotte as we made our way across the street and front lawn, then into Kennedy's house.

We navigated through the tightly packed space looking for Kennedy. We spotted John by the alcohol, of course, with Jared, while Kennedy played pong with two other guys that I didn't know.

"Char! Sav!" John greeted us, slinging his arms around our shoulders. He already smelled heavily of alcohol. "Damn, you guys are looking fucking awesome tonight." He laughed. "Do you want drinks?"

We both nodded our heads as John mixed our drinks, giving me half Captain Morgan and half Coca Cola. He handed Charlotte a mix of vodka and sprite, something I wasn't too fond of myself. I took a swig, instantly tasting the kick of the liquor through the sweet carbonated drink. Charlotte went off next to Kennedy, kissing him on the cheek as he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist.

Jared made his way over to me, asking the general things like how life was, how the party was and such. He was soon replaced by John, who snaked an arm around my shoulders, making me jump.

"Need another drink?" He asked, pointing to my cup. I nodded, handing it to him.

"Little more Captain this time?"

"You got it, Sav." He winked, taking the cup and filling it with the two same drinks as before. He made his way back over to where I was standing, handing me the drink. I thanked him with a smile and continued to have a few more drinks before Charlotte pulled me away and off to the side.

"There are two extremely attractive boys checking you out right now, Sav." She said in a low whisper. "Look." I followed the direction she pointed in to see a boy in a black v-neck and skinny jeans, his hair straightened and in a slight mohawk. I recognized him as the bassist from Kennedy's old band, Last Call For Camden, but didn't know his name.

"Over there, too." She nudged me. My eyes grew wide as to who she pointed to.

Garrett was standing next to Eric Halvorsen, another one of our good friends with Marie attached at the hip to him. He didn't seem to focus on whatever Eric and Marie were saying, and kept looking over to where Charlotte and I stood. He excused himself and started to make his way over to us.

Before I could react, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned, Charlotte gone and the boy from Kennedy's old band in her place.

"Hi, I'm Stephen," He smiled crookedly.

"I'm Savannah," I smiled back. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, so I decided to give him a chance with talking.

"So I've heard," He smiled. "Anyway, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to dance?" I nodded, taking his hand and pulling him to where people were dancing.

My senses were a bit fuzzy now due to the alcohol intake, but I managed to lead Stephen to the center of the floor. I looked over to see Marie clinging onto Garrett as they danced. I rolled my eyes and turned to Stephen, putting my hands on his shoulders as we moved to the music.

"You're a great dancer," He practically had to yell over the music. I laughed and continued to dance closer to him.

"You're not so bad yourself," I said, leaning closer to his ear. I was being an uncontrollable flirt, and I knew it. I looked to my left discreetly as I could to see Marie leaning in to kiss Garrett. I looked Stephen in the eyes and pulled a bold move- then kissed his cheek. His face flushed a bit before taking me by the hand to go get more drinks.

"What do you like?" He asked once we got to the table. I shrugged, taking off my jacket to expose my bare shoulders. His eyes grazed the neckline of my dress before he caught himself, snapping his eyes up to my face. He smiled, taking two sorts of alcohol and mixing them together with the punch. I took it, smiled and sipped on it, watching the party pass.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked, putting an arm dangerously low around my waist. John saw this, giving me an alarmed look, one that read "Don't get involved with this kid." I laughed and nodded, following Stephen to wherever he was leading me. We passed Charlotte, who also gave me a look to be wary of Stephen.

I wasn't too sure of where we were until I heard a door shut and feel myself being pressed up against a wall.

I wasn't able to breathe, and the intake of alcohol I had consumed wasn't necessarily helping me. He pressed his lips to mine, forcefully for someone of his small physique. I turned my head to the side, but it must have just encouraged him. I started to feel light-headed, my legs getting weaker underneath me as Stephen supported me against the wall. I shut my eyes, hoping he would back off. He didn't show signs of letting up before I screamed, trying to push him off me.

I felt his weight being lifted off of me, an "oof" and another pair of arms around my waist to help me stand properly.

"Are you okay, Savannah?" I couldn't place my name on who was talking to me. I knew I was putting all my weight on someone's shoulders, that was one of the few things that I was aware of. I felt myself being picked up by a pair of much lankier arms than whoever was holding me previously. I shut my eyes, and blacked out.


I awoke to someone playing with strands of my hair, working the knots out of it. Someone's face was pressed into my neck, breathing softly. His other arm was draped around my waist, his fingers barely touching my skin. I shifted slightly, not wanting to get up from his grasp.

"Welcome back from the dead," He said quietly, his arm recoiling from my side. His other hand, however, stayed in my hair, working out one last knot.

"Huh?" I asked, still slightly out of it from last night. I turned to face him once his hand left my hair.

