All Again For You


I awoke to the sound of a soft tapping at my door. I rolled onto my side to look at the clock on my bedside table, which read to be nearly two in the afternoon.

"Come in," I called, my voice still filled with sleep. I stifled a yawn to see my mom in my doorway.

"I'm on the phone with Mrs. Nickelsen. She says that Garrett's locked himself up in his room and won't talk to anyone. Do you know what happened last night?" She asked, covering up the receiving end of the phone.

My eyes must have grown ten times their size. I had no idea that my mom knew I was out last night, and more so that she was letting it slide.

"Well... No, not really. I was talking with Charlotte and then Garrett came over, was going to tell me something and then stormed off." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"She's saying she doesn't know either," My mom switched the phone to speaker so I could hear what Mrs. Nickelsen was saying.

"Okay, it's just that Pa-" She was cut off by a door slamming and Garrett yelling.

"Fucking Christ, mom! Do you have to go play fucking psychiatrist every time I get upset? Stop telling your fucking friends every goddamn thing that goes wrong in my life!" I could hear how upset he was. Had me putting my arm around John's shoulder done something? I listened as best I could, before I heard Garrett shout something, and another door shut.

"It's my fault," I whispered quietly so that my mom couldn't hear. I thought back to when Garrett came up behind Charlotte and I, and what I had said. Oh my god, he must have thought I was talking about him. I made a split second decision.

"Mom, I'm going to Charlotte's. I'll be back soon," I said quickly, changing quickly out of the shirt I fell asleep in and ran out of the house, down the road to Charlotte's.

I made it to her house out of breath, her mother answering the door and letting me in as soon as she saw my face. I smiled at her before continuing upstairs to her room, where she would most likely be on the phone with Kennedy or her brother. I knocked twice before opening the door and peeking my head in. Sure enough, she was sitting in the arm chair by her window and her phone glued to her ear. She looked up and saw me, then let out a small sigh.

"Kenny, I've gotta go. Yeah, Savannah's here. I'll talk to you later, okay?" She smiled. "I love you too." She hung up and placed the phone down on the arm of the chair, waiting for me to talk.

"I feel terrible, Char." I said, taking a seat against the end of her bed. She didn't respond, and let me continue. "Last night... With Garrett. Is that why you told me to stop talking?"

She nodded, twirling a strand of hair that had fallen loose from her ponytail. "Kennedy tried going over there before, and he couldn't even get Garrett to talk. Pat, too."

"Jeez, really?" I chewed on my bottom lip. "He doesn't know that I was talking about John." I said quietly.

"Yeah, but I would give it until tomorrow until you go to talk to him. Wait until he's cooled down some."

"Until I what?" I practically shouted. I knew I was the last person Garrett wanted to see.

"You have to, Sav." She rubbed her eyes in frustration.

"No, I don't. He would have talked to me first, and-" She cut me off before I could finish my sentence, something she had been doing quite often.

"Maybe you just don't see it, Savannah." She sighed. I cocked my head to the side in question. "The kid likes you. And I mean, he really fucking likes you, Sav. And last night, that was when he was going to make a move, and then you didn't stop when I told you to."

"Oh," Was all I was able to choke out. "Then that's different."

"Yeah. So just promise me that you'll talk to him tomorrow?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. I threw my hands up in the air, and agreed to talk to him. "Yay!" She jumped off the chair she was perched on and tackled me to the floor in a hug.

I left Charlotte's later on that night and headed back home, my mother giving me a questioning look as I came in the door looking exhausted.

"John called, you know. As well as another boy, Stephen, I think his name was." She wiped her hands on a dish towel and placed it on the counter.

"Mom, that's the guy who..." I trailed off, hoping she would remember what happened the other night.

"He wants you to call him back," She added quietly. I shook my head violently. I didn't want anything to do with him since that night. "Just call him back and say you're not interested, Savannah. Simple."

"Maybe." I stated before turning on my heels and bounding up the stairs to my room. I shut my door, pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and saw I had three missed calls. Two from Stephen and one from John. I ignored the ones from Stephen, and called John back, laying down on my bed.

He picked up his phone on the third ring, sleep evident in his voice.

"Hello?" He asked.

"My mom said you called, what do you need?" I replied swiftly. He yawned before speaking again, trying to rid his voice of sleep so he wouldn't sound incoherent.

"Oh, erm... I had some... problems, I guess." He said awkwardly. I could tell he was sitting up, scratching that back of his neck. It was an nervous habit he had acquired some years ago.

"About what?"

"Oh... it's about this girl that I met. At Panera. And I guess... I'm going on a date with her tonight?" He squeaked. "I have no clue what to wear or say."

"John!" I squealed in a fit of happiness. "You're going on a date!"

"Shut up! No, not you, Ross." He groaned. "Listen Sav, I need you to come over tonight, okay? Before my... erm, date. Help me pick out something to wear so I don't look like a slob."

"Jeez, you're worse than me," I laughed. "Of course I'll be over. Expect me to be raiding your closet in twenty minutes of so." We said our goodbyes, and I ran to my bathroom to shower quickly. I threw on a pair of shorts, a raglan, and a hoodie. I slipped on a pair of black Tom's shoes as I grabbed my car keys off my desk.

"Mom, I'm going to help John get ready for his date. I'll be back later!" I called, waltzing out the front door to my car. I unlocked the doors, and sped off down to John's house.

"Took you long enough, Sav. I'm freaking out." He bit down on his nails.

"Chill, O'Callaghan." I pushed him away, back into his room after saying a quick 'hello' to his brothers, Ross and Shane. "Now, where are you going?"

"Well, I'm picking Rebecca up and then we're going to Chipolte. After that we're going to a movie." He smiled.

"Ah, so Rebecca's her name?" He nodded, then drifted over towards his closet. "Well, you don't want to be too dressed up. Then it'll look like you're trying too hard." I rummaged through his closet before finding a pair of skinny jeans, and a plaid print shirt. "Here, this should look fine." He took the clothes and went into his bathroom to change. He came out in record time, his hair done and everything. "Damn, JohnOhh, you lookin' fine, boy!"

"I try, I try," He laughed, earning a loud 'Shut up,' and a 'You're not funny' from his brothers passing by in the hall. "Suck my dick, Shane!"

"You're a virgin!" So even Shane knew? I tried to keep a giggle suppressed, but failed miserably.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want." He muttered, sitting down on his bed. "Anyway, erm, last night... what happened? Between Garrett, you and I, I mean." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

I sighed, contemplating where to begin. "I'm not even sure. I remember talking to Charlotte and saying how our friendship is nothing more than just friends, and then Garrett came up behind me I guess and tho-"

"Thought that you were talking about him," He finished, throwing a slight smirk onto his face.

"Yeah. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow, Charlotte said just to give him a day or two to cool down." I leaned back against the wall near his closet, the plaster instantly cooling my skin.

"He really likes you, Sav. And everyone knows that you like him, too. Just... just do what you feel could be right." He said, getting up off the bed. "Now, I've got a date to not be late for. I'll see you around." He smiled, running out of his room and down the stairs.

"What was that about?" Ross asked, appearing the the doorway of John's room. They were about the same height, John slightly taller.

"Nothing, your brother is just fucking insane."

"Whatever, Sav. Anyone could have told me that."
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All I'm gonna say ;D

Rebecca.Andrea, this chapter's for you, girl. Hahah :)

Comments make me wanna write more. Please? <3