"You blacked out pretty hard last night," He explained. "John and I took you home... well, here, to my house, and then Charlotte came and got you changed cause uh... yeah, and then she had to leave and so did John and then-"

"Garrett, you're rambling." I laughed, causing him to blush just enough to notice. "What happened last night, though? The only thing I can remember is getting there, talking to Stephen and dancing with him."

"Well, I guess he tried to get a few more drinks in you and..." He trailed off, letting my imagination fill in what he was probably thinking. "And then I nailed him in the gut and he got right on my jaw." He smirked, proud of his little 'victory.' I took note of the bruises on the left side of his jaw. I touched them gently, then pulled back my hand.

"What about Marie?" I said in a barely-auidible whisper. "What did she do?"

He sighed, pressing his lips together in a firm line like the night he had given me his jacket. The same jacket I had yet to return to him.

"I was kind of hoping you wouldn't bring her up," He began.

"If you don't want to talk about her, Garrett, then it's fine with me." I protested. I hated pushing people to tell me things that they didn't want to, especially if it had to do with relationships.

"No, no, Sav. It'll help to talk about her, I guess." He rolled on to his back, staring up at his ceiling. I copied him, listening to the sound of our breathing before he spoke again. "She's gone."

"What do you mean? On vacation, you mean?" I asked, slightly confused by his sudden statement.

"She's gone, Savannah. Gone. Out of my life. I went back to the party to get your car and I saw her with another guy, and I let her go. She chased after me crying, saying she made a mistake. But I guess that was what the entire two years of our so-called on and off relationship." I could tell he was thinking hard by the way his eyebrows knitted together.

"A mistake?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. A mistake. Something like that," He said, a smile present in his voice. I turned my head to look at him. His eyes were closed, and hands behind his head, a smile tugging at the edge of his lips. "Besides, someone else has been on my mind for a while now."

My mind started to race just moments after he said those words. I tried to think of all the girls Garrett had talked to within the past month, and I came up drawing a blank.

"You're thinking about something." He stated, his eyes still closed.

"No, I'm not." I protested.

"Liar, yes you are." His piercing blue eyes shot open, and flicked to me, challenging me to argue back.

"How would you even know?" I glared, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay, you get really quiet when you're thinking really hard about something. It's not like the soft quiet you get when you just pause to think of a witty response. It's more of this silence that's hard, in a way. Like it's so sudden and unexpected." He explained. I could feel his breath on my cheek, meaning his face wasn't too far from mine. I turned my head back to him slightly, smirking.

"You know me too well, Nickelsen." I sighed. "You're not going to ask what I was thinking about?"

"I would have, but I know you wouldn't have said anything." He smirked.

"You are correct once again, Mr. Nickelsen." I glanced at the clock on the cable box below his t.v. It was nearly three in the afternoon. "Does my- "

"Mom know you're here? Yep. Charlotte called her and explained the entire situation, and she said once you wake up that she wants to see you."

"I should get going, then." I sighed, getting off Garrett's bed. I gathered up the clothes I wore the other night and headed into the bathroom, did my business and decided not to change. Garrett said I could wear his shirt and shorts and to give them back whenever.

"I'll drive you home. I need to go to Pat's house anyway, and he's only a few blocks from your house." Garrett said, following me out the door of his house and to my car.

"You want to drive my car?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. He looked at me, pleading with puppy dog eyes that could make anyone with a heart melt. "Hmm... I don't know, Gary. This car is a big responsibility." I said with a faint hint of sarcasm in his voice.

He dropped to his knees, tugging on the edge of the shirt I borrowed from him.

"Just one time, please, Savvie. Please please please!" He whined like a little child. I laughed, throwing back my head. I slipped him my keys and went around the the passenger's side door. He pumped his fist in the air in victory and scrambled to get in the car.

He took full advantage of the car's power, dashing through the streets and suburbia neighborhoods. We reached Pat's house in record time, under five minutes rather than the usual ten it took.

"Jesus, you drive almost as fast as me, Gary." I teased as he got out of the car.

"Oh, I beg to differ Miss I-Have-To-Show-Off-My-Awesome-Car-To-Make-Garrett-Jealous-Look-At-Me." Garrett mocked with hand motions. I laughed, going around the the drivers side. I hugged him goodbye and let him enter Pat's house, then sped off back home. My mom was probably worried sick about me.

I let out a heavy sigh as I entered my house, seeing the note from my mom on the living room table.

Dear Savannah-

Garrett told me he took care of you last night. Apparently you talk in your sleep? Funny. Anyway, I'll be at the shop until closing.

When I get home we must talk.

Love you, Mom x

I set the note back on the table and went up the stairs to my room.

I had a feeling that the talk I was going to have with my mother would not be a pleasant one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Savannah's outfit

Oooooooh hehehe.
I felt so bad writing this chapter. Stephen is such a sweetie irl D:
Anyway, shit went downdowndoooown in this chapter. I expect comments >:D
I feel like I'm rambling.
It's almost five in the morning, I should get some sleep.

Comments are mucho appreciated! :3 <3